36.When They Wish You A Happy Birthday☁️🍋

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🎂Since It's My Birthday, I decided To Give You All Something Special🎂

. Izuku Midoriya🥦

.Since you were already planning to spend the night at Izuku's on your birthday, Izuku and his mom decided it would be a good idea to throw a party for you, even if it would only be the three of you. Upon your arrival, you were more than thankful to your boyfriend plus his mom, popping party poppers and singing happy birthday to you as you walked in.

.{"Aww, this is so sweet of you."} you said gratefully as you placed your "over night" bag next to the door. Inko["Happy Birthday Sweetie!"] Inko said happily as he popped another popper Izuku["Yeah,happy birthday Cinnabun."] Izuku said happily as he held you close before kissing your forehead.

.Katsuki Bakugo 💥

.Although it seems a bit out of character for him, Katsuki decided to plan an entire surprise party while you were out running a few errands. Although it was a lot of work for Katsuki to decorate your parents entire kitchen and invite everyone, it was all worth it to see your face when you entered the house.

.{Oh My, You shouldn't have!"} You said in excitement as you saw everyone pop out from their hiding spots. ["Don't be stupid Dumbass, it's your birthday after all."] Bakugo said as he handed you a small box. {"I-Is this a bracelet!"} You said happily as you looked up at him. ["Y-yeah it's just a place holder for the promise ring I'm saving up for...h-happy birthday Dumbass."]

.Shoto Todoroki🔥❄️

.For your birthday, Todoroki made reservations for an expensive restaurant, just for your special day, but when his siblings and parents found out about his plans, they of course decided to tag along.

Text Message:

Personal AC Unit🥰❤️: Hey sweetheart, are you ready to go?

Sweetheart💕:Just give me a few minutes and I'll be at the door❤️

Personal AC Unit🥰❤️:Well I'll be sitting here waiting for you...and I'm sorry that it couldn't be just us together.

Sweetheart💕: It's okay, I like hanging with your family😊💕

Personal Ac Unit🥰❤️: You're too cute❤️

Sweetheart💕:I'm at the door!

-Text Message Ended-

.After Todoroki picked you up from your house, the two of you spent next 45 minutes in the back of a fancy limousine, drinking sparkling grape juice until you made it to the restaurant where his parents and siblings were waiting for you both. Once inside the restaurant, you all shared small conversation over a fancy meal until the cake came out.

.Natsuo["Happy birthday soon to be little sis/bro/sibling."] Natsuo said as he smiled in your direction. Fuyumi[Yeah happy birthday little sister/brother/sibling."] Fuyumi said as she slid your present to you above the table. Rei["It's from all of us...even from that grumpy old man right there." Rei said as she nudged Enji.

.Enji["Happy birthday y/n...and I'm sorry for the past things I said, you'll make a great daughter/son/child in law."] Enji said as he almost gave you a smile. {"Aww thank you all so much."} You said while opening your gift, revealing a small locket in the shape of a flame. ["Just wait till I get you home, I'll show you how to really celebrate~."] Todoroki said while whispering in your ear causing chills to go down your spine as he helped you out with your locket.

.Eijirou Kirishima🏔

.Although video calling wasn't ideal for your special day, you couldn't really do anything since your parents insisted on you being with family on your birthday. But although you couldn't really be face to face, it still felt as though Kirishima was right there with you.

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