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This chapter contains explicit sex scenes.
If you aren't comfortable with these topic please don't read.

Enjoy ❤

Amaya POV

“Ok guys here we are!Redwing is on the spot” Sam announces.
Bucky nods at me and grabbing my hand drags me in front of the PC screen from where Sam is following the movements of his beloved drone.
The place is totally dark, only a few beams of moonlight enter through the broken windows.
After a few moments Redwing begins to transmit his infrared images so that we can allow us to understand what is inside this old warehouse.
It flies over the area for a moment until our attention is captured by two big black shadows.
"Jackpot folks!" exclaims Tony excitedly.
Right now on the PC screen Redwing is broadcasting images of the two trucks that Sam, Bucky and I chased a few months ago.
"Now let's see if by scanning with X-rays we can understand what is hidden inside them" murmurs Sam, all busy typing his remote commands.
Redwing emits a faint red light that passes through both vehicles.
The images are processed by the drone's processors…and there they are.
On display we can see the hundreds of Vibranium bars and the wooden crates containing the Stark technology.
"Are you recording?" Steve asks to Sam.
“Yep.The images are stored in the internal memory of Redwing and in addition they are saved in an external hardware and on my personal PC"
"Great" murmurs T’Challa.
"But now we have to decide the next move" adds the King.
"I would propose to take advantage of the darkness to go there and install some bugs so we can capture images and everything that those two sons of bitches will say to each other at their next rendezvous.And then maybe install some in Rumlow's house and in his car”
I nod at Tony's words.
"Bucky and I can go to the old warehouse"
"Ok kid" Tony replies.
Then he turns to Steve.
“Captain, you and Romanoff take care of Rumlow.Sam and I will stay here and guide you to the places where you need to place the bugs.Agent Scott you can use Friday's secure line and contact Fury so you can explain all the latest news to him”
I love it when Stark gives the orders, he's confident and assertive.
He has arrogance.
I love this rich asshole.
"Do you think Rumlow won't notice anything?" asks Nat.
I am the one to answer her.
"No.And do you know why?Because he is good.He is smart.He managed to put all this on without getting caught.He believes no one is smarter than him, so he doesn't care about being watched.And we will use this arrogance to our advantage"
"Agent Snow is right.At this moment he feels invincible and we must take advantage of it" says His Majesty T’Challa.
We exchange a smile.
"Perfect.Back to work then” Steve urges us on.
Bucky and I take everything we need that Tony and Bruce have prepared for us and head to the abandoned warehouse using Bucky's car.
"Cute" I tell him referring to his SUV.
"Cute?This my little robin is a monster” he replies quite offended.
I snort rolling my eyes.
Bucky reaches out and pinches my thigh, I flinch.
“Ouch!I will remain a bruised idiot” I scold him crossing my arms to my chest.
“Like you don't have dozens of them on your body.I don't think you don't like it” Bucky teases me.
His hand rests again on my thigh but this time it goes up again with determination and languid towards my center.
I push his hand away.
"Look at the street Barnes"
"I can do both, you know?"
I roll my eyes and then turn my gaze out the window.
The skyscrapers of the big city begin to thin out, leaving space for smaller and lower buildings.
We are approaching the suburbs, soon we will be out of town and reach the warehouse.
"What are you thinking about doll?"
I sigh.
Bucky knows me well, he knows that there is something that bothers me.
"He had everything he wanted"
"Mmh mmh.Power, a position of respect.The trust of many big fish.What the hell made him do such a thing?"
Bucky thinks about it for a moment then he answers me.
“I think it's for power.The feeling of feeling invincible, untouchable, this can make he lose his mind.I have no idea what his real intentions may be but of one thing I am sure...Rumlow wants to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. and I think he also wants to overthrow the American government”
I turn back to him.
The rays of the moon illuminate his beautiful jawline.
Between his hair and his beard some silver threads made him even more attractive.
His lips part and his tongue, pink and perfect, makes his appearance.
He licks his lips.
A simple gesture.
A common gesture.
And yet he is able to ignite my body as if he had just thrown a can of gasoline on the fire.
"Do you think he has some powerful ally behind him?" I ask continuing to stare undaunted at his wonderful lips.
"Nah.But I believe that by bringing America and Wakanda to their knees, he expects some proposals from some other Nation.He wants to show off his skills and then accept the most tempting proposal” Bucky replies.
"That actually makes sense" I murmur, returning my attention to the landscape.
Bucky slows to a stop, parking the car behind some large hedges on a dirt road.
"What are you doing?This is not the right place” I ask confused turning to my boyfriend.
Bucky watches me, the clear eyes moonlit seem to be made of ice.
He stares at me hungry.
“Really Buck?We are on a mission for heaven's sake" I exclaim amused.
