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This chapter contains detailed sex scenes.
If you are not comfortable with this topic please don't read.

Enjoy ❤

Amaya POV

"Shit!" I exclaim.
"I feel like my head is going to explode at any moment"
I sigh without patience.
Nat and I are viewing all the video from the Triskelion surveillance cameras plus footage from all the neighboring streets.
We have been working on it relentlessly for 15 days now and nothing new has come up.
"Keep calm snow.I'm sure we'll find something” Nat reassures me.
Her eyes, just like mine, are red and tired too.
Even if in recent days Lucas has often stopped by to give us a hand, a gesture that the Russian and I appreciated, we are equally tired and exhausted.
James, on the other hand, is a little less happy with Lucas' presence but he too accepted willingly in the end, especially because he understood that his help is really coming in handy.
"Good news!" exclaims Lucas entering the meeting room of the Avengers Tower, where Natasha and I now practically live relegated to monitors and files.
He hands me a cup of hot black coffee and does the same with Nat.
I take a sip moaning with pleasure.
Last night I only slept for four hours and now at 7:00 am I already have 2 hours of videos seen and reviewed.
An agony.
"What's going on Scott?" Natasha asks after taking a generous sip of coffee.
"I discovered something about our friends in the red balaclava" he exclaims proud of himself.
"Really?" I exclaim excitedly.
This could be the first good track in 15 days.
"Mmh mmh" Lucas nods absently as he pulls dozens of files out of his briefcase.
I observe his movements with rapture.
The hands with long and thin fingers move with dexterity and elegance.
His square jaw is relaxed, his eyes bright and red from all the sleep he's losing from this case.
Lucas puts all the files on the table and pushes them towards us with his hand.
I grab one and open it.
Jhon Evans, former military man.
I take another one.
Robert Newton, former Navy Seal Corporal.
Christopher Miller former General of the United States Army.
I look at Natasha who returns my gaze, we are both visibly confused.
"What do you think these men have in common?" Lucas asks us, he does not seem willing to reveal anything to us on the contrary it seems that he wants us to understand it by ourselves.
"Are they all ex-military?" I answer uncertain.
Lucas nods.
"They are all ex-soldiers who in the last 5 years have all been hired by the same private security company"
"I'm sorry but I still don't understand" intervenes Natasha.
“I did some research and found out it's a fictional company.A cover.These men have never worked a single day in private security in the past 5 years" Agent Scott explains.
"And?What do these men have in common and the ones you and Rumlow fought that night at the Triskelion?" I urge to continue, my leg under the table began to jerk frantically.
“They are the same men.
These, my dear ladies, are the true identities of the men with the red balaclavas”
“It can't be possible” I murmur.
I grab the files that were delivered to us from the morgue and those brought by Lucas.
I compare some photos.
These men look alike but they don't seem to be them.
Lucas sees the doubt in my eyes and answers me even before I can ask.
"If we compared the photos with any software of S.H.I.E.L.D. it would turn out that they are not the same people for one simple reason...because these men have another thing in common..."
Lucas grabs some medical file from his briefcase and throws them on the table.
“All these men have undergone minor plastic surgeries.Nose reduction, ear repositioning, mentoplasty.Small changes that would have allowed them to no longer be recognizable, would always have been theirs but if subjected to facial recognition no one would ever have been able to identify them.And strange coincidence, these surgeries were all carried out by the same surgeon, another former General of the US Army who unfortunately was found dead in unknown circumstances ten days ago"
Natasha is speechless.
“So they also changed the name to be able to become ghosts” I'm finally starting to realize.
"Exactly" exclaims Lucas.
“Oh my God Lucas!You're a genius”
I feel excited, maybe we can do it.
I turn quickly towards him throwing my arms around his neck, he returns the squeeze laughing.
A footstep catches our attention, Steve and Bucky appear on the threshold of the door and witnessed the entire scene.
James's eyes glow with fury.
I detach myself from Lucas's arms as if nothing had happened.
Because basically nothing happened.
We are friends, good friends and we are just working together.
“Guys, we have great news.Perhaps we have found a concrete lead to follow.It was Lucas who really found it” I explain to the boys as I approach them.
