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Enjoy the last chapter ❤️

Amaya POV

“Ok Nick, I got it.Don't stress yourself too much, at your age it's not good for you” I answer seriously while Natasha next to me chuckles amused.
"Have I to laugh?" Fury replies, his voice sounds bored in my ears.
“I would say yes.You know I'm an extremely funny person, my jokes are always quite successful among my friends"
"Oh, do you have friends?" he retorts, making me laugh.
"Do you see?You got this humor from me” I chuckle.
“Seriously Snow be careful with those two and when you're in Washington I want you, Natasha and Steve in my office.Agree?"
So saying I hang up.
"It's all right?" Steve asks as he approaches followed by Bucky.
Both are majestically beautiful.
Steve is wearing a jeans and a simple white t-shirt while Bucky is in total black as usual.
Sexy as hell.
“Yep!Fury reminds us to be careful and once in Washington he wants to see us in his office” I tell him, pointing first to me and then to him and his wife.
"Did he tell you why?" asks Nat curiously.
I shake my head in response.
Mine is a lie, I already know what Fury wants to talk to us about but I really don't think it's my duty to tell them.
The old Nick plans to retire as director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and he offered me to replace him.
And although I'm flattered by it, I can't accept it, I don't think I'm the most suitable person.
But someone else is…and I proposed Steve's name.
I really hope he accepts.
"Hey Snow" calls a voice behind me, waking me from my thoughts.
I turn around smiling.
“I didn't know you were part of the mission too” I tell Sam as he approaches us.
Once at my side he wraps my shoulders with his arm and then gives me a kiss on the top of my head obviously getting a disapproving look from Bucky.
"Hey man, don't look at me like that" Sam teases, tightening his grip around me.
I roll my eyes.
Here we go again.
"Anyway, to answer your question Snow, I didn't know anything either but since I got rid of my commitment with Stark earlier than expected, Fury asked me to help you" Sam resumes.
"Excellent" I reply, giving him a smile and then freeing myself from his embrace, I go to one of the guards who is in front of the RAFT entrance door.
“How long does it take for the inmates to be ready?We have to be in Washington in a few hours” I ask quite impatiently.
We have been here for almost half an hour now but not even the shadow of those two idiots.
“They're almost ready Agent Snow.An agent of the S.H.I.E.L.D. is making a final check on the security protocol.They'll be out in a few minutes”
For a moment I remain speechless from the words of the guard.
"Sorry?How did you say?An agent of the S.H.I.E.L.D.?"
The guard looks at me confused.
I turn around looking for Steve.
"Steve please can you join me?"
I scream in his direction and in less than a second he is already by my side.
"What happens?" he asks me making his eyes bounce between me and the guard.
"You and I are still in charge of this mission, aren't we?"
Steve nods in confusion.
"So why have I just been informed by a guard that in there, along with the two inmates, there is an agent of the S.H.I.E.L.D. that is supervising?"
Steve looks at me again, in his eyes there is the same confusion present in mine.
The guard moves uncomfortably under Steve's serious gaze.
"I received direct orders from Director Fury to have Agent Scott enter the RAFT to pick up the prisoners" he stammers anxiously.
Steve jerks his head in my direction.
"What?!?!?" I ask with perhaps a little too much aggression because the guard takes a step back.
Now this poor man seems to be more scared of me than he was a moment before by the famous Captain America, in fact, pretending indifference, he takes a step to the side positioning himself a little closer to Steve.
Away from my wrath.
The guard seems to want to give an explanation but in the meantime the large armored doors of the prison open.
Lucas Scott comes out of them, looking more beautiful than ever, his blond hair shines in the intense light of this morning at the end of August.
And even if the heat is stifling enough to stick your clothes on you, him in his haute couture suit and perfectly knotted tie looks like a model straight out of a fashion catalog.
Damn Fury!
He wills pay for this.
Lucas approaches with sure-footed and obviously he is not at all surprised by our presence.
Behind him are at least a dozen gunmen, each carrying an AK-47, all meticulously aimed at the two handcuffed men.
Pierce and Rumlow.
Rumlow's eyes are immediately on me, he gives me a slimy smile that makes me shiver despite the scorching sun beating down on my skin.
