Chapter 21: Our only hope

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"Ah, what a beauty. And nobody's getting through that."August said, now having a secured lock on Mary Margeret and Emma's home door.

"Woah."Emma said," When are you installing the torcher chamber?"

Mary Margeret shrugged, "I don't care what it looks like. As long as it keeps Regina and her skeleton keys out."

"This is pretty handy for a writer; how'd you learn to do all this?"Emma questioned.

"Eh, just a classic woodshop. 8th grade."August said.

"Oh, speaking of. I really need to get going."

Mary Margeret began to gather her stuff as Emma questioned," Are you sure you're ready to be going back?"

"After all that unnecessary time behind bars, how tough can a room full of fourth-graders be? Eh. I mean, she did have a point there. Emma thought to herself. "Besides, aren't you the one we ought to be worried about?"

"Me? Why?"

"Well."August began, shuffling about with his assortment of things on the table. "You did threaten to take the kids away from Regina."

Emma turned her attention to August, and shaking her head, she laughed too."Oh no, wrong there, new guy. That wasn't a threat. I'm hiring Mr. Gold to help file a case against her."She then turned her gaze back to Mary Margeret." I mean, the woman is a nut case. She just tried to frame you for murder."

"But, you do know what happens if you win? And you're ready for that? To be a mother? A mother of not just one but of two?"

Emma nodded."Well,yeah. I mean, I've been doing it for a couple of months now. I may not have been ready then, but I am now. I missed ten years of their lives, and I'm not about to miss anymore. And I'm willing to fight Regina to the very ends of this earth and back to make sure of that. They need me, and I'm not going anywhere."

Mary Margeret smiled and slid out behind August. Emma had thought of heading to the station too, but no sooner did she think of heading out did Hope and Henry ring in on their walkie-talkie.

"Code red. Code red."Hope called to Emma through the walkie.

"Hey, Hope. What's going on?"Emma asked.

"Meet us at Granny's. It's an Operation Cobra emergency!"Henry yelled through the walkie.

"On my way," Emma said, and no sooner did that walkie turn off, August was behind her again. "You heard the kids, Operation Cobra calls!"

"I didn't think you believed any of that."

Emma shrugged. "Oh, I don't. Sometimes it's just the only way of getting through to Hope and Henry."

"You know, a custody battle against Regina, it isn't going to accomplish anything. Nope; You, Emma Swan, you need to start looking at the bigger picture. That's the only way you're going to understand what you're up against. That's the only way you will beat Regina."

Emma went on," Ok, buster. I'll play along. How do you figure  that?"

"Take the day off. Come with me, and I'll show you."

"And where exactly would we go on this magical mystery tour?"Emma asked.

"If I told you, you wouldn't come. But come anyway; take a leap of faith. Come with me, and I promise you'll find exactly what you're looking for."

"Mom duty calls. Look, they need me, and I don't have any time for faith." Emma concluded.  Being rid of August, she slid into Granny's and the booth across from the duo. "Hey! So, what's the emergency?"

"Shh!" Henry exclaimed as Emma slid further into the booth. "This is sensitive."

"It is. Then why are we at Granny's of all sports? Out here in the open?"Emma asked.

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