Chapter 19:Revenge

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"Remembrance of things past?"Mr. Gold asked Regina as she pulled out a ring from the desk drawer and placed it in her hand.

"What do you want?"Regina groaned, placing it back on her desk.

"I need a favor," Gold said. He continued to walk into the office before taking a seat across from her.

Regina chuckled, flipping to face him."You need a favor from me."

Gold nodded then went on," As you know, there are battery charges against me, pending. I really don't need to waste anymore of my time being locked up in a cage. Now someone with your influence could make the DA suddenly realize what a flimsy case they are. Isn't that right, your majesty?"He picked up an apple from the bowl that laid about in the entranceway of the room.

"What do I get out of it?"Regina asked.

"Help. Help with that Mary Margeret problem of yours." That was definitely the thing to catch Regina's attention. "I've noticed that no matter how hard you try to stop them, she and her charming friend just keep finding a way to be together."

"Ah. And what are you suggesting?"Regina asked.

"If you want to inflict pain, then I say inflict it. If something tragic were to happen to David's wife and if Mary Margeret should take the blame. She'll be ruined, and you'll have your victory at last."

"Your right. The trial is about to get real messy," Regina added.

"Now, who said anything about a trial? Once Miss Blanchard has been incarcerated, you can plant your skeleton keys in her cell. And once she tries to leave Storybrooke..well, we all know what happens to people who try to leave town."

Regina had to admit he had a good plan, but how could she be sure he was being truthful? And after all the history they had been through together, how could she know that she could trust him."How do I know I should trust you? Trust this?"

"Because; I always honor my agreements, dearie. Now, do we have a deal?"

Wow, that would be absolutely wonderful. Regina thought to herself. After all these years, to finally be rid of the nuisance would be a dream come true. And Gold's plan seemed like the perfect fire way for me to get it, without raising the suspicion of Hope and Henry.

After a moment of sitting together in silence, Regina looked back to Mr. Gold; and with a devious smile on her face, she shook his hand and nodded.


Emma left hurriedly out of the diner. She began to throw her hair into a ponytail walking away from the outside patio when she heard a call from David. "David. I don't have time."She said, continuing to walk as David followed.

"I know. I understand it's Mary Margeret. How is she doing?"David asked.

What a dumb question. Emma thought, rolling her eyes at David for a second."Well, how do you think she is?"

"Well, I think the last time we spoke, she had a flip out."

"And I wonder why. Did you not make it sound like you thought she was guilty?"Emma uttered, opening up her car door.

"Look. It's this situation. It's been confusing and horrible for everyone. But Emma, I don't think she's guilty. And I need her to know that. Could I see her?"

Emma sighed. "She doesn't want anyone seeing her. She doesn't want visitors."

"You mean me. She doesn't want to see me."

Emma went on," Honestly, your heart is in the right place, but the last thing she needs right now is words of encouragement from you."

"What does she need?"

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