“Oh doll!Don't play with me…I saw how you looked at me earlier”
I bite my lower lip.
“James we are on a mission.It is neither the place nor the moment” I intimate pulling me back while he with his immense body occupies all my vital space.
He leans over me and gives me a kiss on the edge of my lips.
“You have a dirty mind doll…I just want to kiss you.Nothing more” he murmurs an inch from my lips.
His warm and fragrant breath breaks on my face making me lose the sense of reason.
I stay still as he leans down on me again and kisses me.
But this time I feel his tongue caressing my lips which automatically open to allow him to enter my mouth.
Our tongues collide, caressing each other softly.
Both engaged in a sensual dance, they intertwine and seek each other.
My hands tighten around his necklace and I draw him to me.
His big body presses on mine pushing me against the car door.
His hands caress my hips and then rest on my back.
We keep making out like two kids.
Bucky's lips run down my neck, his beard pinches and abrades my skin.
I moan softly.
A sweet moan.
"I love you Sergeant"
"I love you too doll" he whispers in my ear.
He now brings his hands to my face and stands still to observe me.
His eyes move all over my face, as if studying every single detail.
As if he wanted to imprint my image like a brand in his head.
"You are beautiful Amaya"
His is a simple compliment and yet my heart starts beating furiously in my chest.
I wrap my arms around his neck and draw him back to me.
"Are you blushing?" he teases me by making fun of me.
I don't answer him and I sink my face into his warm and welcoming chest, I hear his laughter vibrate through it ringing in my ears like a choir of angels.
I hit him softly.
"Don't gloat" I tell him, smiling embarrassed.
Bucky laughs louder as he pulls away from me.
He straightens up, adjusts the crotch of his trousers and after giving me another kiss that makes my head spin, he starts the engine and starts again.
"Uncomfortable?" I point to the crotch of his trousers with a nod of my head.
One corner of Bucky's lips lifts up.
"Don't be funny Snow or I'll stop the car and this time you won't stop me"
"Drive and shut up Barnes"
I look at his profile while he laughs amused.
After about twenty minutes of travel I begin to glimpse an old warehouse in the distance.
"Is that it?" I ask, pressing my nose against the window.
"Yes.We have arrived” announces Bucky, parking about ten meters before hiding the SUV behind some small buildings.
We get out of the car and, scanning the darkness, we stealthily walk towards our destination.
We approach the building and after climbing a pile of some old pallets I peek through one of the many windows.
“There seems to be nobody there” I whisper as I feel Bucky's hands tighten around my waist to help me get off.
"Thank you" I murmur, giving him a kiss.
Sam's voice makes my heart jump.
“Do you want to stop flirting all the time?You are on a mission”
Redwing is flying over our heads.
Bucky tries to hit the drone with his hand.
"Hey leave my baby" Sam exclaims, his voice coming out loud and clear from the speaker of the drone.
“Do you want to stop screaming?You'll get us killed” I speak to Sam's stupid toy.
"Don't worry, there is no one within miles.Go inside.I will show you the exact points where to install the bugs”
Once inside we work quickly and with precision.
Thanks to Sam's help, we installed the bugs with ease.
“Ok audio and video work perfectly.You can come back” Sam informs us.
“Oh and take Redwing with you too.He has been flying for many hours, I'd rather not overdo it” adds our friend.
"What is Wilson, are you afraid that your little bird might misfire?" Bucky teases Sam.
I can't help it and I burst out laughing.
“Funny Barnes.Very funny.And for your information Falcon never misfired.Just ask Amaya” he exclaims seriously.
"Amaya honey tell him the true" insists Sam making me laugh again.
"Watch out Wilson or Redwing could mysteriously get damaged on the way back" Bucky threatens.
The two men jokingly argue for a few more minutes and then we get in the car and go back to the great tower in New York.
When we are almost halfway my phone rings.
It's Natasha.
"Hey Nat, are you okay?"
"Yes.Everything went smoothly.Thanks to Scott we learned that Rumlow is out of town on a mission so Steve and I had no particular difficulty breaking into his apartment.You have finished?" she asks me.
"We are already back" I reply.
"Great!See you again at the tower”
We say goodbye and I hang up.
As soon as we return we find almost everyone in the large conference room.
I walk up to Sam hitting him in the shoulder with a punch.
He laughs.
Bucky looks at him as if he wants to kill him and he stops next to Steve.
“I like to tease your boyfriend” Sam whispers to me.
"I likes it too when you do it" I reply smiling amused.
Sam laughs throwing his head back as he puts his arm around my shoulders.
Tony and Lucas make their entrance, they are chatting quietly.
“Hey kid welcome back.Everything went fine?"
“Perfect!But now comes the hardest part.The wait.Rumlow will be away for two days so we have to wait for him to come back and try to find out when his next meeting with Pierce will be” Tony explains.
