love me

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Restless days, sleepless nights and melancholy was everything san could feel from past three days. The boys haven't talked to each other still san tried to text wooyoung and initiate a small talk but wooyoung never replied to his any of the texts.

San looked so tired and restless due to continuous influx of feelings. After hearing what wooyoung said san was all fucked up by his feelings, he wanted to be with him but at the same time he didn't wanted to because he's cruel he knew it.
But at the same time he knew he wouldn't get another chance to be with younger or even be his friend he felt like wooyoung would slip away from his life which is gradually taking place, wooyoung was staring to distance himself from san trying so hard to forget san but that was way past his will. Every time wooyoung shook his head to stop thinking about san he would end up imagining san's face his small yet pretty eyes, his smile that would lit up wooyoung's whole mind! His plump lips.

San couldn't conclude his thoughts on younger but he was thinking about this one thing, what if he let's everything go and be with wooyoung? What if one day or tomorrow wooyoung would cut ties with him? Forever? San won't be able to imagine his days in slump.

San was already a lone soul and if wooyoung goes away from him, san would be completely heartbroken than he already is, san could himself feel how barely he smiles with byeol, how he's always zoned out and most importantly he's lost. He's lost somewhere deep in wooyoung's world without any exit. He's been feeling very sad as the amount of melancholy is surrounding san is unbelievable.

He wants to be loved, he wants someone to complete the emptiness inside him that's been haunting him since years.
He wants to feel content and happy for just once.
His psychology about suffering enough and then getting happy ever after was total fail, he thought that everything he's going through right now will be worth in future,,, he'll be happy once this suffering of unknown melancholy and emptiness will disappear. But he was slowly giving up on maintaining this type of a psychology due to his constant weak heart.


3.....4....5....6 days have passed.

San has confirmed his feelings, he concluded his thoughts, finally. He concluded that if he's not grabbing get  opportunity to be with younger now he'll never get his presence back. There's no way san is letting wooyoung slip away from his life, no way.

The browns of wooyoung's eyes, his Purples of hair, his reds of mouth and glow of face,,, all seem to fade away from the influx of feelings. He was pale although he was healthy he still looked pale, tired. He was going through hell and back just to be able to have san by his side, yet he couldn't do anything about it he can't just ask san to like him.

It's not possible to make other feel the same as you, it's not.

And upon seeing wooyoung in school all sad and pale without any laugh or smiling tugged on his face, made san more sad and his feelings more concentrated.
He hated seeing wooyoung like this, unhappy,, wooyoung was always a type of cheerful and loud ass guy but seeing him like this broke san more than anything.


Loud ass wooyoung






Tell me baby?

Come to my apartment

Right Now?
What happened? Are you alright?

Please just come

Sannie what happened?

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