“Captain Rogers.Agent Snow.My men and I are ready to get on your jets”
Lucas speaks coldly, right now for him we are just people he has to work with.
He refers to us as if we were soldiers, mere subordinates.
Obviously I didn't expect him to jump for joy seeing me again but I don't understand why he has to behave so coldly even with Steve, he has always respected and treated him as a friend.
I feel the anger cloud my brain, the blood is pumping furiously into my heart.
Between Fury's lies and Lucas' behavior I feel like I've been outclassed, like I have no authority.
“I don't know what you think Agent Scott but Captain Rogers and I are in charge of this mission.Here you don't give orders, you just have to follow them"
I speak abruptly, spitting the words between my teeth.
And if so far he had done everything to avoid my gaze now Lucas is forced to look at me, his gaze runs all over my figure as if he were studying me.
"Do you have something to say?" I ask, taking a step closer to him.
"Fury..." he begins but I cut him off immediately.
“I don't give a shit what Fury might have told you.I am in charge, me and this man by my side.Your little part ends here.Now tell your men to get on the jets.Move"
Lucas looks me intently in the eyes and without showing the slightest emotion he just murmurs "Yes ma'am" and with a nod invites his men to escort the two prisoners on the jets.
Steve who hasn't breathed a breath since Lucas appeared through those doors approaches me until he is by my side.
"Are you okay Amaya?" he asks me in a gentle voice.
His big hand just squeezes my shoulder.
I lower my head looking at my feet and run my hands through my hair, snorting loudly.
“What the hell does Fury think doing?Why didn't he tell us anything?" I ask, looking up at my friend.
"Maybe because he feared your reaction?" he tries to make me think.
"Yes, ok but what is the need?Are we five not enough?Do you think we can't handle these two assholes?" I ask as I watch the blonde next to me direct his gaze behind him, distracted by something.
I fearfully follow the trajectory of his gaze, already knowing what I will find.
Bucky keeps his hands clenched in fists, his glacial gaze is turned towards the shoulders of Lucas who is barking orders to his men.
Sam talks to him calmly, surely he will be trying to make him think and stop him from punching what he insists on calling a rival.
Sam gets even closer to him by placing a hand on his shoulder, he's really working hard to keep him at bay.
Of this I'm sure but obviously Bucky is stubborn and conceited and that scares me.
Too much.
Bucky runs a hand through his hair shaking his head at Sam's words and as soon as his eyes perceive mine, planted on his figure, he gives me a bitter smile.
I pinch the base of my nose between two fingers.
“Oh my fucking God!Please tell me it's a nightmare” I murmur, looking away from this absurd pantomime and plunging my face into my hands.
"A day.I would like to live just one fucking day without any fucking drama" I exclaim exasperated.
Steve chuckles in amusement.
"I don't find anything funny in it Captain" I mumble wearily.
"Stay calm.If you want, I'll talk to Bucky” Steve reassures me.
"No way!Don't try!We are not five, we are adults and we are working.Bucky must learn to trust me, my love.We can't go on like this" I answer, turning my back on him and walking already exhausted towards the jets.
This is going to be a really bad day.
I move further and further away from Steve and pretending a certainty that does not belong to me at the moment I reach out to the rest of my team.
“Natasha, if that's okay with you, could you fly the jet that will host Pierce?Could you Steve instead pilot the other?" I ask.
They both nod.
"Thank you.I feel safer to make them travel separate.I know they can't do anything but I prefer those two to stay as far away as possible” I add.
Sam nods and then asks me “What about us?How do we divide?"
"I'm going with Steve" I exclaim confidently.
I'm not going to let Rumlow fly without me for even a minute.
Sam nods and then looks at Bucky.
"This means that I will go with Romanoff" Sam muses aloud as he stands alongside the former Russian spy.
Bucky watches me and without saying a word passes me and gets on the jet that will carry Rumlow.
I sigh shaking my head and followed by Steve I head for the jet.
Fortunately Lucas decides not to follow us and out of the corner of my eye I see him as he greets Natasha with a nod and gets on the jet with her.
Steve waits for everyone to take their seats to start the engines and take off.
Rumlow is sitting right in front of me, flanked by two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and both his wrists and his ankles are constrained in large steel chains.
