choi san is pissed off

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Clock is ticking, time is passing second by second.
40 minutes...30....25...20.

Wooyoung was in the math lecture, they had a very serious test today which would result in their grades and wooyoung did not wanted to get failed. He never did failed he was pretty smart at almost every subject but math was a little confusing for him, but heey it didn't mean he scored less.
Unfortunately or fortunately san was in the same room with him in fact he was sitting write behind him deadly focused on the test, they were in Same class for maths and godd san loved mathematics he always topped off with  gold grades.
Wooyoung hated the fact that he had to stay in the same class with san and see him being a total professional in mathematics. San spent 3 days studying for the test without any break he did procastinate a lot but it only resulted as a motivation for him, san wanted to give his best for this he worked his ass off for it there's no way he's letting this slip away.

Tick-tic tick-tic tick-tic tick-tic tick-tic, san kept tapping his pen on the desk, trying very hard to solve that one equation that triggered him 'why the fuck is this so hard, I swear I studied this shit' san thought trying to remember the equation, erasing and writing again only to erase it once more on his rough sheet. He kept tapping his pen on the desk anxiousness eating him all the way up.

"Can you freaking stop doing that!?" Wooyoung yelled making few students turn their head to them. The teacher glanced at them thinking that wasn't much for a problem to punish them, san still kept tapping his pen not minding the frustrated younger.

"I told you to stop doing that, it's annoying can't you hear me!?" Now he yelled loud enough to grab teacher's attention.

"Mind your own business, that's not my problem if it's annoying" san growled lowly not even bothering to look back at the younger. Older's behaviour annoyed wooyoung, how is he so clamed when I'm trying to make an argument?

"Bet you're gonna fail with it!" He smirked slightly kicking san's chair to make it stumble.
San death glared at him which in return he only gained a sly smirk from the younger.

"Don't mess with me right now." San said in dangerously cold tone his dark eyes piercing straight through wooyoung's. Not caring at how many glances they were getting.
" Or else?" Wooyoung said clearly testing san's patience.
"Or else I wouldn't mind killi--"

"YOU TWO OUT OF THE CLASS, NOW!" Teacher yelled making san extremely worried, no way, he can't lose this chance for test he can't.
"You two have been making a scene from a long time, I recommend you two to go out of the class and carry-on your act there, now!" She said yelling out the last part more strictly.

"Ouh-h ma'am I am sincerely sorry, can I get a one more chance I'm sorry for disturbing the class." San apologized, hoping that the lady will grant him what he wants but his voice showed no sincereness, was he even sorry? No.
" No!, Now before you lose all of your marks it's better to acquire what you've done, or do you want me to directly fail you?" Said the lady, having no mercy on kids.

Wooyoung stood, careless. He didn't wanted this to turnout like this but he did wanted to go out and have a fight with san, see how small the matter was they could clam and solve it but no.

San grabbed his backpack harshly heading out of the class, slamming the door hard enough to make crack in the door.
Wooyoung rolled his eyes at the older's behaviour getting out of the class as well." I did my best."

"JUNG WOOYOUNG!!" san yelled dangerously when the younger came out of the class, rooms were soundproof so there was no chance of getting caught yelling like this.

Wooyoung back was slammed against the wall making him wincw in pain, he slightly smirked at the older taking a look at san's eyes,, furiously darkened eyes his face showed nothing but coldness and he was dead serious. Wooyoung knew this all he knew how san looks like when he's mad, angry or dead serious.

"Missed me?" He said smiling innocently making san more irritated than earlier.

"That test was fucking important to me, and you shamelessly ruined it!" San crepply said his eyes never leaving the younger under him, his breath almost fanning wooyoung's lips slightly making the younger shudder but wooyoung Didn't show that it affected him.

"Why? Are you scared that your parents won't be proud enough of you? Will they be ashamed of their son who himself lowered his grades?" Wooyoung said leaning closer into san's face, their lips inches apart from colliding.

That was it, what wooyoung said was enough to put san over the edge. San fisted his hands and punched younger's left cheek making him hit the ground, groaning at the sudden attack.
San felt the anger rising in his whole body he was more than mad, wooyoung knew nothing about his family how the Fuck is he allowed to say that?

" You really have a nerve to say that, huh?" San grabbed the collar of wooyoung's shirt making him stand up only to slam him against the wall, " you know nothing about me!!" San yelled, ready to throw another fist at the younger.

" San-ah do you know? I don't care about your grades, even if you fail I don't. I know how much you're capable of and you're smart too! Never let your grades define your value son."

" I'll keep that in mind dad!"

San felt his each and every nerve break at this point, his dad wouldn't ever be ashamed of him right? He would never, Even the thought of being so angered san. Moreover his dad isn't even alive, it broke san Even more.

" Mother fucker!!" Wooyoung yelled punching san's stomach making him stumble back hitting him through side kick again on his waist. Wooyoung lip bleeded from how hard the san hit him, it was the strongest than past two years, what made him like that?

" Istg I'm gonna kill you today wooyoung!" San growled clutching his stomach due to how hard wooyoung punched him.

San pushed wooyoung down on the floor, his breathing uneven his brain going all dizzy because of the memories of his dad flooding his mind all at once, his dad's smile when san made him proud  the way his dad would talk to him whenever he had a bad day, their endless memories whenever they went to play catch, it was making him emotional and angry at the same time, different kinds of emotions piercing through san. San sat on wooyoung's crotch making younger groan.

" What are you gonna do? Kill me? Just because of filthy test and your paren-" he was cut off when san tried to punch him again, closing his eyes and getting ready for the painful moment he's about to have but instead he felt soft punch rather than hard like a brick. He looked up at san who seemed total fazed out by some thing san tried to Shake off everything that came into his mind, it didn't help at all san wanted to punch and kill wooyoung on the spot but his body wasn't in controll he was slowly getting up grabbing his head with one hand trying to bare the immense pain cutting through his back of the head.

" Are you done? Is that it? That's all you have?" Wooyoung asked still wanting to fight the older, he was confused why was san acting so harsh on him? And why was he giving up in the middle? San did beat wooyoung a lot but there wasn't any fight between them that resulted in so much pouring of anger?

Wooyoung saw san's figure disappearing, wooyoung wondered what he said that made san extremely triggered.
San never acted this strange, what could it be? Wooyoung was curious.
"Huh, coward." He said dusting his clothes setting his deep lilac locks that were messed up because of their 'session'.

Wooyoung knew san well than anyone else did he knew what san hated, what triggered him the most, what was going on in his mind and stuff but he never knew about his background, childhood and his parents. Now he realised that how much of suspicious and mysterious san actually is, he wanted to know all of it,,why? He's damn curious about the older!

"Mf is really getting on my nerves!" Wooyoung whispered to himself, swiping his perfect locks back going to cafeteria to clear his mind.


This chapter maybe a little less than what y'all may have been expecting, sorry for that!
I'll upload the next chapter maybe after 4 hours? Yeah, ig.

Take care 💕

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