"Exactly!And in the meantime, by taking turns we will monitor the warehouse” adds Lucas, rolling the sleeves of his shirt around his muscular and defined forearms, his pale skin is smooth and furrowed with bluish veins.
"So what do you do now?" Sam asks continuing to hold me close to him.
"What do you say if you take your hands off my girlfriend to begin?" Bucky asks raising an eyebrow.
Sam ignores him on purpose.
I laugh.
I really enjoy teasing him too much.
"I'm hungry" I exclaim.
"Will you join me Sam?" I ask turning to him and leaving him a kiss on his silky smooth cheek.
"Oh baby, whatever you want" he replies, alluding to something else.
"Ok!Enough!" Bucky exclaims striding closer and after throwing a fiery glance at Sam he grabs me by the waist and loads me on his shoulder.
“Bucky!Put me down!Immediately” I scream, hitting him several times in the back.
We leave the room followed by the laughter of all present.
"Bucky!" I cry out again.
In response, he slaps me on the ass, so hard that it makes me whimper in pain.
"Shut up" he hisses.
I resign myself and sighing I let myself be transported to my room.
Once inside he dumps me on the bed unceremoniously, I bounce a couple of times like I'm a rag doll.
Bucky stands in front of me looking at me with his wonderful icy eyes.
I just lift myself up on my elbows.
"I'm hungry" I say simply.
Bucky still doesn't answer me.
He looks at me.
His expression is illegible.
"I'm hungry" I repeat petulantly.
"I don't give a fuck" the simple answer of him.
For a moment I remain stunned but then I smile.
“But I tell you I'm hungry” I add challenging him.
Bucky walks up to me and kneels on the bed making space between my legs.
I try to push him away but he grabs my wrists locking them in the grip of one hand, then lifts them up on my head until he locks them above it.
Keeping my hands locked against the mattress he uses one knee to spread my thighs wide enough so that he can settle comfortably.
Despite his clear intentions and my accelerated breathing I continue undeterred in my intent to annoy him.
"I'm hungry" I repeat again.
Bucky smiles but it's not a sweet or amused smile, it's a smile that gives me goosebumps.
A rather diabolical light shines in his eyes.
I am sure he will make me regret my insolence.
"Don't worry doll, soon your mouth will be full"
I ignite at his words.
I wriggle under his body, arching in search of contact.
His mouth rests on my neck, kissing and biting my tender flesh.
I try to hold back the moans that cry out for release, I don't want to give him the satisfaction he seeks.
I try to think of something else and while his free hand massages my thigh I stammer "I am still hungry"
Suddenly my wrists are free and the hand that was holding them closes around my neck.
I feel the gentle pressure of his fingers on my trachea.
I tremble as I wait for his grip to intensify.
The hand that was on my thigh moves towards the waistband of my leggings and tears them with a dry and decisive tug.
His hand in Vibranium now only meets my hot skin and in no time at all it finds an even hotter spot.
Bucky directly uses two fingers to penetrate me and I arch in ecstasy.
His fingers crash into me with fury, his thumb teases my clit, while his hand around my throat tightens even more leaving me prey to uncontrolled moans.
The lack of oxygen makes my head light and all the pleasure is amplified even more.
Bucky lowers his face until I feel his warm breath close to my ear.
"Do you remember your safeword?" he asks me in a whisper.
I nod vigorously.
Bucky lifts his face, planting his eyes in mine.
His fingers continue to mercilessly torture me, they take me almost to the limit but never make me go further.
He slips his fingers from my body and lies down beside me letting go of my neck.
I remain panting and half undressed.
I watch him position himself comfortably on the bed, his back resting on the headboard and his legs wide apart.
He gestures to me with his finger, ordering me to come closer to him.
I roll onto my stomach and I crawl up to him placing me between his legs.
While he looks me in the eyes Bucky grabs the belt of his jeans and opens it, then lowers the zip and pulling aside the boxers as soon as he grabs his throbbing erection in his hands.
“Here's your dinner” he invites me with a mischievous look.
He doesn't have to repeat it twice, I moving his hands away from his dick and I grab it bringing it to my lips.
With the tip of my tongue I tease his tip, red and angry.
Then I leave a light kiss on it.
It vibrates as if it responds to my every touch.
I use my free hand to climb up his abdomen to enjoy the touch of his muscles.
He keeps his arms crossed behind his head, rather than looking like he is about to receive a blowjob, he looks like someone who wants to enjoy some relaxation by the sea.
"I'm waiting doll" Bucky's voice brings me back to reality, I blink a couple of times and focus my attention on the erection I'm holding in my hands.
I open my mouth to welcome him and moan with pleasure.
