56.When They Catch You Cosplaying☁️

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Requested by:@Kiirumi_tojjo ⭐️

. Izuku Midoriya🥦
.Though the kind of cosplay that Izuku tends to truly  enjoy, isn't something that you do oftenly or publicly, he still thinks that your usual cosplay outfits are just as good.

.However, not paying attention to the sign on your bathroom door, Izuku had ended up catching you in the midst of doing your finishing touches for what seemed to be a new, regular cosplay. |"You look great."| Izuku commented, stripping out of his workout clothes. Looking up at him from the bathroom mirror, you smiled. {"Thanks, I worked really hard on this -insert character- cosplay."} you said smiling softly at him while finished up with the last of your makeup.

.Now stepping into the shower, Izuku sighed before turning on what seemed to be cold water. | "I can tell you; well if you need any help, I'll be able to take pictures for you once I'm done."|

.Katsuki Bakugo 💥
.Since Katsuki has actually reluctantly cosplayed with you from time to time, he was totally aware of  you enjoying cosplay, as a hobby, prior to him walking in on you, filming a "-inset character- cosplay get ready with me" video for your YouTube channel.

.Though not wanting to interrupt your video any further, Katsuki quickly grabbed what he needed. |"Your eyeliner actually looks nice."| Katsuki complimented, waving at the camera before kissing you on the forehead and walking out, leaving you sitting there with a huge smile plastered on your face.

.Shoto Todoroki🔥❄️
.Though Shoto was already aware that you cosplay as a fun, yet serious, hobby, he'd only ever seen your cosplays on social media; so when he accidentally walked in on you, taking pictures of yourself, dressed in a -insert character- cosplay, he was completely amazed.

.Standing in your door frame, a pure look of amazement and adoration plastered on his face, Shoto practically struggled to utter out a single word. | "Y-you look amazing."| Shoto awed. Startled, you jumped a bit before looking up at your loving boyfriend, blushing and brightly smiling. |"You know the character?! Do you really think I look good as them?!"| you asked, beaming and looking at him with loving eyes.

.Shaking his head no, he gave you a soft smile. |"I wish I knew who you were cosplaying but you do look incredible."| Shoto said, causing you to blush even brighter. {"Wanna help me take pics?"} you asked, him nodding in response. |"I'd liked that."|

.Eijirou Kirishima🏔

.Prior to Eijirou walking in on you getting out of your -insert character- cosplay, he had no idea that you were even into cosplaying; and if he were being honest, he would have wished for you to have told him. Not that he cosplays himself or anything, but he likes knowing these little things about you.

. |"You should have told me you had a manly hobby like this, you look amazing!"| Eijirou said, overwhelmed in awe. Though a little embarrassed and obviously red in the face, you appreciated your boyfriend's enthused expression. {"I didn't know how you were going to react, but I'm glad that you find this cool as well."} you said smiling softly, overcome with joy.

.Denki Kaminari⚡️
.Being that you and Kaminari tend to cosplay a lot together, usually attending tons of conventions and photo studios as well, Denki has seen you cosplay a fairly good amount of times. Though upon catching you dressed in a -insert character- cosplay, from two of you's favorite show, Denki was kinda heart broken.   |"Angel,why the hell didn't you tell me you were cosplaying -insert character- from -insert show-, you know that's our thing...we could have been a cute couple cosplay."| Denki whined standing in your doorway with crossed arms and a pout.

.Looking at him from where you were standing in the mirror, you chuckled to yourself; sighing as you grabbed a bag from off of your bed. {"Honestly Pichu, shut up, I didn't forget about you, I was just too excited, so tried it on."} you said, handing him the bag as he still stood in the door frame, now, a huge smile was plastered on his face. |"You're lucky that you look so good as -insert character-, so I guess I'll have to forgive you."| Denki playfully said, taking the costume out of the bag.

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