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Amaya POV 6 months later

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Amaya POV
6 months later

This morning I got up in a good mood which is very rare for me so I let myself be carried away by this positive energy.
I put on my trusty running shoes and went to Central Park.
Although we are in the month of February today the sun is shining high in the sky and the temperature is quite pleasant.
I'm not the only one who has taken advantage of this beautiful day and even though it's only 7 in the morning, the park is full of people.Many others like me who have decided to make the most of this day to train outdoors.
I wear my Airpods and to the rhythm of Back in Black by AC/DC I start running.
I try to keep my mind focused on running, on my breathing but fail miserably.
I sigh.
With my mind I go back to the night of six months ago.
My memories go back to that pub.
I don't often think about it and mostly when I see that my thoughts are taking that direction I try to distract myself with something else.
But sometimes I give in to memories.
The way that man fucked me in that bathroom is something out of the ordinary.
Thinking that a perfect stranger can figure out what you need is insane.
The way his blue eyes searched for mine at all times has something inexplicable about it.
I slow down my run near a fountain, I approach to fill the bottle of water that I have with me since I have already drunk it all.
Damn it's really hot today.
I am about to take off the windbreaker I am wearing, tying it at the waist.I simply wearing leggings and a long-sleeved cotton shirt.
All strictly black.
I love how this color fits me.
It highlights my green eyes and makes my red hair alive like the flames of hell.
I feel like this color highlights the true essence of my soul.
If I still have a soul.I doubt it.
I don't think being a professional killer helps and if I really had a soul it would surely be black.
Black represents me.
I shake my head to try to banish these gloomy thoughts, I don't want to lose that rare momentum of good humor with which I woke up.
I do a bit of stretching and I get back to running but I don't even have time to pick up the pace that the smartphone in my jacket pocket begins to play.
I stop again, cursing through my teeth.
I take the phone out of my pocket and check the display.
Maria Hill's name flashes before my eyes.
I answer immediately.
"Agent Hill since when did you become such an early riser?This is a real surprise"
She responds with a loud yawn.
"Forget Snow.Last night I had to monitor the movements of some suspicious trucks and went to bed when it was already 3AM.Fury phoned me just 4 hours later.And this is why I called you"
"To let me know that you slept little?"
I reply with a chuckle.
"Fuck you Snow" now she laughs too.
"Anyway Fury wants you.You have 45 minutes to make yourself presentable and go to his office"
"Did he by chance tell you why?"
Strange.To look for me with all this urgency and above all at the last minute there must be something big underneath.
"No I'm sorry, I don't know anything" replies Maria not before having made another yawn.
I roll my eyes.
"See you later, now I'm going to have another cup of coffee.I hope this help me recover" she mutters in a sleepy voice.
"OK Maria catch up, see you in the office later"
"Bye Snow"
She hangs up and I put the phone back in my pocket.
Fury is waiting for me at 08:15.
In exactly 40 minutes.
I have to call a taxi to go home otherwise I'll never make it.
As soon as I arrive I rush up the stairs and enter my apartment.
I undress as I make my way to the bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes behind me.
I will take care of it steely when I return.
I step into the shower and immediately started lathering my hair.After rinsing them and applying the conditioner, I wash my body sprinkling it with my favorite citrus shower gel.
The scent tickles my nostrils.
I rinse well and get out of the shower.
At 8 o'clock I'm ready and headed for Fury's office, if I don't encounter traffic I should make it up to 5 minutes late.
I get off the taxi right in front of the majestic building that houses the offices of the New York headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.
I stride across the atrium, the echo of the heels of my stilettos in shiny black leather by Kurt Geiger, echoing in the high ceilings.
I pass a busy Maria Hill.
"Hi Hill, is it better?"
"After 4 coffees, let's say that at least I am able to articulate sentences of complete meaning"
We walk together towards one of the four elevators available. "Come up with me to Fury?"
"No sorry, I have to go to the logistics floor.I have some documents to be signed by Agent Brown" she sighs heavily.
"Yuck!That man is so gross"
I reply with compassionate eyes.
"Slimy" we say at the same time.
Let's laugh together.
Agent Brown is famous for his long eye, you can always catch him looking at your tits or ass.
At that moment the elevator doors open and Rumlow comes out followed by a dozen agents, all armed to the teeth.
