Chapter 2:Arriving In Storybrooke

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"Mom, are we there yet?" Henry and Hope asked.

"The answer to your question that you asked earlier is yes, I did give up twins ten years ago. And I don't know how much longer we have. I've never been nor heard of Storybrooke, kid." Emma said.

Noticing Hope pull out the storybook and begin to flip through, Henry turned to join her. "You know our names, it's Hope and Henry."

Emma chuckled slightly. "Well yes, I know your names, but you're still a kid and I can call you whatever I want. What's that your reading?"

"I don't think she's ready for that. " Hope threw in.

"Ready for some fairytales?" Emma asked.

Henry sighed, rolling his eyes. "They're not just fairytales. They're true. Every story in here actually happened."

Emma nodded. "Of course, they did."

"Use your superpower. " Hope suggested. "You know we're not lying."

"Just because you believe something, it doesn't make it true. "

"That's exactly what makes it true." Henry answered back.

"Would you believe us if we said that you're in this book?" Hope questioned.

Emma laughed. "You kids have some problems if you seriously believe that."

Hope nodded. "Yup, and your going to fix them."

"How am I supposed to fix them?" Emma questioned Hope.

Hope and Henry looked outside the car window, at the Welcome to Storybrooke sign, then back to Emma. "By breaking the Evil Queen's curse and giving everyone back their happy endings. " Henry answered, smiled.

"Ok kids, how about you give an address." Emma said, in hopes to steer the conversation back to reality, at least for now.

"44. Not saying the street. " Hope responded.

Pulling off the main road, Emma pulled her car door open and stepping outside; Hope and Henry followed. "Alright, you two. It's been a long night, and it's almost.." She stopped, looking at the town clock. "8:15."

Hope laughed. "That thing hasn't worked our whole lives. Times frozen here. "

"Excuse me."

"The Evil Queen did it with her curse. She sent everyone from the enchanted forest here." Henry continued.

"Hold up, the Evil Queen sent a bunch of fairytale characters here. " Hope nodded, continuing on. "Yeah, and now they're trapped."

"Frozen in time. Stuck in Storybrooke, Maine. That's what we're going with." The duo nodded. Hope shrugged, "It's true."

"Why doesn't everyone just leave?"

"They can't. If they try, bad things happen." Henry said.

The conversation came to a brief stop when Archie called out to Hope and Henry from across the road. "HOPE! HENRY!" He called, running over with his dog Pongo. "What are you doing here? Is everything alright?"

"We're fine, Archie. Hi Pongo!" Hope and Henry began to pet the dog as Archie to meet Emma's gaze. "Who this?"

"Just someone trying to get them a ride home."

"She's our mom, Archie." Hope answered.

"Oh, I see."

"Do you know where they live?" Emma asked Archie who nodded. "Sure. Just right on Mistrem street. The Mayor's house is the biggest one on the block. Can't miss it."

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