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This chapter contains sex scenes.
If you are not comfortable with this topic don't read.

Enjoy ❤️

Amaya POV

"Hey look!The mistletoe" I giggle pulling Lucas by the hand dragging him until we find ourselves under it.
Then I grab his tie in my hands and pull him to me to kiss him.
Our lips touch and my skin is covered with chills.
Lucas's hands slide along my arms and then stop on my hips, squeezing them gently.
I keep kissing him for a few minutes.
Our tongues caress each other softly, looking for each other and touching each other delicately.
Tonight I feel my body reacting differently to Lucas' touch.
It's like my body is sending me a clear signal.
Are you ready!
I slowly detach myself from him, his eyes are bright and a bit of lust makes them shine.
"I still can't believe it.Nat and Steve are getting married in just six months.I'm so happy and excited for them" I dreamy sigh trying to direct my thoughts somewhere else.
At the moment I feel quite scared of this desire to deepen my relationship on the physical side.
Him, unaware of everything, smiles at me.
"Six months is very little to organize a wedding" he replies with a chuckles.
"It depends on what you want" I reply.
"If I ever get married someday I want something simple.No princess dresses, no tousend of guests.I would like something simple, a few close friends.Maybe barefoot on the beach" I add.
Lucas watches me closely.
"Really?I thought the classic wedding with a white dress and everything else was every woman's dream"
"Well it's not my dream"
Lucas laughs heartily.
"What's up?What did I say funny?" I ask smiling and tying my arms behind his neck.
"You have always been different from the others.Always over the top.I think that's why I fell in love with you"
He says it lightly, as if it were completely natural.
Leaving me totally speechless.
But then he realizes his words.
"Oh shit!I'm sorry Amaya.I know we have to take things rush!" he exclaims making his gaze wander everywhere, carefully avoiding my eyes.
"I know.I know it.I'm sorry.It slipped from my lips without realizing it" he stammers in panic.
"No, you're right.I know we are on two different levels.But it does not matter.It is enough for me to have you by my side.You don't have to say anything, okay?"
"Lucas please shut your mouth" I exclaim laughing.
He looks at me like I'm crazy.
While he was talking he walked away from me, now he keeps his hands in his pockets swinging in place.
He is definitely upset.
I approach him again.
"You know I promised you I would never lie to you"
He nods.
I seek his hands and squeeze them in mine.
"I don't know if I love you Lucas, I don't know yet but of one thing I'm have restored my happiness.I'm fine with you.You are the only one who has always understood me, the only one I have always trusted.I like you and I like you a lot.And I want you all to myself.Do you think it will be enough for now?I know how you feel about me, I've always known, so I don't want to force you to do anything...and if what I have to offer isn't enough for you, I can't even force you to stay with me" I whisper feeling almost ungrateful.
I like him but I can't deny that my relationship with Bucky was important.
Which has left an unfortunately negative mark on my life.
I need time and no matter how much I want to be with Lucas, I can't force him to settle for what little I have to offer him.
I feel Lucas' fingers press under my chin to make my face lift.
Our gazes meet by chaining each other.
"I knew exactly what I were going through when I kissed you back two months ago.I'm not a fool, I know it's too early for you to talk about love but I know you.I know you are sincere.One step at a time, right?"
He looks at me smiling with a disarming sweetness.
"One step at a time" I whisper in response.
We share another sweet kiss.
We remain embraced under the mistletoe enjoying this little moment of our own.
"Hey come on!" he tells me, he breaks away from me.
"Meet some of my colleagues from Washington.I've told them so much about you" he adds, taking me by the hand.
I follow him smiling at him.
I find myself smiling and shaking the hands of at least a dozen people, they all seem enthusiastic to know me and they repeat to me how much Lucas had told them about me.
"I am thirsty.Do you want something?" I ask him drawing his attention to me while he is chatting with his colleagues.
"No, I'm fine.Do you want me to go?"
I smile at his concern.
"No, that's okay.I'll go"
He kisses me and lets me go.
I go to the counter and take a look around.
Nat and Steve are dancing tightly in each other's arms.
They are a beautiful couple and I am really happy for them.
After all that both of them have had to go through in their lives, they really deserve all this happiness, all this love.
I let my gaze wander around the great room again and I can catch a glimpse of all my friends, everyone is enjoying themselves and the evening seems to be going on very well.
On the other hand, it has never happened that a party of the great Tony Stark was a flop.
"Here's your drink agent"
I return my attention to the bar and finally the bartender has arrived with my Martini.
I thank him and go back, my gaze glued to my drink to avoid spilling it on my dress.
But after a few moments I bump into something.
The violent impact makes me bounce back a few steps, it was so violent that for a moment I think I hit some wall and instead I hear a voice apologizing.
"Oh sorry!I..."