"An eventful start to the day, huh?"
I smile at him out of courtesy.
"Oh you can bet redhead" and so saying he walks away.
"I hate when he calls me that"
I murmur through clenched teeth.
"You know very well he does it to flirt.Why do you refuse all his invitations?That man devours you with his eyes every time he sees you.His eyes scream SEX" makes me participate Maria of her thoughts.
I can understand her disbelief.
Brock is a handsome, charming man and God only knows how big his muscles are.
But there is something about him that does not convince me.
"You already know" I reply observing the display that marks the approach to our destination.
"There's something about him that I don't like.He seems to be hiding something"
"Oh something he hides.And he looks really nice big.And he doesn't hide it so sincerely"
She laughs heartily at the same joke as her.
"Hill I don't understand if it's sleep deprivation or if you've lost your sense of reason"
The bling of the elevator tells us that we are on the logistics floor.
Maria is preparing to get out.
"Shall we have a drink one of these evenings?" she asks me as the doors are closing.
"Sure" I say.
The elevator continues its ascent and a bit of anxiety makes room inside me.
What could possibly want that is so urgent the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. at 8 am on Saturday?
I'm sure I'll find out soon.
I smooth the totally imaginary folds of my shirt.
This morning I wore a simple white shirt, a pair of black palazzo pants and my beloved black leather jacket.
I stop in front of the desk of Dana, Fury's secretary.
"Hi Dana, I'm here on Fury's orders"
She moves her eyes away from the PC screen and then focuses on my figure.
"Hi Amaya.They are already in the office.They're waiting for you"
I raise an eyebrow.
"They are waiting me?Plural?"
"Yeah, along with the director are Tony Stark and Steve Rogers"
She looks excited.
"Oh my God you can't understand what a wonderful smile Captain America has"
I laugh heartily and answer her.
"I didn't know you had a thing for blondes.Michael didn't is it brown?"
"Oh shut up!Cap is still Cap" sighs the blonde secretary.
I shake my head and get ready to enter the office not before Dana has announced my arrival via her intercom.
How strange.
What on earth could I have in common with Iron Man and Captain America?
What can push Fury to reunite Agent Zero and two of the most famous Avengers in the same room?
I think I'll find out soon.
"You can enter now" the voice of Dana brings me back to reality.
With a sure and decisive step I make my entrance.
The three men present inside the large office turn to me.
The only one to stand up is Captain Rogers.
"Good morning gentlemen.What can I do for you, director?"
Steve Rogers comes a few steps closer to me and holds out his hand.
"I'm Steve Rogers, nice to meet you"
His tight is strong and decisive.
"The pleasure is mine Captain.I'm agent Amaya Snow" I reply.
He smiles, Dana is right, he has a really nice smile.
"Please just call me Steve"
I smile embarrassed back.
Tony's bold voice breaks in followed by laughter.
"Seriously Fury?" he looks annoyed.
"We spoke for one of your best agents and you introduce us to this little girl?She's a kid"
He turns to me making a gesture with his hand.
"No offense"
"Oh no please.Go ahead" my tone comes out a little more sarcastic than I wanted.
"Tony don't be rude"
Steve intervenes, then addresses me directly.
"Forgive him"
"Don't worry Steve, it's ok"
I observe Fury who hasn't said a word yet.
Meanwhile, Steve has settled back into the chair in front of the desk.
I ignore what Stark says and turn to Fury again.
"Can I be useful in some way director?"
He watches me carefully and then with infinite calm he turns to Tony Stark.
"You asked me for a new member for your team.You asked me for the best.And that's what I'm proposing to you"
I can't follow what he says.
What are they talking about?
"Gentlemen, she is Agent Zero"
My eyes widen in disbelief.
What the hell is he doing?
Why is he blowing up my cover?
I intervene to try to stem the damage.
"Excuse me director, I think I don't understand"
Fury smiles sweetly at me from the other side of the desk.
"It's okay Amaya, relax"
I take courage in both hands and turn to the two Avengers who stare at me open-mouthed.
"So it's not a legend?" gives Steve incredulous.
Tony looks me up and down.
"What's up?" I ask him.
"Did you think it was a man, tattooed arms and mustache?"
"More or less yes" he replies smiling "but without a mustache.The mustache is too 80s"
I smile.