Steve smiles at me and then reaches out to Nat and gives her a sweet kiss.
James continues to look at me with his clenched jaw.
His gaze makes me feel small and helpless, it makes me feel guilty even though I haven't done anything wrong.
I prefer not to push it any further so I keep talking about the latest discoveries made.
We expose it all to the boys and repeat it all when Tony and Bruce join us.
"Who is in charge of this private security company?" Steve asks, voicing the question that each of us is asked.
“His name is Richard Masen.Born and raised in California.But he has only one problem...he died in 1953" Lucas sighs.
"Identity theft.Typical” grumbles Bucky.
"Exactly" Agent Scott echoes as he continues.
“I did every possible search and found nothing, no links.Richard was a simple farmer.No heir, his closest relative is a distant cousin of his mother who lives in Europe"
"We are at a standstill" I exhale wearily pinching the base of my nose between my fingers.
I feel like an epic headache is about to explode in my head.
"Nothing is lost" Tony encourages us.
"We have more information than we had yesterday and I'm sure there is something in those videos, a detail, that escapes us.Let's get back to work, come on guys”
So let's all start working together again.
"Shit!" Tony suddenly exclaims.
"What happens?" Steve asks him.
“Oh nothing.The paper ran out in the printer just as I was about to print the last file"
Tony is about to get up but I stop him with a wave of my hand.
"I'm going to the warehouse" I immediately volunteer.
"Are you sure kid?" Tony asks.
"Yes, I need to stretch my legs and have another coffee" I answer, turning my gaze just to see James who is intent on checking files with Steve.
I go away puffing imperceptibly.
He's been ignoring me for hours now.
Stupid idiot.
I head to the kitchen and after retrieving another cup of coffee I go to the room used as a warehouse.
I enter and turn on the light.
The closet is small and full of shelves where hundreds of stationery items are displayed.
With my eyes I look for reams of paper and after a few moments I find them.
I approach the shelf and placing my coffee on the nearby shelf I rise on tiptoe raising my arms to grab a stack but suddenly the light goes out.
I swear mentally thinking that the light bulb has gone out when suddenly I feel a hand pressing hard on my mouth.
The sheets slip from my hands and spread all over the floor.
"Don't scream" whispers a warm voice in my ear.
I relax immediately when I realize whose cold fingers are resting on my lips.
Fingers in Vibranium.
I get away from his grasp in a bad way.
"What do you want?" I spit angrily looking for the light switch along the wall.
“I came to help my girlfriend” he says simply.
As if everything was okay, as if he hadn't spent the last three hours ignoring me.
Finally I find the switch and turn the light back on.
"Oh really?Am I your girlfriend now?" I answer sarcastically.
Bucky approaches me, our chest almost touch.
"Oh c'mon...don't do that" he bends down to kiss me but I escape his touch.
“No Bucky, that's not how it works!I want to be treated with respect!The fact that I allow you to tell me or do certain things to me in our intimacy does not authorize you to treat me like a whore in our relationship.You can't pick up and fuck me when you feel like it.You can't pretend for hours that I don't exist and then expect me to fall at your feet just for your stupid whim” I spit the words out in anger, he looks at me as if he doesn't understand what I'm talking about.
He stands in front of me again raising his hand and placing it on my face.
"I'm sorry doll.I'm an idiot.Forgive me”
I remain staring at him with my arms crossed in front of my chest, my sharp gaze fixed and emotionless planted in his gaze.
He raises his arms to the sky.
“Ok I was a jerk.Is that okay?" he tells me letting his arms fall along his body.
"James..." I sigh but he cuts me off immediately.
"I'm jealous.I feel devoured by jealousy knowing that you are close to that man"
James can't hold my gaze and turns his towards the door.
"I'm afraid that sooner or later you will realize that you have chosen the wrong man.He is perfect.Flawless.An agent and a model man with his stupid briefcase and his stupid tie.With that stupid face of him”
His words are full of anger.
"I hate to see him buzzing around you, always ready to touch you at any opportunity"
I smile amused raising an eyebrow.
"What do you find funny?" he asks me in an offended tone.