But when my eyes are lifted from my hands, I find myself in front of a pair of eyes that I know all too well.
Or at least I thought I knew.
"Shit!I'm sorry!Let me..." Bucky exclaims visibly agitated, waving his hands in front of him as if he wanted to help me.
"Don't worry.Nothing happened" I cut him.
I'm definitely not in the mood to listen to his stupid whining.
I absolutely don't want to ruin my evening by arguing with him.
I take a step to the side and leave him there alone as I stride away.
I reach Lucas who in the meantime has remained alone.
"What happened?" he asks when he sees me return with the glass half full and my hands wet.
"Nothing.An idiot didn't see me and came on me making my drink spill" I reply.
Lucas grabs my glass and leans over to a table next to us.
He puts down the glass and grabs some napkins and then helps me dry my hands.
"Do you want me to go look for him?"
I smile at him shaking my head.
"As honored as I am that you want to defend my honor, there is no need.I would not want to disappoint you but we are not in the Wild West Agent Scott" I point out to him with a slight chuckle.
With the corner of my eye I check what happened to Bucky but not even a shadow of him.
I turn my attention back to the man in front of me, Lucas' annoyed gaze lifts from my hands to look at me with a raised eyebrow and then he rolls his eyes.
After helping me clean my hands he insists on going for another Martini.
"Ok but hurry up it's almost midnight!"
Lucas laughs promising that he would make it in time.
Shortly after, Tony's voice echoes throughout the room.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it's almost midnight.I advise you to retrieve your coats and sit on the terrace to enjoy the fireworks display offered by Mr. Stark.That would be me"
A chorus of laughter rises from the small crowd intent on listening to him.
"Oh shit!" I exclaim, cursing myself.
Obviously living here I didn't think about bringing my coat with me so now I find myself in a dress definitely not suitable for the cold New York nights.
"What happens?" Lucas asks curiously as he approaches me with my drink in his hands.
"I want to go out to see the fireworks but I don't have a coat.I have to go up to my room" I snort impatiently.
"You begin to take a seat outside, I'll join you immediately"
I start to move away but Lucas grabs me by the wrist pulling me back towards him.
Our bodies collide and Lucas' lips are instantly on mine.
"I'll give you my coat" he whispers on my lips.
"And you?You will freeze" I ask, looking him straight in the eye.
"Well it will mean that I will warm up holding you tight in my arms" he whispers with a mischievous look.
I feel like daring a little, I want to understand if we are on the same wavelength tonight.
"Or maybe" I add, blinking languidly "I could warm you up.Later.In my room"
Lucas's eyes just darken, a flash of pure pleasure crosses them.
His grip on my hips increases and his intense gaze makes my legs tremble.
Apparently he and I are speaking the same language tonight.
"It's a tempting proposition, I have to admit" he replies, licking his lips.
We smile and after another sweet kiss Lucas retrieves his coat and with extreme gallantry helps me to put it on.
I find myself immediately enveloped in his intoxicating scent.
I lift the collar of his coat sinking my face, breathing deeply the sweet scent of him.
"Ok this is damn romantic but...where is my Martini?" I ask, looking up at the man in front of me.
Lucas laughs and grabs the glass he had placed next to him.
I drink a couple of sips and then we sit outside and thanks to Lucas we are able to get close to the railing.
He stays behind me and his arms close around my shoulders, I lean with my back against his chest and intertwine my hands around his.
"Are you sure you're not cold?" I ask, turning my head back, looking up until I meet his gaze.
"I'm fine, don't worry" he replies kissing the tip of my nose.
"Your nose is cold" he chuckles as he kisses it again.
I chuckle leaning my head against his hard, compact chest.
A few snowflakes begin to fall on our heads.
After a few minutes the first firework breaks the silence.
A cascade of red and gold sparks colors the sky above our heads.
I am amazed by so much wonder.
With my mouth open and eyes wide open I watch the trails of light follow one another in a wonderful show in the New York sky.
I love fireworks.
I've always loved them since I was a child.
A memory suddenly comes back to my mind.
It was Christmas Eve, I must have been about six years old and my parents had gone on a mission for a couple of days leaving me with a woman who at the time I thought was a babysitter, only later when I was older did I discover that she was an agent.
Just that morning mom had called me to say they wouldn't be back in time for midnight.
I was upset, I was just a child and I didn't understand how my parents could miss the midnight fireworks and the arrival of Santa Claus.
I smile sweetly at the memory.
Disappointed and angry I went to sleep early but then in the middle of the night two strong arms lifted me from my bed and then wrapped me, still half asleep, inside a large blanket.
A few minutes later I found myself looking out on the balcony, wrapped in the arms of my wonderful father while my mother tried to put a hat on me so as not to make my head freeze.