Fury takes the floor again.
"Agent Snow is the best and I'm sure she can become a great resource for your team"
Me in the Avengers?
Me alongside Rogers, Stark and Banner?
Alongside Barnes?
I panic.
No, no and then no.
"Fury could I talk to you in private if you don't mind?"
"Sure" his answer.
Rogers and Stark stand up, they both hold out their hand to me.
"I hope to see you again.I think you might be interesting" Tony tells me.
I remain silent.
I don't really know what to say.
They both say goodbye to Fury and leave the office.
I don't even give the door time to lock itself up, which I explode.
"What's wrong with you?Did you loose your mind Nick?"
"Don't call me that"
"And instead I'll call you what I want.I've saved your old ass so many times that I can take this confidence with you"
We stare into each other's eyes for a few endless minutes.
Fury starts laughing heartily
"You remind me so much of your mother, you know?She was so exuberant too"
"I'm not exuberant.I'm angry.What story is this?Why on earth should I work with the Avengers?I'm fine where I am"
"Amaya this can become the occasion of your life.You will have the opportunity to work in a team, to learn to trust someone else as well as yourself"
Why he doing this to me?
"But I'm fine like that.I'm fine by myself"
"Bullshit" yells the man in front of me clapping his hand on the desk.
I look at him in disbelief, I am speechless.
I see him close his eyes and sigh.
When he opens them his gaze is softened.
"You know how much I care about you Amaya.You've been my right hand for so long.You're not just an agent to me, you know that"
"Then why are you throwing me like this"
I can't help but my eyes get wet.
He goes around the desk to stand in front of me.
"Don't see it like that.You know very well that I would never do it.But in these years I have observed you, year after year you have closed yourself more and more in yourself.Dependent on this job more and more every day!And I don't want this for you"
I can read the pain in his eyes.
"You have no friends, you have no love in your life.You are alone just like me and I don't want to see you end up like me"
"But you are my family Nick, you are my mentor"
"But I won't be there forever and when I'm gone, what will you do?Who will take care of you?"
A tear escapes from my eyes.
I had no idea that Fury had all these worries about me.
"I am able to take care of myself"
"I thought so of myself too" Fury smiles at me.
"But in the end I became attached to you.Because basically no one is born to live alone"
He approaches me and grab me by the shoulders.
"Listen I'm not telling you to accept with your eyes closed but think about it, okay?Sleep on it tonight and tomorrow you will give me an answer.But I sincerely really hope you accept, it would be the right thing to do.Do you trust my opinion?"
"I will trust you until death Nick"
He takes his hands off me and goes back to sit behind his desk.
"Now you can go, I'll leave you the day off.Go home, relax.Think about it.See you tomorrow morning"
"Ok" I whisper.
I leave without adding anything else, I don't trust myself so much at this moment.
I walk away quickly, I want to put as much distance as possible between me and this place.
I quickly reach the exit.
I see Agent Hill gesturing in my direction but I don't stop.
I'll apologize to her later.
As soon as I get outside, I am hit by a gust of cold air.
The beautiful sun that was shining this morning has been replaced by large black clouds.
The weather conditions have turned upside down in the space of nothing a bit like my day.
Or like my life if I accepted this proposal.
I find myself wandering the streets of New York, horrified.
Without realizing it I find myself in front of the door of my house, I go up the stairs dragging my feet.
I feel emptied of any strength whatsoever.
I enter the house and taking off only my shoes and I throw myself into the bed, throwing the blanket over my head.
I think of the Fury proposal.
Could I really become an Avengers?
Does Fury really think I live up to that?
He has been my guide for the past 12 years, he has been my only point of reference in my life.
If I accepted it would mean that I would no longer work alongside him.
But I would be exposed, recognized.
I do not know what to do.
A small voice in my head, however, rebels, tries to raise the tone to be heard.
This voice keeps telling me that what the director says is true.
I have been alone all these years and this situation is starting to weigh on me.
I am 28 and have no plans for the future.
I am afraid of it.
Fear because if I think about myself in 15/20 years I see myself alone and as far as I can say it's okay so I know it's not the truth.
The thing holding me back, or rather the person holding me back, is James fucking Barnes.
How could he react to my presence?
Will he remember me?
