Chapter 12: Not so Secret Romance

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Hope and Henry raced each other on their bikes where Emma was. They dropped their bikes, running past Emma to the castle. "Nice to see you two!" She hollered after them.

"The storm! Henry, it's ruined." Hope sighed, stopping to stare at the destroyed play structure.

"Do you think it's still here?" Henry asked his sister, who nodded.

"Don't worry; we can fix it. I'll talk to Marco. Is what still here, Henry?" Emma asked, following Henry as he began to dig through the sand under the castle.

"My book," Hope said, walking over to them.

"Why'd you bury it here?"

"So mom doesn't find it," Henry answered.

"Can't you just hide it under your mattress? That's not good enough?"

Henry shook his head. "That's the first place a person like the Evil Queen would look. With you, it would be second place." He pulled open a box; seeing the book inside, Henry gave a sigh of relief. "HOPE! IT'S STILL HERE!" He called, reassuring his sister, who smiled back at him.

"Your mom doesn't know about the castle?"

"No. This is our little secret." Hope said, sitting down in the sand beside Emma and across from Henry.

Henry began to rebury the box. Good timing for Emma heard Regina call. "HOPE! HENRY!" Hope ignored Regina, going over to help her brother finish covering it when Regina called again, closer to them this time.

"HENRY! HOPE!" She exclaimed, running over to them. "I've been looking everywhere for you. You know you have a session this morning with Archie. I should've known they'd run off to find you. Hope, Henry; Car now."

The kids ran off to Regina's car as she looked up at the fallen castle." You let them play here?" Regina asked.

Emma shrugged." I mean, the storm hit it hard, but we can fix it."

"Can you fix a cracked cranium? How about two, because that is what you'll have on your hands if one board collapses under Hope or Henry's weight. You're not thinking of either them or their safety. You're just thinking of ways to get around me. Don't let your feelings cloud your judgment, Miss Swan. People can get hurt."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Emma asked.

"You're Sheriff now. It's time to be responsible." Regina explained before heading back to the car and driving away.

Later, Emma sat down to grab something to eat with Mary Margeret. "Don't my feelings cloud my judgment? Hah! That's all Regina ever does."

"She's just jealous of the bond that you three have. That you all have a special place, and she doesn't."

"How'd she find out about the castle in the first place?" Emma asked.

"She knows everything about this town. She is the mayor." Just then, a text buzzed, and Mary Margeret raced to grab the phone to answer it. It was David Nolan.

"Everything ok?" Emma asked.

"Yeah. I just got to go." Mary Margeret said, starting to put on her jacket." It makes you feel any better. I think you're right. I've seen the effect she has on those children."

"I wish everyone else did too." Mary Margeret slid out, and with that, Sydney slid in, taking her place across from Emma.

"I could grant your wish." Sydney began.

"Oh, Sydney. Want a side of bacon with that whiskey?" Emma asked.

"You want to show this town who the mayor really is? I can help. The mayor and I are long done."

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