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Regina spoke with Dr. Whale while Emma  and Henry pulled in deeper to the hospital bed where Hope Mills slept on. After a moment of weeping out of Hope's lifeless body, Emma cried out to her daughter with a kiss on her forehead as well. ""I love you, Hope."Emma cried out.

Suddenly the unexpected happened. With the kiss, Emma had done the unspeakable,as magic burst over Hope's body. "I love you too mom."It gave her a new speck of life as she threw her eyes open. She smiled,as the rest of the room turned to them. "You saved me."

"You did it!"Regina exclaimed happily,at the sight that her daughter was awake once more,by the mere hands of Emma Swan.

"Hope, what's happening?"Emma asked, as Hope rose to sit up.

"The curse. I think..I think you broke it."Hope said."It's about time."

"True love's kiss."Henry smiled.

"NO! NO!"Regina muttered from the back of the room.

The blue fairy walked into the room now;first peering down at Hope,then back to Regina. "Yes. And if I were you;your Majesty,I would find a place to hide."

"No."Regina started. "Hope;Henry,no matter what you think..no matter what anyone tells you...I do love you."With that, Regina fled the hospital room.

Henry hopped onto the bed;maneuvering the cords around;to get a better hug from his sister. "You darn sister;you scared the living daylights out of me."

"I know. Hen..look. She believes,don't you? We've got our mom back."Hope turned her gaze,as they smiled at Emma,as if they could read her thoughts. "Took you long enough."

"Ok. Ok. You win, alright." This is when Emma realized that this wasn't just a story;no,Hope and Henry had been right all along.

The whole town was starting to wake up;but the first few to come by,were Mary Margeret and David as the now Prince Charming searched the grounds in search of his beloved Snow White.And at last, he found her."SNOW!"

Mary Margeret,or now Snow heard her prince's voice, and now remembering ran forth to him."Charming. You found me."

"Did you ever doubt I would."

Well, this was it. Regina told herself, sitting on the edge of Henry's bed, and hugging Hope's pillow. This was the end of it all. The end of her curse, the end of the era with no Snow White or Prince Charming. The end of her revenge, and most likely the end of life with Hope and Henry;who Regina knew would choose to move in with Emma and the Charmings now.

Mr. Gold and the young maiden he had sworn to protect went forward to where the rest of the plan was to take place, when the maiden stopped."Wait."

"No,no. We're almost there."He was so distracted,that he didn't fathom that his beloved Belle was starting to come through.

"Rumplestilskin. Wait. I remember."That sentence Rumplestilskin was overjoyed with hearing,as Belle stepped closer to him."I-I love you."She said;and as she fell into his arms,everything was perfect for him once more. Or well almost perfect.

"Yes. Yes! And I love you too. But hey;there's plenty of time for that. Time for everything. But first,there's something I must do."

Finally making it to an old well;on top of the hill,left Belle very confused. What was he meant to do here?"What's this?"

"This,"Rumple went on,"This is a very special place,Belle. The waters run below. Turn that, which restores power that one has lost."

"Hope, what's going on here?"Emma asked;still very confused about the all occurrence of events that happened that day. "If the curse is broken, why didn't they go back?"

"I,I don't know. Neither Henry or I do."Hope explained. Something spooked the nurse;and Emma and the twin retreated to see a purple smoke rising into the air. They weren't the only ones who noticed;Regina peered her head out of the bedroom window.

"What is that?"Emma asked.

"Something bad."Henry explained.

"I,I don't understand."Belle went on,as Rumple came back to her and the magic he had poured in,resubmerged into the air, in the form of purple smoke.

"That's magic Belle. And I'm bringing it all back. It's coming."

"Well alright. But why?"Belle asked.

"Why? Because,this power." The purple smoke took over the town's streets;as it passed over, Snow and Charming began to hug a little harder now and with that,the clock chimed.

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