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This chapter contains
- violence
- weapons
- blood
If you are sensitive to those topic please don't read.

Thanks and enjoy the story!

Amaya POV

I open the door to Bucky's room and stealthily slide to my room.
God please let no one see me.
It would be really hard to explain why I'm half undressed with only one of his t-shirts on.
I quickly open the door and closing it behind me I lean on it.
"Go headed Juliet, I have to have a chat with your Romeo"
I smile thinking about the words Natasha just said to me.
I bite my lip, poor James who knows what she will want from him.
I feel my legs like jellyfish and with my back still leaning against the door I let myself slide to the floor, as soon as my butt touches the floor a grimace of pain crosses my face.
I am sore.
I hadn't had sex for 10 months now and Bucky's size certainly doesn't help.
This night was pure passion but on a different note than our last time which technically was also the first.
There was that urge to be together, a burning need.
And the sweetness.
The sweetness of being together, light kisses full of unspoken words.
And the way he kissed me just before I left his room, even though Nat was there with us.
Although it's all painfully wrong.
I bang my head against the door a couple of times.
"What the hell is wrong with me?" I whisper, looking up at the ceiling.
Last night when I broke into his room I imagined everything except that I would end up with my legs spread under him screaming with pleasure.
My goal was something else, I just wanted to throw up all my hatred on him and make him feel disgusting at least half as bad as I feel.
But then his words made me waver.
"I know it. And you are right to hate me" he had just whispered as if saying it aloud cost him a filthy effort.
"You must hate me, I'm not a good boy Amaya.I never will be.For none, especially you"
I realized that perhaps I was not the only one suffering from the situation that had arisen between us.
"Fuck" I exclaim with a lump in my throat.
This is all so wrong.
He has a girlfriend and I should feel ashamed of what I did, what I did to Sharon.
She has always been so sweet and nice to me how could I have done her such a wrong?
How could I have done such a thing against another woman.
Being betrayed is horrible, leaves you in despair, and I would never want to put any human being in such a situation just for my pleasure...
《Yet you did》 whispers the voice of my conscience.
I feel a wave of panic hit me.
I have to work with these people, what the hell jumped into my mind.
If this ever comes out, I will end up breaking the balance of the team.
I would be singled out as the whore of the situation.
I'm not feeling well.
Okay, I just have to breathe.
After all, it doesn't mean that what happened tonight will repeat itself.
Perhaps ours was just the outburst due to the months of tension we lived through.
Maybe he doesn't want this to come out.He will never tell Sharon, he will never make her suffer.
This hurts.
This thought hurts but we are adults and responsible and I will have to be able to face the consequences of my actions even if it means suffering.
I will never claim any rights to Barnes.
I will never put any pressure on him.
And I have to talk to Natasha as soon as possible so that she doesn't give him the torment.
Bucky is free to be with whoever he wants.
I squeeze the edges of his shirt in my hands and bring it to my nose.
The scent of him fills my lungs making my head light.
A unique scent of lemon, orange blossom and honey.
I lose a few more minutes lost in my thoughts, my knees pressed to my chest and my face sunk between them.
I have to get up, Tony needs us.
I can't stay here and linger on my miserable love life.
I get up quickly and go to the bathroom.
In the meantime I think I just want his perfume, sweat and sperm to stay on my body as long as possible.
But after all I'm not a normal person so...
I take off his shirt, fold it and smell it again.
I don't think I'll ever give it back to him, after all he still has my panties.
One trophy each.
I force myself to go into the shower and wash off myself the night just passed.
While I am intent on drying my hair I hear a slight knock on the door which opens immediately afterwards.
"Amaya where are you?"
"I'm in the bathroom Nat, I'm coming"
My hands are sweating.
How the hell am I to deal with the woman waiting for me over there?
I look at myself in the mirror.
“You can do it Amaya.You can do it.Stay calm and breath”
I repeat to myself in a low voice trying to give me some courage.
With only my underwear on, I leave the bathroom.
Natasha is lying on my bed, her legs dangling over the edge and her hands behind the head.
She turns her face in my direction.
I feel her eyes looking at me carefully.
"You know I'm starting to lose my mind" she tells me vaguely.
"I can't remember the exact moment I told you to spend the night in Barnes's sheets.I'm sure I just advised you to talk to him”
I roll my eyes.
"Please Nat don't put yourself in it too" I tell her angrily as I dive into my large closet to try to retrieve something decent to wear.
She raises herself on her elbows.
“Do you think what happened is right?Sharon…”
“Don't give me the torment, please!Do you think I don't know what I did?Do you think I doesn't already feel terribly mortified?"
My voice trembles.
I remain hidden behind the closet doors, I don't want my friend to see me lose my shit.  This is all pathetic.
I'm pathetic and I don't need to see it in her eyes too.
"Are you crying?" her voice seems closer than before.
"No" I reply harshly, running my hand over my face to try to erase the evidence of my lie.
Nat appears behind me, forcing me to turn to her.
We look into each others eyes intensely, green against green.
My gaze is hard, I try to hide the chaos of emotions bubbling inside my heart.
But I fail.
I understand it from her look that softens.
