Chapter 11: I will always love you

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It was a foggy day outside when Hope and Henry noticed the man from last night outside of their house. "What are you doing here?" They asked in unison as he began to mess with the back of his bike.

"Fixing my bike." He told the two, looking up at them.

"No, what are you doing in Storybrooke?" Hope asked.

The man shrugged." Just visiting."

"What's that?" Henry asked, noticing him moving a box around.

"A box."

"Which has what inside it?" Hope asked.

"Something I need to do what I came here for." He told Hope, placing his helmet back on.

Regina stepped outside, standing on her porch, before noticing the peculiar man with her children. "I thought you were just visiting," Hope said, laughing.

The man, now on his bike, smiled down at the twins. "Doesn't mean I don't have something to do."

What were they doing out there? Regina thought to herself before calling them back over to the house. "HOPE! HENRY!"

The bike's gas began to turn on, as the man said, "Better get to school. It looks like a storm is coming." Regina stood there for a moment, waiting for the two to come back, but they didn't. They just stood by the bike as the man began to drive away, which meant she went down the driveway and onto the front sidewalk to meet them.

"Who was that?" Regina asked, wrapping her arms around Hope and Henry, and the two shrugged their shoulders.

At home, Emma strolled into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl of cereal and sitting down in front of the tv. Mary Margeret raced in, running very late and racing to get out of the door. She finished putting on her shoes before rinsing her mouth from brushing her teeth. "I can't believe I overslept!" She exclaimed.

"It's only 7:10. You have plenty of time to get to school." Emma said, between bites of cereal.

Mary Margeret shook her head, racing to the door. "I have to be there at 7:15. Science Fair. Helping the kids with projects before school." She said, hurriedly putting on her hat.

"I'm sure that if you're 5 minutes late, they'll live," Emma said.

"We're making a volcano." Mary Margeret said before throwing on her matching scarf and heading out the door.

Little did Emma know; Mary Margeret wasn't heading to the school but down to Granny's diner. She sat down at her usual table, pulling a book from her purse. She threw off her hat, adjusting her hair in the reflection of a spoon when David walked in. She threw open the book as he walked through the doors, past her, to Ruby at the counter, who handed him a cup of coffee. He thanked Ruby, then two cups in hand walked away from the counter and over to Mary Margeret.

"Good morning," David said.

Mary Margeret looked slowly up from her book at him before closing it." Morning."

"I should go. I'm going to be late for work."

"Right. The animal shelter. How's that going?" Mary Margeret asked.

David smiled. "Well, the apes haven't taken over yet. At least it won't happen on my watch." The two shared a smile, then David walked away. Mary Margeret watched as David went out to the car to Katherine, handing her a cup, exchanging a kiss before walking down the road.

She was caught off when she saw Emma standing there now. "So, this is making a volcano," Emma said, sitting down.

"I was.." Mary Margeret started, then sighed.

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