“Lucas never even touched me with a finger.Earlier I was the one who hugged him, I was excited about the new findings on the case and I let myself go.But I assure you that there was nothing romantic about my gesture"
I grab his hands and put them on my hips, mine are fastened behind his neck.
His gaze is still unsure.
“Lucas and I are just good friends.I had my chance to get him but I chose you.I will always choose you"
"He is in love with you.I see it.I get it from the way he looks at you”
His words are just a soft whisper.
"But I love you James"
His gaze softens and I take the opportunity to kiss him.
A sweet kiss.
"How about you drop everything tonight and I take you out to dinner?" Bucky asks me suddenly with enthusiasm and a pinch of hope.
“James…it doesn't seem like the right moment…”
“My little robin you has been ignoring me for more than a week.In the evening you come to my bed at unrealistic times and turn your back on me.You don't let me touch you anymore…and I'm not talking about sex.Neither a kiss nor a caress.I feel like you are slipping through my fingers…” he murmurs on my lips.
"I'm sorry.My head is in the air…too many agents have died, too many innocents.We must hurry to find a solution otherwise there will be more victims.I will have other innocents on my conscience..."
"Amaya if you continue at this rate you will go crazy.You have to stop.Nobody will tell you anything.And I'm not saying that because I want to have sex with you!I say this because I want to see you peaceful.I want to see you smile again”
“I'm so stressed out” I whimper bringing my hands to my face rubbing my eyes hard.
“I know doll, I know.For this you need a few hours of leisure.We are all in the same situation but we try to move forward by finding a foothold in the little things.You know Steve and Nat spend a few hours on the terrace every night, hugging each other enjoying the view.Tony and Pepper watch a different movie every night, snuggled on the sofa.Each of them seeks comfort in their partner so as not to go crazy...Amaya, you are the only one who is pushing the behave as if everything depended on you.You do not have to carry all the weight on your shoulders, we are a team and in a team we help each other.Let someone else take care of it for a few hours”
I sigh wearily.
After all, Bucky is right.
"What do you think?You all dolled up for me and I take you out for a diner, for a dance.Just a little time for us.Agreed?"
Bucky's sweet voice prompts me to accept.
"I'm in" I reply smiling at him.
"I'm sure it will do me good to switch off my brain a little" I add.
Bucky walks up to me again, his arms closing around my waist.
I rest my hands on the back of his neck playing with his hair.
He reaches down and kisses me, his tongue enters my mouth massaging mine.
A sweet, sensual kiss.
Bucky's Vibranium hand grabs the flesh of my hip while the other grazes my belly and then slips inside my pants.
I just flinch as his fingers brush my pussy through the fabric of my panties.
"What are you doing?" I moan on his lips.
Bucky pushes his lips away from mine and rests his forehead on mine.
“I help you to relax.Believe me you'll feel better later”
His voice is low, hoarse.
I close my eyes and surrender to his touch.
His fingers continue to massage my clit through the thin fabric then he takes his hand out of my pants and a moment later he slips it back between my legs but this time inside my panties.
He presses his big palm against my clit and I, prey to a primal instinct, begin to move my hips rubbing my sex against his hand.
He stands still and lets me give myself pleasure.
He is letting me choose what I want.
I keep moving and the gentle friction of my pulsating clit on his rough, callused palm makes me roll my eyes.
We are still front to front.
I begin to gasp against his mouth.
I feel so free right now.
It seems that every thought has disappeared from my head.
My beautiful Sergeant was right, I feel much better.
My hands are still on his neck and I pull him more towards me.
Panting I whisper on his lips "Sir please...use your fingers"
Bucky's mouth crashes into mine claiming a kiss of pure lust, all teeth and tongues.
Continuing to keep his palm still, he sticks two fingers inside me.
I grab his wrist and push his hand.
"Push deeper" I order and he obeys.
His fingers push to the bottom moving with decision.
My legs are shaking but Bucky's Vibranium arm holds me up and keeps me straight.
I feel a fire starting from the center of my body and radiating along my whole being.
We moan mouth to mouth regardless that anyone joining us can hear us.