She looks at me as if I were a puppy abandoned in the middle of the road and all soaked in rain.
"Do not look at me like that, I do not want your pity" I say passing her to the side heading towards my bed where I go to lay down the clothes I have chosen.
“It is not pity asshole!And I'm not mad at you for what you did” my friend replies.
"Oh really?"
"Don't push me away Amaya, it doesn't work with me.You don't have to always play the part of the strong woman who doesn't need anyone"
I stiffen at her words but continue to dress as if nothing had happened.
I wear a black t-shirt and a pair of faded jeans ripped at the height of the thighs.
Always remaining silent, I approach the mirror to give myself one last look.
What appears to be a hickey ends at the neckline of my shirt.
Damn Barnes.
I try to lift the shirt a little to at least try to hide it.
“I'm just worried about you.I don't want to see you suffer.It is all here”
I sigh.
I've been mean and Natasha doesn't deserve this.
“Sorry Romanoff.I didn't want to talk to you like that before, I'm just nervous"
"I know" she replies back, then adds "What do you think if after the meeting with the others we take a few hours for us and go for an ice cream together?So maybe we can talk a little bit.Agree?"
"Okay" I sigh.
It is useless to go against Natasha.
In the end she always gets what she wants.
We head together towards the lift, enter and press the button that will take us to the floor we are looking for.
A voice followed by footsteps reaches us.
A hand in Vibranium slips into the middle of the door just before it closes, the doors open again under the push of that hand.
A gorgeous Bucky makes his entrance.
His hair is still damp and his scent expands all over the space around me, he is wearing black jeans and a thin white t-shirt that he pulls over his massive chest, the military tags placed on it.
I think back to when it was upon me tonight and they swayed sinfully in front of my face.
With each thrust I could hear the rattle.
I find myself swallowing.
I look up and James looks at me biting his lip, his hard blue irises full of lust.
He too is looking back on this night, I'm sure.
The doors close behind him and he positions himself next to me.
Now I find myself in the middle of both of them, on one side there is him and his damn sexy body.
On the other side, there is Nat who seems extremely amused by the whole situation.
I feel Bucky's human fingers caressing mine, a couple of touches to which I shyly respond.
We both keep looking just ahead of us.
His hand grows bolder and tightens around mine.
I immediately turn to Natasha to see if she has noticed but apparently she is too busy massaging with someone with her smartphone.
Probably with Steve.
I relax a bit and squeeze his hand, out of the corner of my eye I see Bucky smiling slyly.
Without ever turning to us Natasha takes a step forward and gently says "Kiss her Barnes, don't be an idiot"
He and I look at each other smiling.
His hand, the one not intertwined with mine, moves over my face to bring a lock of hair behind my ear and then brings it back to my face and with his thumb he rubs my lower lip.
He kisses me.
A long, sweet kiss.
He breaks away from me and loosening the grip of our hands embraces me, his hands behind my back and mine are resting on his chest.
I see him lower his lips towards my ear and whisper to me "Are you ok doll?"
"Yeah, I'm fine" I whisper on his chest.
If until a moment ago I was scared now with these small gestures of him he has lightened my heart.
I shift my gaze to the elevator doors and Natasha is watching us, her arms crossed over her chest.The shadow of a smile on her lips.
"You are really cute together" she says.
Then she turns around, the elevator doors open and she walks out with a sure-footed step.
Bucky and I immediately release the embrace and walk behind the former Russian spy to head to the meeting room where everyone is waiting for us.
He stays a few steps behind.
Shortly before crossing the threshold of the room where we are headed Barnes joins me and in a low tone, so that only I can hear him, he tells me "It will be okay"
I just nod.
"Nice ass by the way” having said that he pinches me on the butt and overtakes me as he enters the meeting room.
I gasp in embarrassment and praying to any existing divinity I go and sit down hoping that no one has noticed.
Barnes is absolutely a reckless idiot.
I observe the space around me.
The room is very large, all the walls are made of glass.
In the center is a long dark mahogany table and what appear to be a dozen office chairs.
In front of the entrance  over the table there is a large monitor.
All the Avengers are already seated, with them there is also Fury.
A huge smile spreads on my face, I approach him and hug him.
I really don't care what anyone in this room thinks.
Nick is my mentor, the closest thing to a family.
He seems equally happy to see me again.
"How are you Snow?"
“Can't complain, food and company aren't bad"
We both laugh.
I detach myself from the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I'm looking for a place to sit.
The only empty seat is between Sam and Bucky.
I take a seat as Sam greets me.
"Good morning dear.Are you all right on your night of passion?Where is your beautiful blonde?"
His question displaces me.
I forgot that everyone here saw me come home with Lucas last night.
"Will we see him arrive shortly or has he already left?" continues undaunted Sam.
Bucky next to me stiffens.
The Vibranium hand closes in a fist.
"He went away before dawn, he had work to do"
"Will we see him around soon?"
I turn completely to him.
"Sam, could we not talk about my sex life?"
Sam bursts into a loud laugh but I can't understand why.
It only takes me a few moments to realize that everyone is staring at me.
Shit they heard us.
Everyone, including Fury who is now looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
Natasha seems on the verge of suffocating from the effort to hold back her laughters.
