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This chapter contains explicit sex scenes and a small dose of kink.
If you aren't comfortable with these topics please don't read.

Enjoy ❤

Amaya POV

"I have something for you doll.Wait here, I'll be right back" Bucky tells me, leaning towards me to kiss me.
I lift myself up on my elbows and watch him head for the door.
“Really Barnes?Do you want to leave me here?"
"You will not regret!Trust me Snow"
He winks at me and leaves my room.
I throw myself back on the bed with my arms wide open.
I think back to the evening just passed and a huge smile makes room on my face.
I roll on myself until I find myself on my stomach, sink my face into the pillow, giggling like a stupid girl with her first crush.
I think back to the evening just passed.
To the beautiful moments that my wonderful and caring boyfriend made me experience.
I opened up a lot with him tonight, I told him about my parents.
And it was just as emotional when he told me about his past.
How Hydra ruined his life.
I sigh.
My poor James.
I turn my face to the side, losing my gaze outside the large window.
The New York skyline is always breathtakingly beautiful.
When I was little, my parents always took me to watch the sunset.
We reached a point outside the city and then walked up to the highest peak and sat there we watched the sun set over the city.
Dad always made me sit on his lap, it didn't matter if I was 6 or 13, he always made me sit on him and mom sat next to him stroking my hair.
I remember that mom always complained because dad parked the car at the foot of some remote hill and forced us to walk for even more than an hour.
At the beginning mom snorted and then dad lifted her off the ground making her spinning around.
And she laughed.
She had the most beautiful laugh in the world.
They looked into each other's eyes and smiled, they smiled as if there was nothing more wonderful than being in each other's arms.
And then they kissed and I watched them rapt, almost enchanted, with the hope in my heart that one day I too would find such great love.
I think about Bucky.
Did I find this great love?
Can he be the one?
I don't know but in the bottom of my heart I hope so.
Bucky was able to re-emerge in me those feelings that over the years I had buried in the depths of my soul.
And even if the beginning of our story is not one of the most conventional, I feel I can bet on it.
I'm investing so much in this relationship that if it goes wrong, I...I don't even want to think about it right now.
The door finally reopens and the figure of Bucky stands out majestically on the door.
His large body completely fills the space around him.
He takes a few steps forward and closes the door behind him.
I sit up letting my feet dangle, which barely touch the floor.
We look deeply into each other's eyes.
A thousand words cross our eyes, we are communicating without the need for words.
He strokes closer, walks with his hands behind his back.
"So my surprise?" I ask impatiently.
Bucky laughs.
He comes closer until our legs touch and then he kneels in front of me.
"You're not going to ask me to marry you, right?" I ask, laughing, the voice veiled by a slight anxiety.
Bucky laughs even harder as he rests his forehead on my knees.
"Would you run away if I did?"
His wonderful eyes as blue as the sea linger on mine, scrutinizing me carefully.
I feel my face go up in flames and my heart accelerate race frantically.
My irrational part is screaming NO.
I wouldn't run away.
Indeed I would jump for joy.
But my logical side, the most overbearing, would suggest me to raise my heels and disappear.
I'm not ready for such a commitment and maybe I never will be for either Bucky or any other man.
I shake my head trying to banish these absurd thoughts.
"Maybe" I giggle nervously.
I don't want to offend him so I keep my answer vague and witty.
"Anyway, no my little robin, I won't" he whispers leaving me a light kiss on my left thigh.
A shiver runs through me.
Bucky moves his hands from behind his back and places a rectangular package wrapped in bright red paper on my lap.
"Open it" he urges me giving me a sly smile.
His eyes sparkle.
I grab the box and after tearing the paper I open it.
I remain motionless, eyes wide open.
"Too much?" he asks me visibly agitated.
“No…no…but red?Seriously?Anything less flashy?"
Bucky shrugs.
“Well the choice was between red and a leopard-print…”
Now it's me laughing.
"What do you think about it?" he asks me biting his lower lip.
