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dates ???
Paramedic!Bucky Barnes × Resident!Fem!Reader

Summary: You hear rumours about Bucky's reputation within the hospital just prior to him taking you on a first date you'll never forget.

Warnings: oral (fem receiving), implied unprotected vaginal sex, some light angst (I mean it's me, what do you expect?), Bucky having a reputation as a heartbreaker, but also him being super sweet and planning a very cute date, additional warning for my terrible flirty dialogue


'Does 6:30 sound good?
I'll pick you up from the hospital lobby.


Your stomach flutters with butterflies as your phone vibrates with a new message, the name Bucky bookended with blue hearts flashing in your notifications. An inexorable smile overcomes your features as you instantly message him back confirming your availability.

Gosh, when was the last time you were both this excited and nervous to go on a date?

"Well don't you look smitten." A friendly voice mentions from beside you. Wanda, a fellow resident and currently just about your only friend in your new workplace, leans against the lockers next to yours, gazing at you with raised brows, as if to silently ask why you're so enamoured with whoever your messaging.

"I've got a date tomorrow night with an absolute beefcake."

"Oh, is it that attending who's been giving you all the good cases?" You stare down at your phone when it buzzes yet again, smiling when you notice Bucky has reacted to your message with a heart.

"No, it's not Odinson." A chuckle leaves your lips as Wanda frowns, almost looking disappointed it's not a Thor you're going out with.

"I always thought he was sexy, you know in a chiselled like a god with a gentle heart sort of way" There's a dreamy quality to her voice which makes you suspect she's thought about having unethical relations in this hospital with him before. "Who is it then?"

"He's a paramedic. I met him the other day when the train derailed. His name's Bucky." The joy you could perceive in Wanda's eyes changes to something closer to dismay.

"Oh sweetie, you poor naive young thing." You're unsure why her voice is now filled with consolation, but it makes your chest tighten and the bottom of your stomach drop.

"What are you talking about?"

"Bucky Barnes has earned a bit of a reputation around this hospital." You can sense in her voice she's hesitant of revealing too much, trying to break the news gently to spare your feelings.

You aren't an idiot, Bucky was quite clearly a natural flirt, that was evident from your interaction in the ER the other day, but by no means does that make him a bad person or someone to stay away from.

"He loves the chase. But that all ends the moment you sleep with him." Wanda continues, discerning that she hasn't provided enough information to convince you. "He'll wine and dine you, and take you back to your place if you're willing to put out on the first date. Then the only time you'll see him again is across the room when he's bringing patients into the ER."

Your heart sinks below your stomach. You don't want to believe petty rumours about someone you barely know, but it's hard to look past the fact that someone as gorgeous and charming as Bucky isn't already taken. Wanda also has no reason to lie to you, in fact, she's likely the only person in the hospital you'd trust in this position.

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