Chapter 20

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"You missed placed it."

"I didn't."

"Where was the last place you had it?"

"Here...I think."

".... so you've lost it?"

Throwing your head over your shoulder, giving him a frown, "If you say that one more time..." Raising his hands in a mocking surrender, Derek turned on his heel back, disappearing into the bathroom. With a small roll of your eyes, you rummaged the drawer for the umpteenth time, only adding to the mountain that grew from behind. "I could've sworn I left it here."

Poking his head from the threshold of the door- "Hey, not that I'm complaining or anything, but I kinda like you like that." Gesturing to you wearing a pair of trousers and a blue bra. Mocking a laugh, you throw yourself deeper into the closet. "Ha-so funny..." A shirt. That's all it was. A favourite one as well...

A few bits of clothing had been missing the more you thought about it. Bras, knickers, shirts- etc. All going, poof! Vanishing right into thin air.

Groaning out, you finally throw on one of the few remaining shirts that hung on a hook rather than the heap on the floor.


Casting your eyes upwards, you find Derek carefully stepping over the hazardous material as if it were lava. Scooping the clothing into your hands, you fold them neatly and place them back into their homes with a small smirk. Handing you a shirt, you couldn't help but ask, "Your sisters ever this bad?" Derek only shakes his head, casting another quick look around the room with scrunched eyebrows. "Worse, I think." Smiling at that, you place the last piece of clothing in the closet, making a mental note of checking around the house of the lost items.

"Where are you heading off to today?"

"Downtown. Have an appointment with the florist, then gonna have lunch with Cole." Slipping into your shoes, you stand on the tips of your toes, just coming under Derek's chin. You weren't short, but you weren't exactly tall either, somewhere comfortably in the middle you'd say. The man never forgoes a moment to remind you about the height difference. The odd nickname here or there, resting his chin on top of your head, or almost effortlessly reaching the cupboards then making some funny remark.

Pulling back, you search around for your phone. "Where will you be today?"

"...Uh, work. I have a meeting with a client later. I'll be home late. Not sure what time I'll be home, don't lock me out." Laughing a little as he said it.

Scrunching your eyebrows, you half turned to face him, watching as he stood in front of a mirror putting on a blue and black tie. You go to open your mouth, but the sound of a muffled noise stops you. Reaching under a pillow, you fish out Derek's phone, eyes scanning the contact name. Lucy Heathers. You sat there for a moment, watching the name light up the screen in big, bold white letters. Somewhere in the back of your mind, a little bell rang off, but you pushed it away when Derek called out your name. "What?"

"Who's calling?"

"Lucy." You say, facing the phone to him.

From the side, you could tell that Derek was looking at you but couldn't quite put a finger on what emotion it was. Blank, agitated, antsy, indifferent? Maybe an amalgamation of all four because in three strides, he was over to you, swiping the phone out from your hands like a toddler who lost their sweet. Foot halfway out the door, voice hushed into an angered whisper as he spoke. Still kneeling on the floor with your arms loosely crossed over your chest, you watched from the sidelines as his head would turn your way before focusing his attention forward. The call had hardly lasted two minutes, but his phone was pocketed into his trousers when he came back in.

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