I grab the handcuffs from the box and play with them.
The part that goes around the wrists is covered with a soft red fur.
"I say they're perfect even if I'm a little sorry to ditch our nice red tie"
Bucky raises an eyebrow.
"Who said we won't use it anymore?" so saying Bucky pulls his red silk tie from his back pocket.
"I'll use this to blindfold you, what do you think?" he murmurs in a hoarse voice.
I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
A shiver of pure excitement shakes me to the core.
I lick my lips thinking about how many wonderful sensations this man can make me feel.
I grab the tie from his hands and passing it around his neck I draw him to my lips.
"Why not?" I whisper before sticking my tongue in his mouth.
I kiss him with passion.
His hands go up my thighs.
The rattle of the handcuffs that I still hold between my fingers send a rush of pure ecstasy between my thighs.
Bucky breaks off my lips and stands up.
"Ok doll.From now on the time to play is over.Now it gets serious”
His bossy tone is the sexiest thing I've ever heard.
"Get up" he commands with an ardent gaze.
I immediately get to my feet.
In my hands I still hold tie and handcuffs.
Bucky grabs the objects that occupy my hands and places them on the bed.
He goes around me looking at me, he looks like a lion studying its prey.
A wolf studying its prey.
Ready to jump on me and finish me off.
"I want you to choose a safeword"
"What?" I whisper.
I have a dry throat.
“A safeword.A word that if you say it will mean that you want me to stop.It won't be enough for you to tell me stop because that will just keep me going” Bucky explains to me.
I feel like I'm on fire.
"But...but I trust you"
Bucky smiles softly.
“This flatters me doll but I never want you to feel uncomfortable if something is too much for you.I'd rather you choose a word.Just to be safe” he explains, stroking my face.
His hand in Vibranium lingers on my cheek and I rock in his delicate touch.
I think about it.
A word.
After a few moments of silence I answer.
Bucky chuckles amused.
"Yeah...I hate licorice" I reply, wrinkling my nose in disgust.
"Ok.Go for licorice” he nods seriously then he grabs my face in his hands and kisses me softly.
"At any moment, for any reason, just say that word and I will stop instantly.I don't want to hurt you and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.You understood?"
"Yes sir"
His eyes light up and he smiles.
"Good girl" he whispers stroking my hair.
He takes a few steps away from me and remains motionless to observe me.
"Take off your dress" he orders me and I gladly obey.
I open the zip on the side of my dress and let the straps slide down my arms so that the dress can then slide down my hips and down to my feet.
I step aside and kick the dress away from me.
I am completely naked in front of him.
The only underwear I wore were the panties that are now in Bucky's trouser pocket.
The only thing I wear are his military tags and my shoes.
I'm about to slip them off when Bucky's peremptory voice stops me.
“Don't take them away"
And I obey again.
Bucky resumes walking around me, leaving me a kiss on my bare shoulder.
My skin is on fire right where his lips just touched.
"Kneel" he whispers in my ear while he is still behind me.
I go down until I feel the hard floor below my knees.
I watch him in silence with my breathing speeding up slowly.
I watch him as he grabs the handcuffs and approaches me again.
"Put your hands behind your back my little robin"
I do and a moment later the soft fur of the handcuffs closes around my wrists.
Bucky positions himself in front of me, his arms crossed and a look of fierce passion.
A passion I had never seen in his eyes.
But there's more...
Behind that lust I can glimpse the pride and honor he feels in having me.
The boundless love he feels for me.
Without speaking, I try to communicate with my eyes how much I love him with all of myself.
He returns to the bed and when his figure reappears in my field of vision I realize that in his hands he holds the silk tie.
He approaches me.
"Do you trust me?"
"Yes sir"
I feel the delicate silk wrapping around my head, obscuring my vision.
“With all of myself” I add when I no longer see anything.
I only feel his lips on mine.
It's such a sweet kiss that for a moment I think I've only imagined it.
