18.When you makeup☁️🍋

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Requested by:@SsComitDancersS ⭐️

.Izuku Midoriya🥦

.After a three weeks of being with out you, he decided to tell his mom about your whole argument, and after to listening to what she had to say, he finally build up the nerve to apologize.

.After class, Izuku sent you a letter in your locker telling you meet him at the park, which you did, and once you got there, Izuku was waiting for you while sitting on one of the park benches.

.So after having a little pep talk in your head, you sat next to him and surprisingly, he wasn't crying, but you could tell that wasn't himself.
| "y/n your right, I should spend more time with you, your my girlfriend and Ochako isn't, so I'm sorry that I've made you feel as you were a ghost or a fly on a wall."|

.After hearing his apology, you were the one who was actually in tears and so you also decided to apologize and after you both apologized to each other, you both sat there on the park bench for a little while longer, just to cuddle and laugh about stuff.
.Katsuki Bakugo 💥

.After a week of being with out you, he started feeling extremely guilty and he knew that he couldn't stand not seeing you sleeping in his bed.

.So one night when you were in your dorm, Katsuki all of barged in with his eye white the color of Kirishma's hair since he had been balling his eyes out for at least five days straight. |"y/n I'm sorry, your totally right, I shouldn't call my mom a hag and I promise that if we get married I will never call you that."|

.Upon hearing Katsuki apologizes for once, you pulled him in a hug before kissing his cheek. {"I forgive you and of course we're getting married."}
.Shoto Todoroki🔥❄️

.Upon seeing you open his dorm room door, Shoto quickly grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap, while cuddling you. | "y/n I didn't mean that, I'm sorry and right now I really need you since my whole world feels like it's coming apart and I really need you since you always make feel as though I'm not entirely cold and broken inside, so please don't leave."

.Hearing him say that caused a tear to part from you eye as you looked into his eyes before smiling. | "God, I love you so much."|
.Eijirou Kirishima🏔

.Even though you did ask Eijirou to leave, he decided not to since he felt as though you really needed him right now, and he was right.

.Not even a second after, you ran into his arms apologizing and telling him everything while sitting in the hall way of your house. | "y/n your not weak, your incredibly strong in a ton of ways and I'm extremely lucky to have someone as strong as you.
.Denki Kaminari⚡️

.After thinking about how paranoid he was being while not being with you for four weeks, he decided to apologize since he was extremely wrong.

.So while you were surprisingly working on a new blu print for Denki's hero costume, Denki walked in and stood right next to you. |"I was extremely paranoid y/n because since your so amazing I thought that you would want someone who's probably smarter than me, so I kinda freaked out, so could you ever forgive me for being such an idiot."| {"I told you that I love you, so I will forgive you, only if you promise to not do that again."} | "I promise."|
.Hanta Sero😬

.After your second bag of potato chips, you noticed that there was a note taped to your third bag, so you decided to read it. |"Hey Brat, I know that you have a really big test coming up and I know you'll do great, even without eating twelve of these (potato chips)."|

.And after reading that note, you decided to text him.

{My Love ❤️}: Hey I'm sorry for yelling at you, I know now that you were only looking out for me.

|My Love ❤️|: Duh, Of course I was you little brat, now I'm coming over to help you study, if that's okay.?

{My Love ❤️}: That's perfect😘

.Plot twist, you two never actually studied *wink* *wink*
.Hitoshi Shinso😪

.Through out the whole night while sleeping on the couch, Hitoshi reflected and saw how he was wrong for not paying attention to you.

.So while you were in the kitchen cooking the two of you breakfast, Hitoshi decided to sneak and hug you from behind. |"I thought about what you said all night, and your right, like why should I be paying attention to all of these cats, when my Kitten is the one who actually needs me. So I'm sorry for not listening to you."|

.Upon hearing him apologize, you smiled as you turned around to look at him before passionately kissing him. {"Apology accepted, but your still getting the smaller pancake."} |"Okay as long I can get another kiss, I'm fine."|
.Neito Monoma🐱

.After being without you for a day, Neito felt extremely lost, so right when he saw you getting books from you locker.

.He did something he would never do which is apologize. | "Listen up class 1A my girlfriend who is in the better class which is of course 1B, thought that I was extremely out of hand from yesterday and she's right, I'm s-s-s-s-s-s-Sorry!"|

.Well I guess love does make you do things you would have never thought about doing, but it was worth it, since he did get a kiss at the end of all of that.
.Yuga Aoyama✨

.After hearing your statement, he did make it seem as though you did only want on thing that sure as heck wasn't love and he wanted to change that.

.Out of no where, Yuga pinned you to the wall before passionately kiss your lips and making his way down your neck.

.And after your amazing night, you totally did forgive him and even more when you woke up to his arm protectively wrapped around you.

.Tamaki Amajiki🐙

.Upon hearing those words, you immediately let out a chuckle before passionately kissing him. {"Tama listen, Mirio has nothing on you and I'll always be yours."}

.And unlike ever other night that the two of you are intimate, you took the lead this time since you wanted Tamaki to know how much you mean to him.

.And after your little passionate session, Tamaki kissed you on your forehead before cuddling you into his chest. |"Y/n I love you so much."| {"I love you more.} |"No I do, now go to bed Sunflower."|

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