Chapter 55

507 50 15

Day: 667

Days Left: 4813

Lives Saved: 3

In a flash of an eye, the golden knight lunged forwards with her spear. Sumit was barely able to dodge, his reflexes only just kicking in time for the blade to slice his ear, though it cut deep, severing his lobe and part of his upper ear.

Sumit stumbled back, his hand clutching his ear, the blood spilling profusely and dripping down his arm. "Corinna," his voice croaked, the adrenaline and fear causing his throat to dry up. "What are you-"

The golden knight cocked her head to the side as if in curiosity. She swivelled her spear in her hand with ease, the blood on the tip splattering on the sand.

"Corinna..." Sumit instinctively reached for his sword, but he hesitated, his hand shaking. "This is just the blood moon still affecting you, right?"

There was no reply. The golden knight rolled her head and pushed back her shoulders, then pointed her spear at Sumit, her other hand steading it in a stance that Sumit had never seen Corinna use before.

"I don't want to have to fight you, Corinna," said Sumit, forcing himself to sound confident, but the fear easily slipped through. He had just watched what the golden knight was capable of from fighting the giant sandwyrm. "The blood moon, you can fight it, Corinna. Don't let it control you. You can win."

Continuing to point her spear at Sumit, the golden knight circled the man. She feinted a jab at him, motioning to his sheathed sword.

She wants me to fight, Sumit realised. Waiting for me to draw my sword.

Perhaps if he refused, she would leave him alone?

Sumit straightened his back and let his arms go to his side, leaving himself wide open. "I'm not going to fight you, Corinna."

The golden knight stopped circling him. She stared at him for a long moment, her golden mask rendering it impossible to discern her emotions.

After a while, the golden knight pierced the sand with her spear and let go of her weapon.

"Thank goodness." Sumit let out a sigh of relief. "We need to reattach Jessica's limbs. We thought you might be able to help."

The golden knight placed one of her feet back, then raised her hands to chest-level, clenching her fists.

Sumit recognised the boxer orthodox stance that Lili had taught him in her lessons. He gulped. "Well, shit-"

A golden armoured fist slammed into Sumit's stomach, sending the man hurtling across the sand. Sumit stumbled up, clutching his torso, wincing from the bruised skin, his rib likely broken and stinging from his every move.

The golden knight watched him stand back up again. She took a step forward, and Sumit drew his sword out from its sheath, fear now controlling him. He then swore again as the golden knight retrieved its spear embedded into the sand.

Sumit's eyes darted to his octopus mask attached to his belt. It would be a huge gamble to use it as he could not control which size he would turn into. He could be unlucky and transform into an octopus that could fit into someone's palm. Not only that, but he had already used his mask against the giant sandwyrm; using a non-humanoid mask too frequently could risk him not transforming back properly.

He couldn't take the chance, but nor could he fight against the golden knight by himself.

He had to get help, quick.

Sumit turned and sprinted to the village, screaming out for help.

Behind him, he could hear the clattering of armour as the golden knight chased after him.

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