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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader (soulmates AU)

Summary: You start to see colour when you meet your soulmate. Bucky thinks that soulmates are a one of a kind thing—you get one and that's it. His world used to be colourful once and then he lost that. He's resigned to see black and white for the rest of his life...until flashes of colours would appear from the corner of his eye. And it seemed to happen more and more as Bucky spends time with you.

Note: I'm deeply sighing because Bucky makes me one emotional bitch.

Warnings: So fucking soft and fluffy with a smidgen of angst.

Count: ~3.6k


It was a strange phenomenon.

You often wonder how it could ever possibly exist and ruminate on the fact that no one really knows the science behind it.

The idea that soulmates exist has always made you slightly uncomfortable but also intrigued you.

Everyone's world is black and white from the moment they're born, and you know you've met your soulmate when you see colour.

The idea that your world could suddenly change when you meet your soulmate...that's terrifying. At the same time, you couldn't help but want to know what colours were like.

Your best friend had found her soulmate way back in high school. She talked about her love. The green of her eyes, the red of her hair, and the multitude of colours she wore.

You don't understand. And there was nothing your best friend could say that would make you understand colours either.

You were a little reluctant about the idea of a soulmate, the idea that someone is made for you and that you're made for someone. Mostly because you can't imagine someone loving you...like really loving you.

Nevertheless, you make a silent vow to the universe that if you ever do meet your soulmate...you'd love them with everything you had.


There is something amazing to be said about the phenomenon of finding your soulmate. The way colour bleeds into your vision, taking over the monochrome of everything, and it feels like life has been breathed into you.

Bucky has had the pleasure of experiencing it.

But there's also something that may not be as commonly known or spoken about.

And it's the fact that if colour can be added to your life...it can also be taken away.

Bucky has had the misfortune of experiencing it.

The hard part is that Bucky doesn't even really remember it happening. Probably because he was brainwashed while it occurred.

There had been a girl in the back in the 40s. His girl. James Buchanan Barnes had met his soulmate, and he loved her the way all romantic movies were back then.

And at some point, while he was the Winter Soldier...the colour faded from his view. She was gone, and Bucky hadn't even known until he was clear-headed again and noticed the monochrome of everything.

It was strange. Bucky felt the loss, felt it deeply and immensely in his soul, but he couldn't shed a single tear.

No one really knows anything about soulmates.

𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚜/ 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now