I hear my heart pumping furiously in my ears.
Since he blindfolded me, all my other senses are on the alert.
I think it's the instinct of my killer side.
I try to breathe calmly, big and deep breaths.
I'm with Bucky.
He would never do anything that would hurt me.
I trust him.
And so slowly the sense of alert subsides, leaving room only for euphoria and excitement.
I hear a rustle and concentrating I realize it's Bucky's shirt slipping on the floor.
He's undressing and my body vibrates in response.
The clank of his belt rings closer than I expected.
He unhooks it and slips it out of his pants with a rustle that sends me shivers.
Then two dry thuds.
I think he took off his shoes.
I flinch violently when I feel something cold touch my back.
Bucky giggles.
"Relax doll"
"Sorry sir" I gasp as if I had just run a marathon.
Then I feel the same cold object again but this time it touches my neck and then the smell of the leather of his trouser belt fills my nostrils.
I feel it wrap around my neck and just tighten.
The metal of the buckle presses right on my throat.
A strangled moan leaves my lips taking me by surprise.
In response my body overheats, I feel my clit pulsing rhythmically.
The sound of his pants zip fills my ears and more rustles follow its.
I'm sure he's undressing completely.
A little tug throws me forward, I barely stagger but I manage to keep my balance.
The belt around my neck tightens as Bucky pulls it towards him.
My breaths get deeper as the grip of the belt increases the pressure on my neck.
My head becomes light.
Then suddenly the air resumes and circulates fully in my lungs but I don't even have time to catch my breath completely as his hand in Vibranium closes behind my neck, squeezing me and pushing me towards him.
My face collides with his hard erection and automatically my lips part.
I just widen my knees, without the help of my hands it is difficult to maintain balance.
I go out my tongue which immediately meets his tip.
Following my instinct, I follow its contours and then go down its entire length.
During its descent my tongue meets his hand, fiercely gripped around his erection, so I step over it to get to his testicles.
I grab one in my mouth and suck it.
A wild roar resounds in his chest.
Now both of his hands are lost in my hair inviting me to welcome him in my mouth.
And I let myself go submissive to his pleasure.
Compliant to his will.
I, who have always had full control of my life and my actions, am submitting to a man without any qualms.
Bucky expertly guides my movements while I can not help but give him all the pleasure I can.
He pulls my hair with a jerk and my head bends violently backwards.
His erection leaves my mouth abruptly.
I whine.
Bucky's sweet laugh resounds in the air.
"Open your mouth"
With my head tilted back and my hair pinched in his painful grip, I open my mouth and after a few moments something hot slips down my tongue.
Moaning, I swallow his saliva.
"Good girl.Such a good girl” Bucky growls.
Then I feel the tip of his cock lightly caress my lips and I open my mouth again.
And this time I suck him harder, moving my head at a brisk pace, rolling my tongue around his tip.
I use my teeth, barely nibbling.
Bucky's moan tells me he appreciates it.
I smile to myself as I continue my torture, alternating between tongue and teeth.
I understand that he is close to orgasm when his hands clasp the sides of my neck while his thumbs caress my cheeks.
"Oh are so good" Bucky gasps with heavy breathing then with two thrusts sinks into my throat and holding my face pressed against him is pouring all his semen directly into my throat.
I swallow with joy and pleasure.
He comes out of my mouth and walks away from me, leaving me gasping and shaking on the floor.
After a few moments his hands are around my waist.
He helps me get back on my feet and unceremoniously pushes me on my stomach over the bed.
I fall on it without grace and the air leaves my lungs with a hiss.
His gestures are rough.
Full of excitement.
Now there is no time for sweetness, for romance.
Now there is only the urge to fuck.
I understand.
I fully understand how he feels because I too am burning with the same need.
I don't need his cares now, I don't want his caresses or his sweet words.
I just want him to fuck me until I forget even my name.
I want him to make my legs shake and to shake my soul.