His slimy gaze continues to be planted on me but I'm not intimidated.
I return his gaze without fear.
Bucky at my side is as tense as a violin string but I honestly don't know what to attribute the stiffness of his posture to, if he's nervous about our closeness to Rumlow or seeing Lucas again.
I feel like an epic headache is about to explode.
And the deafening silence that reigns inside the jet's cockpit doesn't help.
I let my gaze wander for a moment observing the other four men armed to the teeth who stand behind the prisoner.
Then I turn my attention back to Rumlow.
I smile bitterly.
"What are you thinking Snow?" he asks me with his strong New York accent.
"Shut up!" exclaims the guard beside him hitting him with the butt of the rifle straight in the stomach.
Rumlow groans as he bends his torso slightly forward.
"Stop it" I bark at the agent who looks at me as if I were crazy.
I return my gaze to Rumlow and smile at him almost amused.
Bucky by my side is tense more than ever but he doesn't dare intervene, his lips are closed in a straight line.
"I was thinking that I made a big mistake when we were in that old abandoned warehouse" I reply and we remain to carefully observe each other.
"I should have put a bullet in your head when I had the opportunity" I add calmly as if we were talking about sports or the weather and not taking the life of another human being.
"You see it?You're not that different from me honey.You are and will always be a murderer" he replies.
I know what he is doing.
He wants to make me nervous but his words have no effect on me.
I know who I am.
I laugh in response and his gaze hesitates for a moment, unable to decipher my reaction.
"If I was like you you wouldn't be here Brock" I answer and then get up and walk towards Steve.
"How soon will we land  Rogers?" I ask, stopping behind him and placing a hand on the back of his seat.
“We'll be in Washington in 10 minutes” he replies.
I nod and then take a seat next to him.
Steve turns to me.
"How is the situation behind?" asks slightly worried the Captain.
“Rumlow is the usual idiot.No a big deal” I murmur crossing my arms over my chest and sinking into the leather seat that creaks under my weight.
Steve nods but his gaze remains tense.
His perfect jaw is tense, his eyes as blue as the ocean stir a thousand worries.
I know perfectly well what worries him.
“Steve I asked you to escort Rumlow with me to prevent Natasha from staying with him.Pierce is incapable.He is harmless.Rumlow only needed his financial backing.Nat is safe”
Steve nods and then sighs.
"I know it.I understand your choice and accept it.Although the most selfish part of me would have liked to fly with her” he admits with a chuckle and scratches at the back of his neck.
As if his worries were a stupid thought…but it isn't.
I understand him.
If only I had any chance that Bucky ever agreed to fly with Natasha I would, I would have pushed him to go with her.
I hate that he and Rumlow are so close.
They are two hotheads and nothing good could ever come from their proximity.
"Here we go" Steve exclaims after a few minutes of flight catching my attention again.
I look in front of me where a long landing strip opens up where the two vans that will take us to the courthouse in Washington are already waiting for us.
We land gently, Steve as always is a great pilot, and after a few moments we are all together again.
Steve immediately joins his wife, whispering something in her ear.
Natasha smiles softly and nods in response.
Bucky remained on the sidelines and his cold and icy gaze is divided between the prisoners and Agent Scott.
Sam approaches me smiling.
"What a mess, huh?" he chuckles giving me a shove.
I roll my eyes in response.
Then I turn to my friend who suddenly got serious.
“I had to hold him back earlier.Literally.That man has serious self-control issues" Sam murmurs, indicating Bucky with a nod of his head.
“For a moment I was afraid he was going to punch Lucas” he adds.
"Do you think I don't know?" I reply angrily.
Sam raises his hands in defense.
“Woah calm down!I don't mean it's your fault”
He tries to apologize but I stop him immediately with a wave of my hand.
"I know it.Sorry.It's just that this situation makes me nervous.I just want to finish fast and go back to New York”
Sam smiles and kisses my forehead.
"It's going to be okay Snow" Sam murmurs softly as I rest my head on his chest.
The strong, steady beating of his heart helps me relax.
"The vans are ready" Steve exclaims.
I raise my head and find him beside me.
I didn't even hear him coming.
