A very usual day

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Laughing, spoon clicking and chattering of students could be heard in cafeteria. Chlidren making fun of eachother or maybe bullying others was all about the Lunch break, but some students would actually come to eat though.
Wooyoung sat with his friends mingi yeosang and jongho at the end of cafeteria so no one would disturb them.

jonho yelled at mingi who stole his favourite cutlet, While wooyoung was trying to shut them through screaming.
"I see this shit everyday"

yeosang said shaking his head not bothering to interfere between the 'adults'.

"Istg mingi and jongho if y'all try to yell one more time I'm eating all of your food."

Wooyoung said slumping down on his chair and brushing his hair.

"HAHAH eat everything you want and come swollen to today's party"

jongho replied in very bitchy tone to which mingi and yeosang choked on their food gasping air due to laughing so hard. Wooyoung slumped down more because he was  made fun by their maknae.
" Huh, I look good enough even if become swollen, okay?"
Wooyoung said while making a V with is fingers.

" You're referring to yourself as those cute, chubby pigs?"
Yeosang gasped cutely while covering his mouth to which wooyoung was now trigger.

"STOP MAKING FUN OF ME YOU CLOWNS" wooyoung exclaimed getting sad, mingi chuckled at how easily younger got sad.

"Yah yah we're kidding, everyone here knows how good-looking you are" mingi said while putting fake glasses on, to which jongho nodded in agreement.

"Mingi states facts y'all" yeosang said while chewing on this food.

"Aww" wooyoung hid his face in his plams, being shy.

"Guys, now he's overreacting, let's go Lunch is about to end"

Jongho grabbed his plate and everyone did the same heading to exit the cafeteria.

"Mean" wooyoung said.

While these four were heading to keep their plates wooyoung infront of them leading the 3 and mingi was telling about how badly his mom scolded him for not doing the dishes to which jongho and yeosang High-fived.
As wooyoung was walking he saw the least person he wanted to see. San walking with a plate full of foods in his hand not looking in direction he was going in, while talking to yunho about something. Wooyoung's eyes darkened than earlier when he was with his friends, he was purposely walking in san's direction. Anger raging in his eyes.

Wooyoung and san could never get along, never. He hated san so did san hated wooyoung. They felt same, ever since san's father died when he was in first year of high school Sam had become emotional less, cold and stern. His father's death hit him hard, it was like taking all his feelings from his heart and replacing it with emptiness. San felt empty so empty that he would never talk to anyone apart from his friends san gradually started distancing himself with the people who were happy, he lost his happiness, his father. He would either get angry around them or would distance himself. This is what wooyoung hated about san, he never saw san happy except with his friends, why couldn't he be like every one else is? Normal. Why can't he just quit being so cold? Whenever san bullied wooyoung or had fight among themselves san would either smirk with dominance or would show anger. Oh lord wooyoung hates san to death. Unnecessary fights, bullying, arguments wooyoung found these fun because he knew how bad it would trigger san and san too would find opportunities to beat up or bully wooyoung, wooyoung hated people who possessed negative vibes, so he hates san so much. It wasn't like san possessed some sort of negative vibes, but he was cold and icy so wooyoung didn't like it at all.

Jongho noticed how wooyoung paced in san's direction and gave others some signal about what's gonna happen, the at the moment yunho and seonghwa made a eye contact with wooyoung's friend and got some sort of a same signal seonghwa and hongjoong nodded their heads which was strange. What could it be that they are implying about?

Wooyoung purposely bumped into san's chest and slyly smirked at him, "Oh shit. Didn't saw the rat coming my way."
San's eyes darkened at the remark, getting how badly wooyoung wanted to fight or maybe kill the boy infront of him. His jaw clenching, which wooyoung found intimidating and got a hint that san was now triggered.

"Mind your business and get fucking going.", San growled looking intensely at the younger.

"Then move out of the way,"

"I won't."

"MOVE I SAID" wooyoung yelled, fortunately cafeteria wasn't much crowded and there were hardly few students cuz Lunch was over and yet they are here making a scene.
Mingi signaled yunho about something and seonghwa nodded at the tension between wooyoung and san.

"Easy there, little one. I don't want to rip off your mouth at moment, get lost" san chuckled.

"Ah san gimme your plate I'll set it over the table, right guys?"
Yunho said nervously laughing to which few 'yes' were Heard and san's friends were now seated at the table digging in their cold food. Wooyoung's friend gave a excuse that they have a project coming up and wanted to work on it, to their luck wooyoung nodded.

Now it was only san and wooyoung, san leaning closer in younger's face and wooyoung didn't even bother to back away.

"I would ask you to stop triggering me over little shits and mind your own business so I wouldn't beat you till pulp."

San crepply growled at wooyoung's lips to which wooyoung frowned and felt shivers down his spine at how close san's lips were and closed his his eyes, gaining a chuckle form the older, san wouldn't ever do this either he would punch him in the face or make him trip. Wooyoung wondered what happened cuz he badly wanted to have a fight with san.

Soon san left him alone standing there and went to his friends,"sorry my lovely friends someone kept annoying me" san taunted.
Wooyoung fisted his hands due to the immense anger rising in him and Left the cafeteria.


It was 8 in the evening, hongjoong wore his cap and masked his face and closed the door of his house and came  out Calling someone "Meet me in the tree house, call everyone there." Ending the call he marched to the tree House, suspiciously glancing over little things around him, trying not to get caught by someone.
After 20 minutes of walking he was in front of the tree House, which was located in a area where population was not much, there were houses which were abandoned and very few people actually lived there. Trees surrounding the tree House, it was night so it's brezzy outside, horns and vehicle noises could be faintly heard in the background. A yellow street light in the area made the place looks minimalist and peaceful. Fairy lights wrapped lightly around the tree house made it look surreal, old and screechy yet strong wood of the tree house gave a creepy energy but as soon as the eyes would fell upon the minute details of the exterior design, it was like s dream.

Hongjoong entered through the rusted metal gate making a screech sound.
Climbing the stairs in ᵁʷᵘ ᵗᶦⁿʸ, humming a melody when suddenly he froze when he felt a hand on his shoulder, dread in his stomach rising at its peak,who could it be? no one knew this place existed here, was this the time he could possibly get caught after 2 years of hiding? Uncertainty.

He heard multiple ugly laughs and chuckles coming from behind, he stumbled and turned around sighing he clenched his chest with his hands, feeling the dread go away.

"Why are y'all here so early I should be the first when I called you in the first place, AUUGH!"

whom is hongjoong talking to? ;)

( I'll be updating the next part in 2 days ig, cuz school is shit I hope you enjoy this, there's lots of parts coming soon!!!
This isn't a sad book, I hate sad shit, this fun and Fun,! You'll get to know! Please tell me in the comments about what I lack and my mistakes 💕 )

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