With my face pressed against the sheets, I feel Bucky's hand making space under my body and pressing on my belly invites me to lift my hips.
His breath tickles my pussy and I moan relentlessly.
"Please what my little robin?"
“Please fuck me.Fuck me my sir”
Bucky laughs.
"Not yet doll, it's not time yet" he whispers and immediately after his tongue creeps into my fold.
I arch my back even more to expose myself to him.
"Please" I whimper slightly with my face pressed to the sheets.
I gasp violently.
Bucky's Vibranium hand just landed on my ass.
A sharp pain reverberates throughout my body.
My eyes fill with tears.
“I said IT. NOT. TIME. YET"  hisses Bucky.
I feel shaken and scared even if deep down a small part of me feels elated.
The line between pleasure and pain is blurred, and now the painful throbbing I feel on my buttock is becoming almost pleasant.
A rush of pure adrenaline lights up my body.
I just rub my thighs in search of a clutch that can give me relief.
Bucky's hands sneak between them.
"If you don't obey me, I will have to punish you"
At his words an idea invades my mind.
I smile between the sheets and I know he can't see me.
"But I want you to fuck me now"
I try to give a petulant tone to my words.
But I fail.
Bucky bends down and leaves me a kiss right behind my ear then he whispers "I know what you're doing doll.If you want me to hit you again you just have to ask”
My smile gets wider.
"Yes sir.Please do it again”
And he grants my wish.
He hits me again.
His Vibranium palm smashes against my sensitive skin again.
“Ahhhhhhhh” I scream in sweet pain.
"Now you will have to count for me doll.And when you get to ten I'll fuck you as you deserve” Bucky's voice rings authoritative in the large room.
And so he starts hitting me again.
Three times.
And so on.
I count to ten.
The voice comes out of my mouth more and more strangled.
In the end, I don't even feel the pain anymore.
Each slap seems to go straight to my clit.
I think I would be able to cum like that too.
On the tenth blow, I'm panting as if I've already cum.
The lungs burn and the heart seems to want to get out of my chest.
I feel my moisture dripping down my thighs.
Then Bucky brings both hands to my butt and penetrates me hard.
I moan his name.
Screaming with pleasure.
I feel it slip easily into my slit.
"Oh doll...oh fuck" he gasps firmly grabbing the chain that joins the two circles that constrain my wrists while with the other hand he crushes my head against the mattress.
And Bucky keeps his promise.
He is fucking me like never before.
His thrusts are powerful, almost animalistic.
“That's how you liked it, right?Is that so?" he asks me grabbing my hair and lifting my head a few millimeters.
"Yes sir"
Now his hand tightens around my neck pulling me up on him, my back pressed against his muscular chest.
I can feel every single breath of him.
I can feel the frenzied beating of his heart going in tune with mine.
He uses his teeth to pull down the tie that covers my eyes.
I blink frantically trying to focus on my surroundings.
The hand around my neck tightens while the one holding the handcuffs moves to my stomach to help me keep my balance.
I lean my head back in search of his lips.
I find them and take possession of them as he continues to push.
"You are my whore"
"Yes sir"
"Say it.Say it again"
"I'm your whore"
"Only mine?" he whispers on my lips.
"Yeah, only yours"
Bucky grabs me by the elbows.
I feel the orgasm coming.
I feel the waves of pleasure breaking inside me in an increasingly impetuous way.
I find myself handcuffed and kneeling on the bed, my back straight as Bucky keeps me in balance by supporting me with his hands that tightly grip my forearms.
The tags around my neck jingle with every thrust of him.
“Cum for me doll.Cum for me” Bucky gasps, growling like a beast.
And I do.
"James...oh James" I cum screaming his name.
My legs tremble so much that if it weren't for the disproportionate strength of the man who holds me up, I would have already fallen down without strength.
Bucky's thrusts increase as my muscles tighten convulsively around his huge dick.
Bucky cum filling myself with all of his sweet liquid.
I collapse in exhaustion with my legs tingling and my shoulder muscles on fire.
