34.Villian Mind Controlled💔

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Requested by:@Aphmeow2300 ⭐️
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

|How they reacted to finding out that y/n was brainwashed into becoming a villain|

. Izuku Midoriya🥦

.Knowing that he couldn't do anything or undo what had happened to you, made Izuku feel so helpless that he ended up breaking down into tears. |"How am I supposed to be the reason why people smile, I can't even do anything to save the love of my life."| Izuku said as tears began to flood his eyes.

.Katsuki Bakugo 💥
|Went on a Rampage|

.After hearing about what had happened, Katsuki couldn't contain his anger and ended up destroying the entire dormitory. Luckily everyone had evacuated before he had blew his fuse. |"When I find the Bastards who did this, I'm going the kill every last one of them!"| Katsuki Yelled as he blew up another window.

.Shoto Todoroki🔥❄️
|Over Sleeping|

.After Hearing the news, Shoto was completely heart broken and though he felt like crying he couldn't bring himself to tears, so sleeping was next "best" thing. His heart just ached too much for him to even make an attempt to get out of bed on certain days. Izuku["Good morning Todoroki Kun, I'm glad that you could make it out of bed."] Izuku said as he handed him a hot cup of instant ramen. |"Nothing is good about this morning, but I'm glad see that your still smiling."| Todoroki said as he took the ramen cup and went back to his room.

.Eijirou Kirishima🏔
|Over Exercising|

.After being told the news by Mr.Aizawa, Kirishima couldn't stop thinking about it. So as a way of keeping his mind preoccupied, he amped up his workout routine. Although he knew that over exercising can actually harm him, he continued to amp up his workout. |"80 more pushups and 40 crunches won't hurt, I just need to shake off this painful feeling"| Kirishima said as he continued working out.

.Denki Kaminari⚡️
|Played Video Games|

.Upon hearing the news, Denki felt as though his world was turned upside down. He couldn't shake his feeling of frustration nor his sadness, so he resorted to the only thing he knew best, video games. Although it seemed like a typical thing for Denki, it was the only way he could cope. Sero["Denki take a break bro, you've been on that game since yesterday."] Sero said as he stood in Denki's door way. |"This is the only thing that's keeping me from breaking down right now, so I'm good."| Denki as he payed his attention to the tv screen.

.Hanta Sero😬
|Skipped Class|

.After being told the news, Sero began to feel pretty numb. The stuff that he enjoyed doing, didn't make him happy anymore and when it came to school, he just had zero interest in it.
So when class would start, he would leave the dorms and sit out in the woods until school was over.

.Aizawa["I know that you're upset Sero and if it was up to me, I would allow you to skip as much as you want,however, Principal Nezu has instructed me to tell you that if you don't start attending class, your parents will be notified."| Aizawa said as he sat in the woods with Sero.
|"Mr.Aizawa, at this point, I don't even care anymore."| Sero said as he held in his tears.

.Hitoshi Shinso😪
|Blamed Himself|

.After hearing the news, Shinso blamed himself, although he was able to reverse it, he couldn't stop beating himself up about what had happened.

|"Hitoshi, you're such an idiot, how are they supposed to call you their protector when you weren't even there to protect them!?!"| Shinso said in his head as he looked himself in the mirror with disgust.

.Neito Monoma🐱
|Lashes Out|

.After hearing about what had happened, Neito became so overwhelmed with stress and emotions that he just became a ticking time bomb. Kendo["Dude chill out, don't worry so much about what happened, everything will be fine"] Kendo said as she placed her hand on his shoulder. |"Kendo, Don't tell me to chill, it wasn't YOUR partner that got brainwashed, so don't try an give me that sappy bullshit!"| Neito yelled as he shrugged Kendo off of him before walking out.

.Yuga Aoyama✨
|Over Thought|

.After hearing the news, Yuga had no idea on what to do. He had so many questions and thoughts, but he was never given answers.  Sometimes he would allow his terrible thoughts to take over his mind, keeping me at absurd hours of the night. |"What if they can't bring them back to their regular mindset, will I lose them forever?"| Yuga whispered to himself as stood out on his balcony.

.Tamaki Amajiki🐙
|Stopped Eating|

.After overhearing what had happened to you, Tamaki couldn't bring it upon himself to eat, even when he tried to, it just felt as though his stomach was refusing it in sorrow. Nejire["Come on Amajiki, it's been three days you have to eat something, what would Y/N think if they knew you were starving yourself?"] |"They would think that I'm probably an idiot. But I just can't eat, I'm in too much pain."| Tamaki said as he placed his head on the cafeteria table while sulking.

.Fumikage Tokoyami🔮& Mezo Shoji💪


.After hearing the news, Tokoyami was devastated. However, he didn't intentionally try to isolate himself, he just didn't want to bring anyone's mood down, especially Shoji's since he knew that he probably wasn't taking the news lightly. So as an easy answer to his problems, he just stayed locked up In his room.
Jiro["Hey Tokoyami, are you doing okay, everyone's worried about you?"]Jiro said as she knocked on his room door. |"G-go away, I don't want you all to worry about me."|

Shoji|Bottled Up His Emotions|

.From after seeing the state that Tokoyami was in, after hearing the news, he decided that keeping everything to himself would be the best option and besides he was used to keeping things bottled up. So instead of giving himself time to get his frustration out, he pretended that everything was okay.

Mr.Aizawa["How are you holding up after being told the news?"] Aizawa said after waiting for the rest of the class to leave.
|"I'm fine,you and principal Nezu already said that you're getting things under control so, I'm doing fine." Shoji said as he tried his best to keep a cheerful tone.

.Tenya Iida🏃
|Gets Careless|

.It really had struck a cord for Tenya,after hearing the news, so much to the point that his usual law abiding, uptight personality was some how erased and replaced with a more miserable and nonchalant one. He didn't seem to care about the crazy things that his class did, even when they purposely tried to get him to react.

Izuku["Oh no, I accidentally broke another bone."] Izuku said as he held his and as though it was broken. |"Be more careful or something."| Iida said as he laid back in his chair and yawn.

(I hope you enjoyed💕💕, Still Practicing on my Angst Writing😁)

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