Tony speaks first.
“As much as we are all curious about Amaya's sex life we ​​have a little more compelling matter at the moment.And surely you are wondering what Fury and I do here on Sunday mornings"
Tony pauses to take a sip from his cup of coffee.
With a slight movement I notice that Bucky is pushing a full one towards me, he knows I love coffee and I haven't had a chance to drink it this morning.
I thank him with a smile, a smile that obviously does not escape Stark, he raising an eyebrow.
"Oh...I'm glad you and Manchurian Candidate are trying to get along"
We both roll our eyes.
Steve smiles at his best friend as if to say "I'm glad you're trying"
Oh Steve if you only knew...
Tony starts talking again.
"By the way right now I should be on a sunny beach in Miami with my wonderful fiancee and instead this gentleman here" so saying he points with his thumb Fury right behind him "he calls me before dawn to tell me that the King of Wakanda, His Majesty T'Challa, needs our help”
We observe each other.
I know very well that in Wakanda they prefer to solve their problems by themselves so to contact us the situation must be really serious.
Fury takes a step towards the large monitor that Stark readily accesses.
Mugshots of some of the men appear on the screen.
They are all Wakandians.
"His Highness T’Challa has discovered the huge thefts of Vibranium from his kingdom" informs us the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
“And from certain sources it would have arrived in America.Let's talk about at least half a ton of Vibranium"
"What the hell do they do with all that Vibranium?" asks Sam.
"Weapons" I reply.
"In America there is one of the most productive black markets of weapons in the world"
"Exactly" Fury seems proud of my deduction, like a parent who sees his little girl ride a bike for the first time.
“But in Wakanda the technologies are much more advanced, why build in America?Moving all that Vibranium can be dangerous, they would risk being arrested much faster"
The reasoning just outlined by Steve makes sense but Tony intervenes immediately.
"Because these Wakandians work for an American.During their interrogation they said nothing that could help.They just said that the American man would soon have the power, then they hit the wall and died"
"Cyanide poisoning" suggests Natasha.
"Mmh mmh" Stark nods.
“Cyanide capsule implanted in the gum.Unfortunately two died.The third they managed to save him, when he is able to speak they will try to interrogate him again"
Natasha still looks thoughtful, she turns to Fury asking him "Do you think what's the Russian government to do?"
“We excluded him.We followed the phone records of these men and they only had contact with America.Obviously all absolutely untraceable”
Fury replies with his hands clasped behind his back.
“Agent Hill observed suspicious movements of some trucks for months.We have reason to believe that they are the same vehicles that transported the stolen Vibranium” he continues.
"Who can ever be behind it?"
Bucky's voice makes me turn to him.
I look at his profile, the square jaw covered with a light hair distracting me from everything else.
I am mesmerized by his lips moving as he continues to speak.
"Any fanatics?"
“He is not a simple fanatic.He is too smart, he knows how to move and how to hide" Tony replies.
"We think it's someone from the inside.Someone in S.H.I.E.L.D. he's betraying us, again!”
Fury says, sighing in frustration.
"You'll see what's new" Nat whispers to Steve, rolling her eyes.
I chuckle at the finding of her.
"What's our next move then?" I ask.
"You, Wilson and Barnes are going to do a survey of the shed where the trucks are hiding" Tony informs me.
My heart skips a beat.
I knew that sooner or later this moment would come.
My first mission.
My first mission with Bucky.
I always thought I could do it great but after tonight things are a little different.
How should I behave?
Sam and I have our own way of joking, one that is sure to piss off Barnes.
“Rogers and Romanoff will split between New York and Washington trying to find out something about the mysterious traitor.I will go to Wakanda to talk to T’Challa and try to talk to their prisoner"
Having said that, Tony gets up from his seat, goes to the door and, addressing us all says "Suit up, we're leaving tonight"
Sam leans towards me.
“Great Snow your first mission with the Avengers.How do you feel?"
"Next to you?Strong!"
Bucky bursts out laughing.
"Oh Amaya Amaya someday you'll regret making fun of me” Sam wags me.
I chuckle.
"Oh yes and when will it happen?"
“When you finally fall in love with me” Sam replies.
But he doesn't even give me time to tell him that he gets up and goes away.
"I hate you, you know?" I yell after him.
As a response, the echo of his laughter.
I turn to look at Bucky and find him staring at me.
"What?" I ask him a little confused.
"Why do you and Sam always have to flirt like this?"
Suddenly I feel overwhelmed with anger.
Who is he to decide who I can and can't flirt with?
Sam was one of the first to be around me.
He helped me settle in.
This is our way of showing how much we care about each other and that we will always watch our backs.
And then he really talks to me like that?
He who as soon as her girlfriend is here will kiss her, hold her close.
They will have sex.
I answer softly between my teeth.
"This is not the time and place Barnes and above all this is none of your business"
He backs away as if I had hit him, almost seems offended by my words.
I see him going to retort when Nat comes up to me.
"Hey bitch are you ready for that ice cream?"
"Sure!C'mon" I reply smiling.
I get up and without looking back I leave the room with my friend.
I really need some fresh air.

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