I move my hand up and down following the rhythm with my head, more the speed increases and more I feel my clit throbbing in search of relief.
My orgasm is ready to explode but apparently Bucky does not intend to help me so I move my free hand down to bring it between my legs.
"Don't you dare" gasps Bucky grabbing me by my hair making my head tilt backwards violently.
“You can't touch yourself.You can't please yourself.You understood?" he hisses pulling my hair a little harder.
"Yes sir" I whimper.
Bucky pushes my head down again, his hips meet my movements.
He's fucking my mouth like everything else about me is superfluous, like I'm just an object for his mere pleasure.
I know what he is doing.
He is punishing me.
He denies me the pleasure by taking only what matters to him.
And I let him do it.
I let myself be used.
And instead of feeling humiliated, his attitude does nothing but make me fall in love with him more and more.
Bucky cums in my mouth, continuing to push until he empties completely.
His hands keep my head pressed against him without even giving me time to take a breath, forcing me to swallow his cum all in one breath.
I gasp in search of air and finally after what seems like an eternity he lets me go and I can finally catch my breath.
Bucky stands up and I am confused by his actions.
He adjusts his pants and heads for the door.
I sit down quickly on the bed, out of breath and with my head spinning.
"Where are you going?"
He looks at me like I'm crazy.
"I'm going to get you something to eat" he replies quietly, getting closer and closer to the door.
"But I...but I want my orgasm" I beg him in a pathetic tone.
His smile widens.
"Not tonight doll"
"What?!?!?" I exclaim with my eyes bulging.
Bucky puts his hand on the doorknob.
“Sorry Amaya.Maybe next time you'll think twice about flirting with other men”
His gaze is serious.
I know perfectly well that he isn't joking.
Well I won't be left behind either.
"Perfect will mean I'll do it alone"
Bucky's head jerks in my direction, his eyes wide open and incredulous.
"You wouldn't dare..."
"Don't tempt me Barnes"
I approach my fingers to my panties, brush my clit above the thin fabric.
I moan loudly.
His gritted warning sends a rush of shivers down my spine.
So I make myself more confident than I have ever been and spreading my legs as wide as I can in front of his amazed eyes, I push my panties aside and insert two fingers inside my pussy.
I arch my back moaning.
I try to keep my eyes on Bucky's.
Meanwhile I slide my fingers in and out, teasing that point inside me that drives me so crazy.
I bring my free hand under my shirt making it go up until I reach the breast.
I squeeze one by gently pulling a nipple.
I roll my eyes closing them in ecstasy and when I open them again Bucky is closer than I expected.
He violently tears my hand from my warm core and tugging at my ankles pulls me to the edge of the bed.
After a few moments his mouth is on my pussy, he is devouring it with enthusiasm.
I dip my hands into his hair while he tears off the last shreds of the leggings I'm wearing, taking away my panties too.
As he continues to lick me he fumbles with his pants just enough to free the entire length of him.
He lifts himself up from the center of my legs and in an instant his mouth is replaced by his massive dick.
He presses on my body, his hands hold my knees holding them pressed against the mattress.
I feel the muscles in my thighs burn but I don't care, in response to the pain I stick my nails into his wide back under his t-shirt.
Bucky buries his face in my neck and his moans ring deafening in my ears.
We fuck like animals, biting and scratching.
There is no reason in this embrace, only instinct.
It is not love.
It is not sex.
It's just pure mating, a primal instinct that drives us to possess ourselves with rampage.
The room is filled with screams, groans and dirty words.
When we cum we don't even have the strength to move.
Bucky stands still inside me breathing deeply.
When I find my voice I just whisper "But I'm still hungry"
Bucky bursts out laughing and gets up from my body.
We are both sweaty, his hair is literally wet.
He is a heavenly vision.
"I'm going to see what I find in the kitchen" he gasps trying to fix himself to make himself at least presentable.
Before he open the door, I call him.
"What's up?"
"I love you" I whisper to him with a big smile.
He approaches the bed again, kisses my forehead and softly whispering "I love you too"
Then he goes away leaving me alone and stunned.
It takes me a few minutes to find the strength to get up.
Once I'm on my feet I take off my last clothes and head for the shower.
I wash away the sweat and the cool water soothes my glowing and battered skin from Bucky's lips.
As I rinse my hair I hear the bedroom door open, Bucky's voice comes to me muffled.
“I'm in the shower” I yell to make myself heard.
Bucky walks into the bathroom holding up a plate with two attractive sandwiches.
His eyes glow at the sight of my naked, wet body.
He puts the plate on the counter next to the sink and takes off his shirt and throws it on the floor.
When he is close enough, I grab him by the necklace and draw him to me, still half dressed, under the jet of water.
We both giggle like idiots as our lips search for each other.
I think my dinner will still have to wait.

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