55.Flaws With Dating Them💔

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❤️These flaws don't all have to be bad, they're just flaws in the sense they cause great stress or anger for y/n❤️
⚠️Mentioning of strong mental health related obstacles⚠️

. Izuku Midoriya🥦
-Toxic Positivity-
.Like anyone else, you of course appreciate having someone, that someone being your partner, who expresses a rather positive outlook on life as whole. Like rather than dwelling on the bad, they tend to try to find the good in everything and anything. However, that behavior can get pretty annoying and almost even toxic at times, especially when that person, Izuku in this case, tends to look over your own feelings and emotions.

.Like for instance, something majorly drastic could happen and you'd in term start to feel extremely annoyed or upset about the whole situation, and of course wanting to vent your frustrations, you'll sometimes express your emotions to Izuku. Yet instead of understanding or validating your emotions, he'll in term tell you how you should act instead; in which in point ever turns out to be good.

.And though you've talked with him about this behavior on numerous occasions, Izuku hasn't done much to change, maybe since it's just how he tends to cope with things, but because of this, you decided to just stop talking to Izuku about your emotions as a whole.

.Katsuki Bakugo 💥
.After have being kidnapped by the league during UA's camping trip, Katsuki has never been the same;and on certain nights when the atmosphere feels way too eerily quiet, Katsuki tends to freak out, pushing a dresser or anything heavy up against, his or your, room door; and that's just the beginning.

.He'll beg you to sleep next to him on the floor, since it's farther away from the window: and that's if he even sleeps at all; usually he'll just cling to you,crying and trembling in fear while begging you not to tell anyone that he acts like this.

.And of course you'll never fault him for his behavior, since you, for the most part, understand. However, you'd be lying if you had said that this behavior wasn't talking a toll on your own mental health as well; since along with the sleep deprivation, you've also been heavily stressing over the fear that he'll never move past his trauma.

.Shoto Todoroki🔥❄️
-Constant Reassurance-
.Though you usually have zero reservations when it comes to showering your  self conscious boyfriend with all the reassurance that he needs in order to get by, you would be lying if you said that at times, that always giving reassurance wasn't slightly annoying.

.I mean of course you'd sometimes wish that instead of coming to you for a confidence booster, he could just gain it innately by looking at himself in the mirror or just giving himself a quick pep talk; or rather than having to constantly tell him how much you love and adore him, he could just interpret that from your actions and move on.

.Though alast, you understand that that's not how Shoto works and that having the need for constant reassurance, is just something that comes with having him as a partner.

.Eijirou Kirishima🏔
-Body Dysmorphia-
.It's no doubt to you nor anyone that Kirishima takes a ton of pride in his appearance. You've even seen first hand how he spends hours in the gym working to sculpt his figure, as well as maintain a healthy diet to assist in his goals. Yet over the past months, you started realizing that many of the goals and regiments that Ejiirou put in place to reach these tasks, were starting to more harm than good.

.However, knowing how much Eijirou cares for his vanity and the amount of confidence that he gains from up holding it, you've never felt right coming to him to discuss his heavy hours of working out or the absurd comments you overhear whilst he's talking to himself in the mirror; though knowing that your boyfriend is subconsciously hurting himself, still terribly makes you sick to your stomach.

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