Chapter 17: Heart of Darkness

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"Emma, this is a mistake."Mary Margeret insisted a few minutes later at the station. "I didn't kill Katherine."

"Of course you didn't."Emma said. She knew that Miss Blanchard didn't have anything to do with this, but deep down in her gut she also knew this was her job. So she had know choice but to follow where the evidence lead her.

"And as I am your friend, I am also the sheriff and I have to go where the evidence leads."Emma said, flipping through the papers on the desk.

"Which points to me?"Mary Margeret questioned. "Emma; yesterday it was David. There's something not right here."

"I know. But your fingerprints were on that box, while his are not. So now we have to deal with this."

"Evidence. Evidence that says I cut out Katherine's heart."Mary Margeret started. "And then I buried it in the woods. Come on, this is insane."

Emma looked to her friend and sighed."And if I don't book you; with all this evidence, it's going to look like favoritism.Then Regina will have cause and she will fire me.

And then you know what she'll do? She'll bring in someone who will. So please; just try to be patient and trust me. We can't move forward until we verify that the heart belonged to Katherine and I am still waiting on the DNA test result. In the meantime, you need to bear with me. I have to ask a few questions."

"This is crazy. I would never hurt anyone."Mary Margeret began to whisper under her breath but reluctantly she agreed. She followed Emma, until they walked into a room in which Regina was sitting. "What is she doing here?"

"She asked to be here as a third party to make sure that I stay impartial."Emma explained, sitting beside Regina as Miss Blanchard took the seat across from them. "The heart was found buried by the old toll bridge. It appeared to be cut out by what appears to be a hunting knife. Have you ever been to that bridge before?"

"Yes. Many times."Mary Margeret answered. "It's where David and I liked to meet."

Emma went on,"Mr. Nolan. And you met there for what purpose?"

"We were having an affair."Mary Margeret admitted, turning to Regina. "And I'm not proud of what happened. And I'm sorry it did. But it doesn't change the fact that I did not kill Katherine."

Emma proceeded to remove the box in which the heart had been found in, from the drawers behind her. "Ever seen this before?"She asked, sliding it to the center of the table.

"Yes. That's my jewelry box. Oh my god! Don't you see what's happening here? Someone stole that box and put the heart inside! I had nothing to do with any of this, I'm innocent."

"Miss Blanchard.''Suddenly Regina reached out for Mary Margeret's hand in comfort, much to Emma's surprise.'

Regina went on,"It's ok. I know what you're going through. I know what it's like to lose someone you love. To be publicly humiliated. It put me in a very dark place, and it changed me. I could only imagine what losing David Nolan did to you."

Mary Margeret ripped her hand from Regina's. With that comment, she shook her head. "I haven't changed. I'm still the same person that I've always been. A good person. I did not do this."

"Can I speak to you in the hallway, please?"A very irritated Emma coasted Regina into the hall for she didn't like the way Regina had been talking in there. "I told you to leave the questioning to me."

"How do you know she didn't do it? If she claims that box was stolen from her, wouldn't there be signs of a break in? You're her roommate. Tell me, has there been a break in? She is a woman who has had her heart broken and that..that can make you do unspeakable things."

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