Ecstatic and enraptured, I watched the colorful fireworks explode in the dark sky.
"You said you weren't coming" I murmured against the blanket pressing down on my face.
"We will always find a way to get back to you" my mom replied while another firework illuminated her beautiful blue eyes and her wide and sincere smile.
I sigh sadly.
In the end, however, they did not come back to me.
Who knows what they thought at that moment.
Who knows if while they looked their killer in the eye their last thought was for me.
The echo of the explosion of the last firework disperses in the air along with my sad memories.
I wake up from my numbness to return to focus on the present.
I look up at Lucas and find him staring at me.
He raises a hand and strokes my cheek, with his thumb collecting a lonely tear.
"Everything is fine?"
I shrug at his question.
"I thought" I reply simply.
"May I ask you what you were thinking?" he asks me softly as I turn into his arms.
Now we are facing each other again, I wrap my arms around his waist and sink my frozen face into his chest.
"I was thinking about my parents.On Christmas Eve we always watched the fireworks together" I reply with a hint of sadness.
Lucas hugs me and kisses my forehead.
"I'm sorry" he whispers with his lips still on my skin.
I shake my head.
"It's been a long time now.It was just a good memory"
We take each other by the hand and head inside again, joining everyone else for a toast.
We exchange kisses and hugs with everyone.
Nat and I hug each other, giggling and starting to throw out some ideas for the wedding.
After about two hours a yawn escapes from my lips, I try not to show it but obviously Lucas notices it.
"Do you want to go back to your room?"
I nod, resting my head on his chest, closing my eyes.
Indeed, it is already 2 in the morning and fatigue begins to be felt.
We say goodbye to everyone and head to my room.
As soon as I enter I take off my shoes and let out a sigh of relief.
"Why are you wearing them if they are uncomfortable?" Lucas asks me, raising an eyebrow as he takes off his jacket.
I cross my arms over my chest and I watch him as he loosens his tie.
"What's up?" he asks me looking at me with a questioning look.
"You realize you asked a stupid question, right?"
"It's not a stupid question" he replies.
I snort walking towards the bathroom.
"I'll be right back" I yell from behind the closed door.
I look in the mirror and start taking off my make-up, wash my face and brush my hair.
I stop for a moment to think.
Tonight for the first time I felt the physical need to get close to Lucas.
To touch him, to kiss him, to make him hold me in his arms.
He is wonderful and I feel really into him.
I would like to go further but a thousand doubts hold me back.
It will certainly be strange to slept with a man other than Bucky, after all, before him I had not allowed myself to anyone for a long time and with him...with him sex was something explosive.
I cannot deny this.
But what will sex with Lucas be like?
He is sweeter, more romantic.
I slowly undress but instead of wearing my usual pajamas, consisting of an old sweetpants and a Lucas shirt, I leave the bathroom wearing only my underwear.
I wear simple black lace suit.
Lucas cannot see me, he is carefully folding his expensive suit from behind before placing it on the chair.
I roll my eyes.
The usual perfectionist.
"How about tomorrow morning we..."
But he can't finish the sentence because as soon as he turns around he sees me.
I am half naked in front of him.
His eyes widen in amazement and then he immediately turns to the other side.
"Excuse me!I didn't...I didn't realize...sorry!" he stutters embarrassed.
I laugh softly.
I approach him touching his back and I feel him shiver under my touch.
"Lucas" I murmur softly.
He slowly turns in my direction, making sure that his gaze is always fixed on my face.
"Amaya you don't have to do this" he tells me with a serious look.
"What are you talking about?" I ask, lifting myself up on tiptoe, kissing the perfect profile of his jaw.
His beard tickles my lips.
I continue to kiss him running down his neck as my hands sneak under his t-shirt.
Lucas readily grabs my wrists by pulling my hands away from his body.
"Why are you doing so?You don't want me?" I ask him angrily as I walk away from him.
Now I feel too naked in front of his impassive gaze.
I try to cover myself by crossing my arms in front of my body.
"There is no need to get angry Amaya"
I look at him incredulously.
"Really?Are you refusing me and I should laugh about it?" I ask angrily.
Lucas sighs.
"I'm not turning you down.I'm just telling you you don't have to.You don't have to prove anything to me.You don't even have to do it to prove to yourself that it's over with Barnes"
Just hearing him mention that name, I feel my brain short-circuit and rage taking hold of me.
"Barnes?What the hell are you talking about?" I exclaim, running a hand through my hair violently.
I laugh but it's a joyless laugh.
"I'm practically banging my vagina in your face and you come out with this bullshit?But what the hell is wrong with you?Jesus Christ!" I exclaim more and more angry.
We look into each other's eyes for a few seconds until I see Lucas's lips lift upwards.
Unable to hold back a smile.
I can't help it and I laugh too.
