Chapter 18: Hat Trick

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Emma walked into the station after meeting up with Gold;who followed along behind. Seeing Hope and Henry sitting there, rummaging through the book,she started towards them. "Henry and Hope? What are you doing here?"She asked.

"We came to congratulate you,"Henry said, closing the book and placing it down on the open seat beside him.

"Duh."Hope rolled her eyes,mutturing sarcastically at Emma.

"For what?"Emma asked.

"Your genius plan."The two recited together back to Emma.

"What plan is that ,Hope and Henry Mills?"Mr. Gold asked. No response from the pair, Gold began to walk ahead and into the other room.

"Sorry. It was probably our bad to assume that he was in on it. I mean, now that he is Miss Blanchard's lawyer and all."Hope explained.

"In on what?"Emma asked, still very confused on what they were rambling on about.

"The escape plan."Henry answered.

"The what?"Emma asked. Hope went to speak again but then Mr. Gold called for Emma from the other room. He didn't sound very happy and reached the room now; Hope,Henry, and Emma knew why. The cell door stood open before them. And Miss Blanchard had vanished.

"Well. She's gone,"Gold said.

"Ugh. Alright! What did you do? "Emma hollered behind her to the kids, stepping closer to inspect it further.

"It wasn't us. I mean we were talking about an escape plan; but We didn't and we wouldn't do this."Hope said."She was gone when Henry and I got here."

"She's a fugitive. It doesn't matter if she was convicted for Katherine,now she's screwed."Emma said. She turned to Gold for a moment; before running back into her office."I have to find her before someone else notices she's missing"

"You mean Regina of course."Gold said, quietly.

"The reignment is at 8 am. I'm sure she'll be here bright and early to celebrate her victory."

"Wait! We can help! What do you want us to do?"Hope asked, running hurriedly closer over to Henry.

"You know what, you can help. By going home."

"Emma,if she leaves Storybrooke.."Henry started but Emma interrupted.

"Not now. Please, let's not do this now. Come on!" Emma grabbed Hope and Henry's hands, walking out of the office.

"Miss Swan." Gold stopped her, before she had left completely."If Miss Blanchard doesn't return,her future is in jeopardy. If you get caught helping her, so is yours."

"I don't care."Emma knew that for sure."I'd rather lose my job than my friend."

Emma left the station, found her car, and drove off on a hunt for her friend. Shortly after, some fog appeared on the road, causing her to almost run over a man on the side of the road. She pulled her car to a stop,jumping out of the car. "I'm so sorry! Are you ok?"

The man wasn't hurt. He rose to his feet again, and began to chuckle."Yeah. At least, I think so. I'm fine. Just not used to sharing the road with cars so late. You're the Sheriff aren't you?" Emma nodded."What brings you out in the middle of the night?"

"Eh."Emma started, shrugging it off. "It's nothing. Looking for a lost dog."

"Well, I hope you find it."

"Thank you. Ah you are hurt! I insist, let me drive you to wherever your going."Emma insisted.

"It really is a twisted ankle and a mile down the road walk. But oh well, if you insist. I'm Jefferson."He said, shaking Emma's hand.

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