"Okay" I exclaim as I approach the vehicles with my friends.
"Steve you go with Natasha" I tell him smiling.
"Are you sure?" he asks me seriously.
I smile again, nodding in response.
“You two and Wilson can escort Pierce.Bucky and I will take care of Rumlow” I say turning to Bucky and smiling at him briefly.
I am tired and at this moment I would like only support and comfort from my man.
We both stand still and watch our friends go away.
I cross my arms across my chest, carefully observing every move of every single person present.
Pierce gets into the van, his gestures slowed by the chains surrounding his ankles.
Right after he is followed by two agents and then it's Natasha's turn, Sam and Steve go up last.
I frown in confusion.
One man is missing.
I point my gaze to the other van just in time to see Lucas, together with two agents, escort Rumlow inside the van but without coming out of it.
I shift my gaze to Bucky and find him observing the same scene I just witnessed.
"James?" I whisper.
His hard, icy gaze moves immediately to my face.
I observe for a moment his beautiful features.
The perfect jaw, the long hair pulled back into a messy bun that touches his neck.
Some rebellious tufts brush his cheek.
It's nice to hurt and as always I feel butterflies stirring in my stomach.
I really love this man too much.
"Do you love me?" I ask him in a choked voice.
His eyes after a moment of confusion soften.
Anger and tension disappear, leaving room only for an infinite sweetness.
His big hands wrap around my face, his thumbs gently caress my cheekbones and then I see his face drop towards mine.
I close my eyes waiting for that sweet contact that today I have missed more than ever.
My hands go up his chest until they cling to his tags.
And just as I imagined a moment later his lips are on mine.
A light kiss, full of love.
He kisses me a couple more times, always kindly.
Then he walks away from me and my eyes slowly reopen.
"I love you more than anything else in the world, my little robin" he replies, smiling with so much love that I feel my legs trembling.
“Don't think I'm angry with you's just that I'd rather you weren't here” Bucky admits with a sigh.
I laugh staying close in his embrace.
"I bet you're more worried about the man without handcuffs" I tease him.
His laughter reverberates through my ear resting on his broad chest.
"More or less" he replies laughing.
We break away from our embrace and holding hand we walk towards the van.
A man is holding the hatch open for us.
Once on board, the driver immediately starts the engine.
For the first few minutes an awkward silence envelops us.
Embarrassing only for some of us because Rumlow is smiling radiantly, he looks like a child anxiously awaiting Christmas morning.
"This trip will be less boring than I could have imagined" he chuckles amused getting a death stare from every person present.
We travel in silence for about ten minutes until Rumlow's voice sounds amused inside the cockpit.
"Did you really leave a good man like Lucas for someone like Bucky?" he asks, giggling amused.
“I mean Lucas is a perfect agent, a sweet and good guy.How could you have preferred your parents' killer to him?I really don't explain it” he adds, pretending to be confused.
The agent to his right quickly pulls out a truncheon to silence him but I block him with a wave of my hand, I really want to see where he wants to go.
Bucky moves nervously by my side, I try to calm him by placing my hand on his thigh, squeezing hard.
Lucas' eyes do not miss even a moment of my every movement.
And our gazes, in a completely instinctive motion, meet and intertwine.
All this under the smug gaze of Rumlow.
I remain silent, trying to curb my impulse to punch Rumlow until that hateful smile disappears.
“Is it about sex?Does Sergeant Barnes fuck you better?" he insists.
Bucky grinds his teeth and I tighten my grip on his thigh trying to make him understand not to give weight to his words.
I am so focused on my boyfriend that I am not aware of Lucas' reaction in the least.
It is as if everything happens in slow motion but despite this I still could not stop it.
His gaze always so kind are contracted with anger, his right hand is tight around Rumlow's neck while with his other he takes the gun from its holster and points it straight at the center of his forehead.
The guards next to the prisoner watch the whole scene with their mouths open, also incredulous at the violence with which Agent Scott is reacting.
Rumlow continues to smile as if he enjoys his reaction.
"What is it...did I hit on the key to the whole thing?" he mumbles as Lucas's hand tightens even more his grip around his neck.
I get up quickly throwing myself between the two men.
