Chapter 1: Mom Overnight

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Once upon a time; in a Boston apartment, lived a girl named Emma Swan. Emma didn't like her job that much. But she had two kids that she didn't know existed.

Henry and Hope were on a quest to find Emma; their birth mother. They came from a place called Storybrooke that no one had ever heard about. Henry and Hope are given this book  by their teacher Mary Margaret in hope that they would find true happiness and "hope" despite their life at home.

A book in which revealed all the people in Storybrooke, but everyone was a fantasy character. But what was different about this book is it had Emma in it as the Savior. She was there to save the people of Storybrooke from the evil queen, Regina Mills. 

The legend says that the Evil Queen got jealous of Snow White's beauty. So she spoke with Rumplestiltskin who gave her the dark curse.

But it came with a cost, Regina had to get the heart of someone that she loved most. The first time,  Regina used the heart of her childhood steed. But when she dropped the heart in, nothing happened.  Rumplestiltskin realized that it was going to take more than teaching her the art of witchcraft and feeding her hatred.

So, Rumplestiltskin casted a protection spell that makes it impossible to harm Snow White or Prince Charming. He then reminded Regina that the dark curse would send them to the other world where there would no longer be a protection spell on Snow White or Prince Charming.  But before Regina got the curse back from Maleficent,  she crashed Snow White and Prince Charming's wedding to announce how she would ruin their happy endings.

Maleficent was unwilling to give up the curse so Regina forcefully took it, knowing that casting this curse would put a void that would never be able to be filled again. So; Maleficent, Cruella De Vil, and Ursula went to tell Snow White and Charming what the queen was planning to do.

They went to the tree of wisdom but they were denied any answers because Snow White was pregnant and there was no telling whether Emma would be evil or not.  Emma was their only hope. On her 28th birthday; she would return and break the curse, and that's where Henry and Hope come along.

Henry and Hope sat in the bus that was traveling to Emma's apartment. How they found Emma's address, that's a question for another day.

Half a day of travel later, the bus finally arrived at the apartment complex. The two were hoping that their mom would be at her apartment so they could try and explain everything. But the catch was, would Emma believe the two and come back to Storybrooke and help break this curse.

After a horrid first date with Ryan, Emma returned home to her apartment. No family to spend her birthday with; she lit a candle on a cupcake, like she did every year. "Another banner year."She said, blowing it out. Not a second later, there was a set of visitors at her front door.

She walked to her door; opening it, and seeing two kids looking back at her. "Uh, can I help you?"

Seeming nervous the boy looked at his sister, for reassurance and the girl nodded. "Are you Emma Swan?"

"Yeah. Who are you two?"

The girl chuckled. "My names Hope. And this is Henry."

"We're your kids." Henry added.

Emma chuckled slightly. "You're my kids? You gotta be joking. I've never had any kids."

Noticing Emma seemed a little bit distracted, Hope and Henry snuck by her and into the apartment. "Woah! Hold up! Kids, I don't have a son and daughter. Ok, where are your parents?"

"Ten years ago, did you give a set of twins up for adoption? That was us." Henry said, stopping Emma's thoughts in their tracks.

The room fell quiet for a moment. "Just give me a minute. " She said to Hope and Henry walking into the other room. "You got any juice? Oh never mind, Hope found it!" Henry called a few minutes later.

Emma walked back over to the kitchen, where Hope and Henry now sat at the counter, drinking out of the juice container. "We should probably get going, Henry." Hope said, looking at the time and Henry nodded.

"Going where?" Emma asked.

"We want you to come home with us." Henry and Hope replied in unison.

"Ok, I'm calling the cops. "Emma grabbed her phone from her pocket, beginning to dial.

"No prob! Henry will just tell them you kidnapped us." Hope said, shrugging before downing more juice.

"Right! And they'll believe you because I'm your birth mother?"

"Yup!" Henry said, sharing a smirk with this sister.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try us." Hope threw in her own little remark, giving Henry a high five.

"Ok, you two are pretty good. Listen, there's not a whole lot I'm great at in life but I have one skill, you could call it a superpower. I can tell when anyone is lying, and you kids definitely are."

She began to dial again but Henry and Hope weren't ready to give up yet. "Wait! Please don't call the cops!" Henry started.

"Please, come home with us! Please." Hope pleaded.

Emma sighed, placing her phone back into her pocket. "Where's home?"

"Storybrooke... Storybrooke Maine." Hope blurted out.

"Pfft. Wow. Seriously, Storybrooke." Hope and Henry nodded in unison. "Alright, you broke me. Let's get you back to Storybrooke." And with that, the three of them were on the road.

Step one of Hope and Henry's plan was complete, they had their mother back. Step two: Make Emma believe that the people of Storybrooke were all fairytale characters. And as the Savior, she would defeat the Evil Queen and bring everyone back their happy endings.

And last but not least; after 28 years, reunite Emma with her parents. But that would prove to be far more complicated than ten year old Hope or Henry could have ever imagined.

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