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paring: Bucky Barns x Reader

Summery: Drunk, Y/N buys a load of magnets and sticks them to her boyfriends metal arm while he sleeps

Warning: Fluff! This is fluffy as fuck and i can't believe someone hasn't written this already (is they have send it my way pls I wanna read it)

"Fuck," she hissed as she stumbled into the apartment. The bag full of magnets was nearly splitting at the bottom, the horn of the unicorn magnet poking through the plastic.

It was the dumbest idea ever. So dumb it was almost brilliant.

Girls night had taken a little bit of a wild turn when Y/N and her friends moved past the corner shop. One of them stopped and the others followed suit, looking at all of the pretty things inside. Once Y/N saw the fridge magnets, she knew what she needed to do.

Fifty dollars. Fifty fucking dollars went towards buying those magnets. It hardly seemed worth it and Y/N knew she'd regret it when she was sober. Or once her boyfriend realised what she was doing.

Their cat was snoozing away on the sofa as Y/N crept past. She toed off her shoes and threw them in the box in a not so quiet manner. "Shush," she whispered to the still sleeping cat. "He doesn't sleep very well! We can't be loud." The only problem was her whisper and how it was so much louder than she intended. "I gotta get me some water!"

The bag in her hands swung from side to side as she struggled into the kitchen. It smacked against the counter several times, definitely waking Bucky up, but drunk Y/N was too tired to notice.

She pulled a glass from the cupboard, nearly dropping it in the process, and filled it with water.

Only when a heavy click filled the air did she sober up a little. Only a little. She turned slowly, holding the glass against her chest and sloshing it down her dress in the process. "Bucky?" She called into the darkness of their apartment.

He came out of the hallway, holding his gun in his metal hand. Only once he saw it was Y/N did he put it down by his side. He opened his arms wide and marched towards her. "I was wondering when you were going to get home," he said and helped her put down her glass. Bucky kissed the top of her head and eyed the bag in her hand suspiciously. "Do you wanna tell me what you bought tonight?"

Y/N pressed her finger to her lips and shook her head. "Nuh-uh, Buck. It's a secret!"

He shook his head, his freshly cut hair falling into his eyes. "Alright, doll. Whatever you say." Taking her hand, he led her into the bedroom and helped her to get ready for bed. He let her throw the bag under her bed, promising not to "tell Bucky", whatever that meant, and helped her into an old shirt of his and pyjama shorts.

Bucky pulled back the covers and Y/N dove under. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out. Bucky climbed in after her, wrapped his flesh arm around her waist as pulled her in close."


It was almost five in the morning and the sky was already bathed in a soft orange glow. Slightly more sober than the night before, Y/N remembered her mission. She reached under the bed and opened the bag. The material rustled under fingertips and she kept her eyes on Bucky, praying he stayed sleeping.

When her fingers connected with the first magnet and Bucky still hadn't stirred, she knew her plan was a success.

Rolling back towards him, she snuggled against his side and threw her arm over his waist, reaching for his metal one. It wasn't uncommon for them to sleep in this position and Bucky's unconscious mind thought nothing of it.

As soon as the first magnet, a rainbow magnet, attached to his arm, Bucky's eyes flew open. Instantly he looked at the figure to his side, checking her over for anything wrong. But her chest was rising and falling in a steady rhythm, her eyes squeezed shut. Bucky looked at the door and saw nothing. Brushing it off, he fell back to sleep.

Y/N waited a few more minutes to reach into the bag. She picked up three at a time, a sad cloud, a donkey in front of a gate and the unicorn one.

One by one she began attaching them to Bucky's arm. Her giggles were uncontrollable as she placed the sad cloud beside the rainbow. Her body shook, finally waking Bucky up.

At first he was concerned. It had taken him a while to get used to sleeping in a bed but once he was, he slept like a log. His eyes moved to his girlfriend and his worry dropped.

There she was, cheeks red, water spilling from her eyes and her hand slapped over her mouth. The unicorn magnet was still in her lap, her fingers clasped around it. "Doll, it's so early," Bucky grumbled and looked up at her through his lashes. His head was still against the pillow, his fingers reaching around for her. "What's the matter?"

"Bucky!" She suddenly whined and crawled over to sit on his chest. "You're ruining all of my fun." Pouting, she placed the unicorn magnet on his arm and crossed her own over her chest. "All I wanted to do was make your arm look like the fridge but you just had to wake up."

Bucky's thumb brushed over her bottom lip. "Did you and your friends buy a bunch of magnets when you were out?"

"I'm not telling you unless you let me decorate your arm."

There was no way out of this one. Eventually Bucky was going to cave. He would've given her the whole damn moon if she had asked for it. Compared to that, covering his arm in magnets wasn't going to do any harm. He nodded his head and Y/N instantly jumped off the bed. She grabbed the bag and moved back to sit on his chest.

Before starting with the magnets, Y/N leaned forward, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "I love you bucky," she whispered and kissed him again.

He grumbled out a response, something along the lines of "love you too," and Y/N began placing magnets up by his shoulder, starting with a turtle wearing sunglasses.

𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚜/ 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora