Chapter Nine: The Election

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"Gold!" Emma called, stepping into the back room of Gold's shop. "Woah! What is that smell?"

"Just latan. Used for waterproofing." Gold said.

"Smells like livestock," Emma muttered.

"Well, that is the reason sheep's wool repels water," Gold said.

"It stinks. Um, if there was a reason you asked me to come, would you mind going about that quickly or outside?" Emma asked.

Gold nodded. "I just wanted to express my condolences. Sheriff Graham was a good man. You're still wearing the deputy's badge." Gold said, noticing, and Emma nodded... "Well, he's been gone for two weeks now. And I believe after two weeks, acting as Sheriff, the job becomes yours. Time to remove that, don't you think?"

"I guess. I just... I'm not in a hurry." Emma explained. "Thank you for the kind words." Emma began to exit the shop while Gold followed her out to the main shop.

"You know, the sheriff rented an apartment that I own," Gold threw out. "Another reason for my call, I wanted to offer you a keepsake." Gold explained.

"I don't need anything."

Gold nodded." As you wish. I'll give it to Mayor Mills. It seems like she was the closest thing he had to family."

"Not sure about that."

Gold went on, "Look; I fear that all his stuff is going to head straight for the trash. You really should take something. Jacket? Oh hey, Your kids might like these, don't you think? You could play together." Gold asked, pulling out some walkie-talkies from the box.

"I don't."

"Please, they grow up so fast. "Gold said, setting the walkie-talkies onto the countertop.

"Thank you." Emma grabbed the walkie-talkies, placing them into her jacket pocket.

"You enjoy the time you have with your boy and your girl. The time you have together is precious. That's the thing about children. Before you know it, you lose them." Gold added.

Emma headed out of Gold's shop and got into her car. Now, where would Hope and Henry be at this hour on the weekend? Emma asked herself. Their castle, most likely. She was correct; pulling the car to a stop, she saw the duo sitting next to each other on the wooden structure. She grabbed the walkie-talkies from the passenger seat and walked out to meet them. "Brought you something," Emma said, handing Henry a walkie-talkie, sitting down beside Hope. "Thought we could use them for Operation Cobra," Emma said, running her fingers through Hope's long blonde hair.

"Gee, thanks," Hope said, in a quiet voice, pushing Emma's hand out of her hair. She handed it to Henry, who placed it into his backpack.

"Come on, gloomy guess." Emma said, knocking her shoulder into Hope's, who then bumped slowly into Henry."  What's up? You two have been ducking me for weeks."

Henry looked over to his sister, then back to Emma. "Well, Hope and I have been talking, and we think we should stop Operation Cobra stuff for a while," Henry explained.

Hope went on. "You don't play with the curse. Look at what happened to Graham."

"Kids, I told you. They did an autopsy. He died of totally natural causes. "Emma told the duo for what seemed like the tenth time in two weeks.

"Ok. Whatever." Henry muttered. "You don't believe it. Good. That should keep you from messing with it. And getting killed."

"You're worried about me?" Emma asked.

"Of course we are! She killed Graham because he was good, and you're good. But also, you're our mom. And we just found you! We can't lose you again!" Hope exclaimed.

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