Chapter 21

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Consciousness came in waves.

The first, you weren't even sure if you were awake, almost in a dream-like state where you wanted nothing more than to sleep, but your mind was semi-alert, though stuck in a thick, hazy fog. Your eyes don't open, you can't remember trying, but you knew they were heavy and weak along with your muscles. The soft sound of a car humming pulls you in and out of awareness. You don't remember what happens next before a wave of blackness crashes over you.

The second, you're outside. You think—the sound of wildlife greats your ears along with the humming of a vehicle from behind. You're floating, you guess. Because you hear the crunch of dried leaves and twigs snap and break under you. Cracking your eyes open, you watch as a line of blurry trees slowly fade past you. Your head hurts, mind trying to scramble and put together pieces and fragments of a scenario though none come to mind. There's a voice, far and faint, almost underwater, unable to decipher any words that are spoken. A groan leaves starches the back of your throat, you try to speak, but your tongue feels numb and weighted. 

The third and final is when you finally start coming to. Waking up had never been so tiering in all your life. For whatever reason, opening your eyes was not yet possible; they felt heavy, as did your body. The air feels and smells damp, sending a wave of nausea through you. A shiver runs through your body, trying to maintain any warmth you could on the lumpy surface. You were cold, so fucking cold.

It takes you more than once to open your eyes. A mumbled groan leaves your lips as you turn on your side. Everything hurts. Why does everything hurt? Blinking once, twice, three times to shift things back into focus, you take in your surroundings, and your heart drops to the pits of your fucking stomach. Breath caught in the throat, you're sure the blood in your veins had turned to ice. Your wrists were bound together in thick rope while lying on a dirty mattress that sits on the floor in the corner of a dark and dingy-looking room.

Shuffling to your feet, you spin in a small circle, taking in more of your surroundings. It's dark, pitch black even, save for the shimmer of light that peaks its way through a small window above. A wooden chair with a missing leg leans against the wall from you. Dark shapes of liquid you don't want to know the origin of splatters the floor and ceiling with a singular lightbulb hanging from above. Tears weld in your eyes as you try to frisk your body for your phone. Fuck!

The vent comes back to you like a tsunami. You're driving, taking the backroads, home, Cole, Derek? Fuck, it even hurts to string together a thought. Common Y/N, focus... There was some yelling, warmth falling over your face, the feeling of flying before crashing hard and---Someone was there, weight on yours before everything goes black. Why can't you remember more? What happened?

Chocking on air, your mind runs frigid and wild as you stumble around the room for something- anything. The mattress is tossed to its side; the three-legged chair was thrown to the other side of the room while blindly palming the wall for a light switch. You were either too blind to see it, or there was none. You make your way to the window then, trying to pry it open, but it stood out of your reach. Next, you tried the door, the frame wooden and worn from what little you could tell, you push and pull at the handle, but it doesn't budge. 'Shit.' Too many emotions ran a course through you; you hardly get enough time to take in the severity of the situation or what was going on- but just enough time to come back to reality as bulky footsteps could be heard making their way to where you stood. Stumbling backward, your ears strain at the sound of a lock clicking out of its space, followed by the loud squeaking of door hinges crying out as it opened.

And there he was.

Taking a tentative step back, you lift your bound hands up in a mini defense while surveying the man who made no effort to take another action forward. In a volatile daze of what to do, you only stood there, eyes wide and on alert for whatever would be to come. Swallowing dryly, you took in the vigilant stranger. Clack in black from head to toe, the person reminded you of a shadow, his height toward you from even here while his frame was lean but not skinny. Someone who would win you in a fight without much as breaking a sweat; there wasn't a doubt in your mind at that. And that terrified you to no end. Then... there was the setting that topped it all off. A mask sat on his face, a royal blue with penetrating black holes where the eyes would be.

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