"Lucas?Lucas listen to me!He's not worth it, believe me”
I try to make him think by trying to catch his eye.
I place both hands on his chest with light pressure and Lucas suddenly seems to recover.
He blinks quickly focusing on the man in front of him, then turns in my direction and as soon as he notices our proximity he walks away as if burned.
"Don't touch me" he hisses, violently pushing my hands away from his chest.
I involuntarily whimper in pain from the thrust and that's enough for Bucky's ears as he stands up and approaches hard-nosed in front of Lucas.
"Touch her again and I'll break your neck" he murmurs between his teeth.
The two men are chest to chest and I'm sure if I don't separate them it won't end well.
I grab Bucky by the hand and pull him back but he looks like he is pinned in place.
"James?Nothing happened, he didn't do anything to me” I whisper.
Lucas and Bucky continue to challenge each other with their eyes as Brock throws his head back laughing.
“God this is better than I ever imagined” he chuckles.
I drop his words and focus on Bucky again.
"Babe c'mon, let's sit down" I pull him back to me and he lets himself be dragged back onto the seat.
After making sure he has calmed down sufficiently I sit next to him, Lucas sits in front of us turning back to Rumlow.
"Another word.Just another word" threatens him but the man in handcuffs doesn't care in the least, his attention is back on me.
We remain to observe each other and despite the surreal situation that has arisen I have only one question that buzzes non-stop in my head.
“I have a question for you.Why did you do that?" I ask straight away.
Lucas and Bucky whirl in my direction, neither of them expecting me to interact with Rumlow.
And seeing his expression not even him expected it.
"What do you mean redhead?" he asks me intrigued by my curiosity.
"Why did you do that.You had everything.Respect, access to confidential files, a great salary.You could have had a brilliant career.But you chose to be on the side of the bad guys.Why?"
"Who says we're the bad guys Snow?"
I smile.
"Answer a question with another question.Coward” I spit through my teeth.
Rumlow stiffens.
“I'm not a coward.You are.You are so afraid of your own government that you don't dare to rebel.We had courage instead”
I have the point.
“This I grant you.It takes courage to have your men slaughtered.Men who trusted you.Men who followed and obeyed you for how long?Six years?"
"Eight" Rumlow interrupts me.
I smile.
"Eight years.Eight years and you sacrificed them as if they were meat for slaughter.On your conscience you have dead, widows, orphans, parents and friends who cry for can you live in such peace with yourself?" I ask sincerely curious to know how the mind of a madman works.
“They are collateral damage.It's all for a just cause, for a greater good” he replies with a fiery gaze.
"Collateral damages?Superior good?Jesus Christ Rumlow are you serious?I'll tell you one last thing" I murmur staring him straight in the eye.
“If it had been up to me I wouldn't have granted you any trial, you don't deserve it.You don't deserve to live and if only I had nothing to lose I would have already killed you with my own hands.You will pay for every single life you have taken from this world and I promise you that I will do anything in my power to make every single day of your life be a fucking hell”
Bucky grabs my hand intertwining our fingers, I know he's trying to comfort me and calm me down.
I reciprocate the squeeze.
Rumlow no longer speaks and the entire journey continues quietly to the courthouse.
Once on the spot, Steve and I make sure that everything goes ok, together with the armed guards we escort both prisoners to the courtroom where the trial will take place and once we are sure that everything goes ok we head to the Triskelion.
We are about to get into the van that will take us to Fury when I notice a person out of the corner of my eye.
"I'll be right back" I say to my friends, walking away quickly.
"Where are you going?" Bucky yells behind me but I'm already too far away to answer, too far away and too focused on my goal.
Stopped in front of the entrance to the court is Lucas who is talking to some men.
"Lucas?Do you have a minute?" I ask him staying a few steps away.
He turns his gaze towards me, he seems tempted to ignore me but after a few moments he apologizes to his interlocutors and joins me.
“Sorry gentlemen.I'll join you in a minute”
I hear him murmur.
When I find him in front of me, I feel as if I have lost word, I just observe him without knowing what to say.
"Do you need something Snow?" he asks me coldly bringing me back to reality abruptly.
"I...I..." I stammer.
Lucas snorts impatiently.
"I have no time to lose.I have work to do” he exclaims, turning his back on me and walking away.
“I'm sorry” I yell behind him pinning him in place.
"I'm sorry" I repeat, moving a few steps closer.
Lucas keeps his back to me.
“I didn't want you to suffer.I was wrong and I regret it every single day.You were close to me and I broke your heart...but I swear it was not my intention!I didn't want to” I whisper in pain, feeling all the weight of my guilt fall on my heart.
“I know my apologies are useless but I've always cared so much for you…I care so much for you.Hurt you was the last of my intentions" I add, lowering my head and with hunched shoulders I turn to go back to my friends.
"I'm sorry too" Lucas whispers behind me.
I turn slowly in disbelief at the words that have just left his lips.
"You have nothing to apologize for Lucas"
"It's no true" he interrupts me.
“I was aware of your real feelings Amaya but I ignored them, I wallowed in a lie hoping you might change your mind about me someday.I was presumptuous and took my frustration out on you.I blamed you without you having a fault, taking it out on you was easier than facing reality.I wouldn't blame you if you hated me”
I look at his eyes, so clear and sincere.
“That's ok Lucas.I don't hate you, I could never do that”
I smile at him trying to make him understand how sincere I am.
For a moment we remain closed in an embarrassed silence but then Lucas smiles at me and holds out his hand.
"Friends?" I answer uncertain.
"Just friends, I swear" he adds with a laugh.
I laugh too, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.
"Friends" I repeat pulling him towards me and hugging him.
"I'm sorry" I repeat with my face sunk into his chest.
His expensive cologne tickles my nostrils.
"I'm sorry too Snow"
We part smiling and Lucas's gaze goes to the van behind us.
I follow his gaze with a sigh.
"Are you going to have problems because of me?" Lucas asks me looking into my eyes.
My gaze remains fixed on Bucky who is watching me with a death stare.
I shake my head returning my attention to the man in front of me.
“Bucky still has some trouble trusting people.Including me” I say shrugging.
Lucas lifts a corner of his lips.
“I hope you will forgive me but Barnes is an idiot.The ways you have shown him that you love him are countless and even of some importance and yet he continues to do so.Instead of him I wouldn't be so pissed off”
I laugh.
“Yeah, he's often an idiot but...he's my idiot” I admit.
Lucas laughs with me.
"Ok, now I have to go before he decides to come here" I say holding out my hand to Lucas again, he grabs it and squeezes it tightly.
“Yeah, I think it wouldn't be great if we got into a fight now”
“I guess” I reply laughing.
We say goodbye one last time and aware that now Bucky's anger would await me, I return to the van.
Bucky waits for me with his arms crossed outside the vehicle, I walk past him without saying anything.
A moment before being able to step on the van his hand in Vibranium tightens around my wrist.
"So?" he asks furiously.
I jerk my wrist out of his grip but to no avail, his fingers are locked around my wrist.
"So what?" I ask angrily.
Bucky's gaze tapers.
"What did you say to each other?"
I look at him in shock.
“I don't think I have to tell you what we said to each other.I needed to talk to him.To apologize to him.He is a very important person to me”
A flash of pain passes through his eyes.
I know how insecure he is but I don't want to lie to him.
We promised never to do it again.
“No more lies, remember?Lucas was important to me and he always will be, he's a good friend but nothing more.And I can't help it if you can't accept it.If you find it hard to believe.That's it”
Bucky lets go of my wrist like he's just burned.
"You don't owe him any apologies" he mutters grumpily looking everywhere but not in my eyes.
I laugh at his statement, catching his crystalline gaze again.
"Don't be ridiculous.I dumped him immediately after having sex with him.I ditched him for the man I told him several times not to worry about.Apologies are the bare minimum.Now if you're done being a capricious child, I have work waiting for me”
So saying I turn my back as I get into the van and sit next to Sam.
My friends watch me without knowing what to say, in their eyes I can clearly see their pain for me.
Obviously they have heard everything and the tense air that has been created makes them uncomfortable too.
"I'm sorry guys" I whisper a moment before Bucky goes up and sits next to Steve.
Away from me.
I lean my head against the side of the van, closing my eyes.
I almost regret not being Agent Zero anymore.

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