I close my eyes and throwing my head back I cum murmuring his name.
Bucky removes his hand from my pants and brings it to his lips, licks his palm while his eyes remain chained to mine.
His beautiful sky-blue eyes now look almost black, darkened by the passion that devours them.
I grab his wrist again and lick at the same time he does, our tongues meet on the skin of his palm.
Then I slip my hand into my panties and after wetting my finger in my sweet moisture I bring it to his lips that he opens pliable.
I feel his tongue curl around my finger and suck.
We both moan in ecstasy.
“I love you James.I'm sorry I neglected you” I whisper after taking my finger out of his mouth.
His eyes are burning, flames of pure greed dance within them.
“Don't think about it anymore my little robin.I love you and I just want your serenity”
Bucky's arms close around my body, rocking me in a hug that makes me feel safe.
It makes me feel protected.
"My coffee will be cold by now" I mutter on his chest.
I hear his laughter vibrate in my ear.
"It's better that way.You've been drinking too much coffee lately” he lovingly scolds me.
"That's not true" I protest, looking into his eyes.
Bucky raises an eyebrow skeptically.
“Don't make that face!This was just the second coffee"
"Amaya...are you kidding me?"
“Ok ok!It was the third" I reply but his eyebrows now both rise upwards.
“Ok!Was it the fifth, you are happy now?"
I walk away from him huffing and starting to pick up the papers from the floor.
Bucky bends to his knees to help me.
Once finished we join the others in the meeting room.
"Good time Snow!Were you lost?" Tony tells me in an amused tone.
I know where he wants to go.
"Tony shut up" I answer passing him by and giving him a playful shoulder.
Lucas's eyes stop in mine for a moment but they have the power to make me embarrassed.
He knows why I wasted my time, he understood it.
“Leave them alone Tony!They are lovebirds and it is normal for them to jump on each other every moment" says Sam with a wink at Stark.
Bucky rolls his eyes.
"Oh that's fine with long as you clean up after that" Tony retorts with a shrug.
We all burst out laughing.
Except for Lucas, his eyes remain glued to some papers he holds in his hand.
"You're disgusting Stark" Natasha replies, who then winks at me.
"Ok now it's enough" I raise my voice to make me hear between laughter.
Bucky walks past me and slaps my ass.
"Let them have fun doll" he whispers in my ear.
And I turn red from head to toe.
"Idiot" I murmur under my breath rolling my eyes.
As lunchtime arrives, the room begins to empty.
It's just me, Nat and Lucas left.
I approach my best friend.
"Hey Nat, is it a problem for you if I go away for a couple of hours tonight?I know we're overworked but…”
She cuts me off right away.
"Honey, there's no problem.If you hadn't asked me tonight I would have told you about it.I see you too tired, stressed out.You need a break”
I sigh at my friend's words.
"That's the same thing Bucky told me" I admit.
"So night of pure and wild sex?" winks Nat in my direction.
Lucas's head turns towards us and when he realizes that I'm watching him, he brings his attention back to the videos he was watching but by listening, I can understand it from the stiffness in his posture.
“Bucky wants to take me out to dinner.A nice thing.Romantic I suppose”
I shrug because I actually don't know what awaits me for the evening.
“And rough sex at the end of the night” laughs Nat.
I laugh with her.
"Obviously" I reply with a wink.
We laugh again.
Lucas' voice puts an end to our laughter.
"I have to go.I will keep you informed in case of news.Bye”
He doesn't even wait for our answer, he turns his heel and leaves.
"Ouch...he didn't take it so well" chuckles Natasha.
“I'm sorry but he knows very well we're just friends”
“Really Snow?You will be his friend but he is in love with you” my friend points out.
"I know" I sigh.
"Come on forget about it!Go get ready and make yourself beautiful for your evening, I'll finish here" Nat tells me pushing me towards the door.
"Are you sure?" I ask her.
As happy as I am to spend some time alone with Bucky, I feel guilty about leaving my position.
"For the love of heaven Amaya!Go!"
I roll my eyes as I walk to my room.
"Yes ma'am" I answer her.
I feel thrilled and excited about the evening that awaits me more than I want to admit.

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