Chapter 6:The Mine

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"You weren't always a Cricket," Hope told Archie at their next session.

Archie stopped writing notes, placing the notepad down. "Right, because you think I'm Jiminy Cricket. Why do you think that?"

"It's just because of who you are," Henry explained.

"Who am I?"

"A conscience. You help people see right from wrong." Hope answered.

"So all the crickets of Storybrooke were once people too?" Archie asked.

"There aren't any crickets here; listen," Henry said. "There's never crickets here. It's just no one's ever noticed."

"You think that's proof that there's a curse."

"Yes," Hope answered." I know it's not enough. We're looking for more."

"I know, I've asked this once before, and you said you would think about it. Why do you think it's so important that this is real?"

"I don't know. It just is." Hope answered.

"Alright, just keep thinking about that answer, Hope. Because I think there's something buried there.

Meanwhile, Emma met Graham at the police station. She laughed as he handed her a suit and tie from the police station storage. "A tie? You know you don't have to dress a woman as a man to give her authority?"

"So you think you could get people to do what you want in that red coat."

Emma nodded. "I mean, I am getting you to do what I want right now."

"At least wear the badge." Emma placed on the badge. "Now it's official!" With a phone call ringing in, Emma found herself on the race against the clock to a collapsed mine and most townsfolk.

"Everyone, step back, please!" Regina called, stepping out of her car. "Sheriff set up a police perimeter. Marco, why don't you help with the fire department. Miss Swan, this is now official town business; you're free to go."

"Well, actually, I work for the town now," Emma told Regina.

"She's my new deputy," Graham added.

"They say the mayor's always the last to know. Deputy makes yourself useful and help with crowd control." Regina muttered, turning back to the townspeople.

"Don't be alarmed, people of Storybrooke. We always knew this area was honeycombed with old mining tunnels. But fear not. I'm going to undertake a project to make this area safe."

At an early end to the session, Archie showed up with Hope and Henry. Regina went on, "To rehabilitate it into city use. We will bulldoze it, collapse it, pave it."

Henry pushed through the crowd towards Regina. "Pave it? What if there's something down there?"

"What are you doing here?"

"The session finished early," Hope answered. "What's down there?"

"Nothing, now step back. "

"What's that?" Hope whispered to her brother, who shook his head. Regina grabbed Hope and Henry's hands, pulling them further from the mine. "Hope and Henry listen real carefully. This is a safety issue. Wait in the car." Regina said.

Henry and Hope sat in Regina's car. A second later, they now stood outside the vehicle. "Hey, Archie! Over here." Hope said while Henry grabbed Emma, meeting behind the police car. "This requires all of Operation Cobra. "Hope explained." Both of you."

"I don't know. I didn't realize I was in Operation Cobra." Archie laughed to himself.

"Of course you are," Henry added. "You know everything. We can't let her do this."

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