Chapter 18

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I tried my very best to keep this rated 16 as much as I could, but I got a little carried away towards the end. Note: this chapter contains brief mentions of smut. ⚠️

Derek came home later than thought. Almost a quarter till one. Work building up higher and higher to a pile. A miscommunication lead to a missing 5k -someone surely to be handed their arse and fired that day-

Though that didn't stop him from almost bursting through the front doors, dropping his work bag like a sack of potatoes onto the floor, and waltzing into the kitchen. One hand held a bouquet of fresh flowers while the other had a bottle of white wine. A tender kiss next and multiple apologies following after that did you finally eat. Comfortable chit-chat was thrown back and forth, laughs and chuckles filling the room, making the air feel all the more warmer and bright. Moments like these are what you treasured the most, the tiny little things you like to keep close to the heart and mind.

It's well after midnight when dinner had been finished. Pots and pans litter the stove and sink, chopping boards on the counter, empty plates and bowls, and glass left forgotten on the table till morning. You argue that everything should be put away now because you know you'll only struggle to do it later on the morning. Still, Derek dismissed your protest and shot back with his hands trailing along your hips, chin resting on your shoulder while slowly swaying you side to side, humming along to a song that you were all to familiar with.

A beautiful but heavy song.

Bob Dylan's Tomorrow is a long time, playing softly in the background.

- -I can't see my reflection in the waters

I can't speak the sounds that show no pain.- -

You can't count the number of times the song would softly play in the background when you first started dating him. He even had it on a bloody vinyl record of it- and you could've sworn he treated that thing like one would with a baby or possibly a puppy. He cherished it.

It's no doubt he knew the song by heart, mumbling each lyric to its beautiful melody. The first you ever heard of it was when you -what he classified- went on our first date, a McDonald's. Though, you like to say different, however.

You can almost remember that day as it were yesterday. Staying late to finish up unfinished work, and Derek, of course, practically forced your hand and took you out for the night. Said he knew a good place to eat, granted, at nearly one forty in the morning, you really should've known better than being taken to a fast food joint.

Laughing under your breath at the ridiculous memory, you tug at his arms, letting them pull you closer, a sense of greedy neediness filling through you. Maybe it was the news from this afternoon that filled an ugly dread inside of you, or perhaps the news articles that you shouldn't have read and watched the reports. It could've been that email you received this morning from Ms. Sinclair about taking photos and writing up more on the town disaster, or maybe it was just everything. The weight just building up to be more than you knew what to deal with.

- -I can't hear the echo of my footsteps- -

Forcing yourself from those thoughts, you lean on Derek a little more, feeling his arms wring around your waist, face his in the crook of your neck, leaving small butterfly kisses.

You can't recall when it happened or how, but the pair of you went from standing in the kitchen to standing in the threshold of the bedroom. Shirt off and thrown, God knows where, certainly nowhere near here, and only standing in a bra and trousers -something Derek was (not so) sneakily working his way off- Almost like drunk teenagers in love, unable to take attentions off one another. Fingers raking in hair, lips grazing on skin, teeth nipping at the shoulder blade, giggles and laughs filling the air, back arcing with toes curling and hands exploring the body- -

This is not living| Yandere! Eyeless Jack x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora