are we falling apart?

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Something's happening to wooyoung, he's drowned in his thoughts about san and he can't seem to come out of it anytime soon.

Wooyoung's been thinking about san a lot recently how his stomach would explode inexperienced and weird feeling upon seeing san after kissing him twice. He didn't seem to conclude his thoughts, he wanted more of san not just kiss and desires he actually wanted to be with him more than that. Why? Why was he feeling like this?

'I shouldn't feel something bullshit like this, I can't fall for him no I can't. After years of bullying him and constantly annoying shit outta him, I can't just feel something really weird like this it would only make me a idiot. I can't fall for him, but there's something about him that's constantly making me uneasy. His eyes I wanna make him look at me warmly rather than his cold eyes, I wanna be with him when he's alone. AH SHIT! I can't feel this, you can't Jung wooyoung.'

Wooyoung's constant attempts to be able try to erase that growing dread failed miserably. He only made it worse.


San's eyes closed his face dugded into duvets and pillows.
Eyes closed but his brain functioning like a miniac on the thoughts of younger.

San kept thinking about wooyoung, why did he kiss him? moreover why twice? Why did wooyoung said sorry to him?
He slapped him in the face then he himself caressed his cheek so lovingly that san wanted to feel wooyoung's warmth again,a little more.
San's mind going crazy at the scenarios Popping in his little brain about wooyoung kissing him so eagerly yet passionately, how thier lips moulded perfectly with each other, god san's confused, wooyoung's making him confused.

'Does he perhaps like me? No way! That shit can't be happening, he can't just like me after what I did to him ik how much he hates me but that's wrong of him if he's trying to imply that. Why the fuck did you kiss me Jung! We can't be friends at all I don't know how you're gonna forgive me for what I've done or maybe you may not but you can't like me. You can't.'


It's been 4 days since wooyoung and san met on the rooftop and had thier time, wooyoung didn't dared to go near san he knew he'll end up either falling for him which he's trying hard not to or else he'll end up kissing san in the hallway infront of everyone.

Wooyoung tried to avoid san and pretty much he is succeeding in the task, whenever san was around him he'd either act like sleeping or runaway from the sight.

San's been confused, he didn't saw wooyoung bullying or annoying him from past 4 days he's kinda missing that feeling of younger always making him lose his mind over shit.
He felt incomplete? That same empty feeling of being Left upon starting to take over san after a very long time.
And san is not feeling well about that he really doesn't want to feel that empty, trash-like feeling that's been gone.

It was Lunch time as wooyoung excused himself from his friends and said them he has a business to do, now he's sitting in the a empty class room with a poem book in his hands as he's flipping through the pages not even taking a glance at them, too busy in collecting his thoughts when he finds a thing related to him on the book.

I felt a feeling...
I couldn't express...
It hurts...but it's great...
It's painful...but it's worth it...
Every word I think of...
Just about to put it down...
It's total opposite...
Comes by my mind....
I find it also fit to use...

Wooyoung hears the door creak open he shuts his book in instant when he sees who the person is, it's san.
He was a unreadable expression on his face which wooyoung couldn't figure out as san slowly walks towards the younger.

"I've been looking for you." San said looking at the younger who's sitting on the desk infront of him, wooyoung panicked as he started to shove the book in his backpack and got up from his seat making san confused.

"I need t-to go, my friends are waiting!" Wooyoung said making san mad who came all the way here to look for him.

"You've been running away a plenty of times now. I'm not blind wooyoung." San said grabbing wooyoung's arm stopping him by going ahead any further.

San's eyes held something that wooyoung couldn't understand it wasn't something like cold nor angry.

'san please don't do this, I'm trying to get away from you as much as I can, I'm trying to forget what's been haunting me about you and yet here you are making me feel all those things that no one could, stop this.' Wooyoung thought

"San stop-" wooyoung stopped when he saw san looking at him so intensely yet his eyes didn't held those cold looks, wooyoung's stomach doing a flip at the sight.

"Where have you been from past 4 days?" San raised his brow questioning the younger hoping he would get one of the answers he's been looking for.

"Nowhere." Wooyoung replied making san more frustrated than earlier.

"I was looking for you all the time and you didn't even come to b-"
san stopped in the middle, realising what he's saying and for what purpose he came for. He shouldn't come here if he didn't care right? Did he want wooyoung to be around him?
Did he want wooyoung to Annoy or atleast stay by his side?
He's confusing himself.

A sad smile forming on wooyoung's face as san thought what made him like this.

"Why were you looking for me? Why do you care where I've been? Does that really affect you?" Wooyoung said Hoping san would say yes to atleast one of his questions, to his dissappointment san stayed still his hand still gripping wooyoung's arm.

Wooyoung stepped forward to place his hand on san's which is on wooyoung's arm, for once san liked the warmth of someone's hand.

"Think about it san, you wouldn't come here all the way just to ask me to be annoying or is it something else you're feeling?" Wooyoung stated for the last time before squeezing san's palm lovingly and dissappearing from san's sight.

San looked at his plam which was a little warm by how gently younger held it actually liking it for once.

Why did san come here? Why? Why? Why? Wooyoung kept thinking this hoping the older felt something like him too so that he can atleast wish for being by san's side.

Wooyoung wanted to cry so badly at this point, too bad he can't he really wanted to know why san was looking for him?

San on the other hand was drowned in his thoughts upon seeing how badly wooyoung was hurt just by seeing his sad smile he knew this all too well, san's been through it.
San's heart aching at the recalling scene of wooyoung's broken smile his stomach again making him feel that empty feeling.



I'm back with a good chapter y'all, hope you'll feel the feelings that I poured in this shit.




Take care 💕


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