Chapter 10: The Zimmer Twins

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Another day started with Henry and Hope reading comic books at the store. "What are you reading?"A girl who appeared not much older than Hope or Henry asked.

"The Incredible Hulk vs. Wolverine."Henry told her.

"I think I've seen you around school. Ms. Blanchard's class, right?"The girl asked and Hope nodded.

"Almost ready, Ava?"A young boy asked the girl.

She nodded. "This is my brother Nicolas."Ava said, introducing him as he waved at Hope and Henry.

"Come on, let's go."Nicolas told Ava.

"You two seem cool. Want to come hang out?"

Hope and Henry looked at each other. Their mouths dropped, it had forever since anyone had asked them to hang out. "Absolutely."Henry said, not noticing as Nicolas had slid something into Hope's backpack.

The store runner noticed though, stopping the four. "Where the hell do you think you're going?Open your bag."He instructed Hope.

"What?Why?"Hope asked.

"Don't think I didn't see you rob me. Open your bag."

"I didn't take anything,"Hope insisted.

"Mr. Clark, please. My sister is not a thief. If she says she didn't take anything, I believe her."Henry added on in his sister's defense.

Hope smiled at Henry whispering thank you to him as the store clerk ripped Hope's backpack from her, opening it for himself before pulling out three candy bars. "And a liar too."

"That's why you were talking with us!"Henry said, turning to look at Ava and Nicolas."So your brother could put that stuff in Hope's bag!"

"Hope and Henry Mills. Shoplifting and then lying. I am shocked. And you two, who do you think you are?"The shop asked Regina down to the store. Regina arrived as the shop owner went on. "Your daughter was shoplifting."He explained to Regina.

Regina glanced toward Hope. "Did you?"She asked, and Hope shook her head.

"She didn't mom! I swear!"Henry exclaimed.

"Yeah. You know we wouldn't lie about this."Hope added.

"Look for yourself."

Regina walked over to the counter looking at the abundance of candy bars sitting there."My kids don't eat candy. And Hope knows better than to steal. It was obviously those two."Regina glared at Ava and Nicolas. "We're going."

Starting to leave, Emma walked into the store."Hope. Henry. What happened?"Emma asked.

"Miss Swan, must I remind you that genetics mean nothing. You are not their mother. Plus, it has all been taken care of."Regina said.

"I'm here because I'm the sheriff. "Emma explained.

"Oh right. Go on, do your job. Take care of those miscreants."Regina muttered then left the store with Hope and Henry.

Emma continued into the store, walking over to Ava, Nicolas, and the shop clerk. "Did you call their parents?"

"The number they gave me was disconnected,"The shop clerk explained.

"Did you guys give Mr. Clark a fake number?"Emma asked Ava and Nicolas, they shook their heads. "Then why is it disconnected?"

"Because our parents couldn't pay the bill,"Ava explained.

Emma looked over to the counter. "So you guys were just trying to help out huh?"Nicolas nodded.

"Please. Please, don't arrest us."Ava pleaded. "It will just make things worse for our parents."

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