Will he recognize me?
And above all, will I be able to work alongside him pretending that six months ago it never happened?
What a nice mess.
I spent my life working in the shadows, seeking revenge for my parents but on the way I forgot the most important thing.
Too focused on revenge.
I forgot to live and I'm sure my parents wouldn't have wanted this for me.
I feel a weight in the center of my chest.
I feel thrilled to be able to start over but also fucking scared.
It will not be easy to join an already well-formed group, with people who have bonded over the years, forming almost a family.
I too had one.
I curl up on myself, the leather of the jacket creaking with my every movement.
I feel my head explode and with millions of questions in my head I slowly slip into sleep.
I wake up it's dark outside.
I feel disoriented.
With my hand I look for the alarm clock on my night stand to try to figure out what time it is.I find the alarm clock and face it, it's 8PM.
I slept 10 hours, it hadn't happened to me in months.
I decide to get up and change my clothes.
I wear simple black sweatpants and a white t-shirt.
Barefoot I head to my small kitchen.
My stomach rumbles in response.
I open the fridge and the pantry but I can't find anything.
I need to go grocery urgently.
I grab my phone and call my favorite pizzeria, I will order pizza for dinner.
Tambourine with my fingertips on the table waiting for my food.
I try to keep my mind away from all my worries.
The sound of the doorbell makes me jump, my heart reaches my throat.
I try to compose myself and after grabbing my wallet I head for the door.
"Hi Josh"
"Hi Amaya"
"How is Ares?" I ask him.
We have known each other for a few years now and we often exchange a chat.
"Ares is fine, finally we found a good vet and we have solved that bad dermatitis that plagued him"
"Excellent, I'm happy"
I offer him the money
"Keep the rest.See you next time"
"Thanks Amaya.See you soon"
I close the door and head to the kitchen, the scent of pizza brings my nostrils to orgasm.
Joe absolutely makes the best pizza in New York, his Italian origins are his winning weapon.
I take a seat on one of the two stools and begin to enjoy my dinner.
As I chew my mind goes back to Fury's proposal.
I have to think clearly, pros and cons.
The cons are that I would have to leave this house to move to Stark's tower, even if it is small and modest I have lived here for many years.I got used to having my own spaces.
I should leave Fury.
I think this is the thing that makes me suffer the most.
Being far away I could no longer defend him efficiently, I could no longer be constantly by his side.
He wasn't just a mentor, he has been my point of reference ever since my parents died.
If today I am what I am I owe it to him.
If I am alive today I owe it to him, who has always given me the right motivation to go on.
And then...and then I no longer find any cons.
I sigh.
The advantages, on the other hand, would be innumerable.
I could work more often alongside agent Romanoff, I love working with her.She is smart, intelligent and nice.
Steve would also be a point in favor, in those few moments I had to relate to him he seemed to me a sweet and kind man, a right man.
With Tony I think I'd fight all the time, we have two very similar characters.Both sarcastic and stubborn.
It would be exciting to live alongside him.
On Dr. Banner and Sam Wilson I could not express myself not having known them but from their files I could understand that they are kind and altruistic men, working as a team with them should not be challenging.
Having the possibility of not being alone anymore is the thing that thrills me the most.
A smile seems to come from my lips, maybe it could work.
But then my brain reminds me that Sergeant Barnes would also be there.
I don't know if that's good or bad.
After what has happened between us, it could be difficult to collaborate or it would be an advantage.
Our sexual harmony could have a positive effect on our teamwork.
Or maybe he forgot you the moment after you left that bathroom...
The voice of my conscience is keen to let me know his opinion.
I throw my head back and stare at the white ceiling for a few minutes, I get up and approach a photo on the wall of me with my parents.
In that photo I will have been 5 years old, I was in dad's arms and my arms wrapped around the neck of both of us.
Mom was kissing my head and dad's loving eyes were on each of us.
I miss their love.
A lonely tear line my cheek.
"What should I do mom?"
I can imagine her response, she was my best friend and she had the ability to always find the right words.
She would have grabbed me by the shoulders and looking into my eyes she would have simply asked me
"What do you want my child?"
What do I really want?
Deep down my heart I know.
I take my phone and press a button.
After the first ring, Fury's voice answers me loud and clear.
"So Snow have you decided?"

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