"Ok ok!" I say raising my hands in front of me.
"Maybe I overdid the story of my vagina"
Lucas continues to laugh and approaches me.
"I don't mind talking about your vagina too much" he chuckles, amused.
I roll my eyes.
"I'm sorry" he whispers then turning serious.
"I didn't have to bring up that man.I'm sorry" he whispers to me.
I shake my head hugging him.
"It's okay" I answer, placing my ear on his chest right where his heart beats furiously.
"I just want you to want to make love with me because you want it"
His sweet and insecure voice resounds in my ear through his chest.
"Oh Lucas" I murmured looking up and stroking his face.
"But I want you.Let's leave it all behind.We only think about us.To us now" I murmur before reaching for his lips again.
And this time he doesn't hold back.
His hands clasp firmly on my hips.
His tongue enters my mouth with force.
I lean my head back, letting him guide me.
We back away until my back collides with the cold wall.
His lips descend to my neck as his hands caress my thighs.
I lose my hands in his honey blonde hair, barely moaning.
At the sound of my moan Lucas looks up into my eyes and he crushed his lips back on mine.
His hands tighten on my thighs lifting one so that I fit better against his body.
I can clearly feel his erection pressing against my warm core.
I rub against him, stealing to him a lustful moan.
Lucas grabs me hard and making me tie my legs around his hips leads me onto the bed where he lays me down carefully, as if I were made of crystal.
I watch him as he takes off his shirt by yanking it from his head and then lowers himself bringing his lips to my body.
He kisses my ankle and then the other.
He kisses my calf and then the other.
He kisses my inner thigh and then moves on to the other.
I shiver at each contact.
I squeeze the blankets under me tightly between my fingers.
I press my head hard on the pillow arching my back, leaning towards him asking for more.
Lucas returns to devote himself to my neck, kissing and biting it.
He takes off my bra with slow and delicate movements, continuing to worship my body and I can't help but moan at every touch of him.
His lips descend along my belly and in a single gesture he also takes off the last garment I am wearing.
I remain naked in front of his eyes.
For a moment I feel embarrassment burning inside of me but I just need to look at his eyes to reassure me.
Lucas continues to look at me as if I were the most beautiful thing in the world.
"Are you okay honey?"
I nod with shortness of breath.
"Yeah" I whisper, lifting myself up on my elbows to find his lips.
Lucas lets himself be kissed, then I lie down again allowing him to continue the discovery of my body.
His lips rest on my belly and then descend and, as delicate as the wings of a butterfly, they rest on the core of my pleasure.
I instinctively grab his hair pushing his face harder between my legs.
I almost feel him growling on my pussy and his tongue gets bolder as two fingers brush my entrance pressing to enter.
"Oh Lucas" I scream between moans as his fingers move with skill until they bring me to orgasm.
I collapse on the sheets trying to catch my breath.
Lucas positions himself between my thighs and I lift myself up just enough to help him lower his boxers which he promptly kicks off.
He positions himself better on me and then kisses me with infinite sweetness.
"You are beautiful.You are fantastic.And I adore you" he whispers to me between kisses and then starts shoving his dick inside me.
For a moment I think about how weird it is to have sex with a man other than Bucky.
With Lucas it's totally different.
Lucas is kinder, more delicate.
He is not carnal and impetuous.
He has a completely unknown way of making love.
I try to relax and free my head.
I just want to enjoy this wonderful moment.
A hand of Lucas tightens around my thigh, lifting it so that it rests on his side, the other hand is pointed on the mattress on the side of my head.
My fingers claw his perfect ass inviting him to push harder.
Lucas pleases me and starts pacing back and forth, in and out of my body.
Accompanying his every movement with a moan.
Our lips collide giving life to a kiss of pure passion.
Our moans mix in our mouths, one breathing the essence of the other.
And so enveloped only by the sound of our hips colliding with force we both cum, letting ourselves go tired but satisfied.
Lucas rolls to the side and I follow him crouching beside him.
He turns his head towards me, looking at me from above with his eyes as clear and blue as the ocean.
He smiles at me sweetly and I return his smile.
"It was beautiful" I murmur as I try to catch my breath.
"I fully agree" Lucas chuckles kissing my forehead.
I laugh hitting his chest.
Lucas pretends to hurt himself and massaging his chest he raises himself on one elbow and leans towards me.
"You are beautiful Amaya.And I'm happy to be here with you" he tells me, filling my face with kisses.
I laugh in the throes of a joy that I haven't felt for a long time.
"Thanks Lucas"
"What are you thanking me for?"
"For never giving up.For always believing I was worth it"
Lucas's eyes soften as his smile widens even more.
"You will always be worth it Amaya.Always"
We exchange a last kiss and remain embraced while sleep envelops us in his mantle.

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