The pain due to the unnatural position that I have assumed so far begins to be felt.
Bucky comes out of my body and a hot gush drips out of my body running down my pussy.
An absolutely and delightfully obscene feeling.
I hear him fumbling behind me.
First he takes off my shoes freeing my aching feet from those deadly stilts and after a few moments a metallic click rings in my ears and my arms are free again.
I turn on my stomach, immediately massaging my sore wrists.
Bucky grabs me and lifting me up he makes me sit on his lap.
His hands immediately go to massage my shoulders.
"Are you ok Amaya?"
I can't find the voice to answer.
I'm still totally upset.
I nod just closing my eyes and resting my head on his chest.
He doesn't seem to like my answer.
“Amaya I need to know if you're okay.Talk to me”
I lift my head and find his worried eyes staring at me.
I smile sweetly and stroke his beard.
"I'm fine.It's okay”
He seems to calm down, his hands grab my face.
"I love you!You know this, right?"
"Yeah...I guessed it" I reply.
Bucky rolls his eyes smiling.
I lift my arms with difficulty and tie them around his neck.
I feel my shoulder muscles burning relentlessly and a small grimace forms on my face.
Bucky looks at me with a worried frown but before he can speak I plug his mouth with a kiss.
"I love you too" I whisper on his lips.
We both smile and hold each other.
After a few minutes Bucky speaks again.
“Are you sure everything's okay?Did I do or say something too much?"
“James please stop.Everything was perfect.You were perfect”
I chuckle amused.
"I didn't make you so insecure with women" I add.
He laughs amused, throwing his head back.
“Oh doll I've never been trust me…but it's you.And I would never want to hurt you” he admits candidly.
The sweetness of him is disarming.
This man is capable of going from being a Dom to the sweetest and most caring of boyfriend.
I position myself better above him by straddling him.
I grab his face in my hands and he closes his eyes.
I kiss his forehead.
Then the tip of his nose.
And finally his lips.
"James.James look at me”
And he does.
His beautiful cobalt blue eyes stare intently at me.
"It was beautiful and I honestly can't wait to do it again" I admit giving him a wink.
He laughs and hugs me tightly, rocking me against his body.
The scent of his skin makes me feel at home.
"I have a surprise for you doll"
"Another surprise?"
“I don't know Bucky.I don't think at the moment I could handle another of your surprises"
Bucky laughs heartily.
He takes me off his legs and gets up leaving me naked and alone on the bed.
“Why do you have to think badly?You're a little pervert my sweet robin”
I look at him skeptically, raising an eyebrow.
"Knowing you, what else could I think?"
He doesn't answer me.
He picks up his boxers and puts them on, then lifts his pants off the floor and takes a small velvet pouch out of his pocket.
He approaches the bed and sitting next to me hands it to me.
I grab it with curiosity and loosening the tape that holds it closed I open it by pouring its contents onto my hand.
It's a military tag.
I look at it carefully and on one side I notice an engraving.
"For you.You changed my life.I love you.Forever yours. J.B.B."
My eyes fill with tears.
Suddenly I have no more words.
Bucky grabs the tag and fumbling with the chain around my neck adds it to the others.
I grab them in my hands, now in addition to its tags dating back to the war and blackened by time, the new one stands out.
A shiny and sweet promise of love engraved on the metal.
I squeeze them tightly in my fingers and Bucky's large hand tightens around mine.
I look at it with a heart that vibrates with love.
“You too have changed my life.In the most shocking and most wonderful way possible"
We kiss again, our tongues intertwined exchanging silent promises of love.
We lie down and I rest my head on his chest.
Leaving a kiss right on the scar from the bullet he took to save my life.
Bucky hugs me even more tightly, kissing my forehead.
“Thanks James.It was the best night of my life” I murmur on his chest.
“Thanks to you for being the most beautiful thing in my whole life”
And so embraced and lulled by the sound of his heart I fall asleep.

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