《T E N》

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       "Y/N, DON’T be so shy!”

She hid behind a pair of legs. Shota looked down at his younger sister, exhaling softly. She held onto his hakama, hiding her face away sheepishly. 

Across from her, a boy with solid white-hair stood. He had bandages over his eyes, his hands at his sides. He watched the girl shy away, confused. 

“Hey,” He said, pointing to his bandages. “Do these scare you?”

“Satoru, don’t take those off,” A woman said. “You’ll hurt your eyes.”

“My curse is deactivated,” Juno said. “He should be alright.”

Slowly, the girl peered around her brother’s legs. She looked at the boy, gasping softly. His bright blue eyes gleamed as he smiled, waving to her. Her cheeks warmed, and she was quick to dart back behind Shota’s legs, hiding her face in the fabric of his hakama.

She cracked one of her eyes open, slowly peeking around his legs again. This time, the boy was leaning forward. She yelped, jumping back. 

“Whatcha hidin’ for?” He asked. “Oh hey, you have pretty eyes too!”

She blushed even further. “Th-Thanks.”

“I’m Gojo Satoru,” He said. “What’s your name?”

“L/n Y/n,” She said. “I-I like your kimono.”

“Thanks!” He smiled. “Do you want to play?”

“Do you like oranges?” She asked. 

“I love them!”

She smiled, reaching to take his hand. “Come on! I can get the best ones!”

He nodded, letting her pull him towards the large tree. As the adults began to talk, Shota moved away, walking back towards the house. As he got closer, he could see the girl in the doorway. 

Neoma was leaning against the door, her back to the frame with her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes were narrowed in a glare, watching the two small children run in the yard. She flicked her gaze to the boy as he got closer. 

“Onee-san?” He asked. “What’s the matter?”

“Juno knew that boy with the Six Eyes wasn’t supposed to be introduced to Y/n,” She frowned. 

“Ah, they’re just little kids,” He said, raising a hand to the back of his neck. “Besides, Y/n didn’t seem to like him.”

“Didn’t last long,” She said, jerking her head towards them. They were both seated under the tree as Gojo peeled the orange Y/n had handed him. 

“I-I sure it’ll be fine,” He assured. “Do you want to train with me?”

She pulled her gaze away from the children. She raked her green eyes over the boy. “Yeah. Let’s go to the front yard.”

Shota winced as his back hit the ground. He jumped when the bamboo staff was slammed next to his head. He swallowed hard, looking up at his older sister. 

“You’re getting better, I’ll give you that,” She said, flipping the staff to the back of her arm, extending her other hand down to him. He took it, dusting himself off as Neoma collected the other staff, replacing them in their original spots. 

“You think so?” He muttered, following her to the porch. 

“Sure you are,” She hummed. “You get better everyday, Scrappy.”

He pouted at the nickname. She laughed, rubbing a hand over his black hair. He yelled at her, shoving her hand away. 

“I’m not a kid anymore, Nemo!” He said. 

“That’s true,” She said, the corner of her lips pulled in a smirk. “But you’ll always be my kid brother. And I’ll always call you Scrappy-doo!”

“That’s not funny!” He exclaimed, cheeks pink. She laughed again, hooking her arm over his shoulders. 

“It’s totally funny,” She said, making him huff. “Hey, I got something to tell you.”


“I’m proud of you, Shota,” She said, making him look over. 

“Y-You are?”

“‘Course I am,” She said. “You’re busting your ass to be a sorcerer. If you keep it up, you’ll end up being a Special Grade, like I am.”

“I couldn’t be as good as you, Nemo,” He said. “You’re like...the best sorceress ever.”

“Then you could be the best sorcerer ever,” She said, nudging him with her elbow. “Come on, Scrappy. Don’t put yourself down. You can do it too.”

“You really think that?” He asked, looking over at her. 

“I do,” She smiled. “Otousan thinks so too.”

“Is he gonna train Y/n too?” Shota asked. Neoma shrugged. 

“He might. If he can get past Juno, that is,” She said. “I think that woman is an idiot.”

“Neoma, don’t be rude,” Shota frowned. “Juno-san has done a lot for us.”

“I know she has,” She said. “But she’s holding Y/n back. Her cursed energy is already starting to show. If she waits too long, she’ll never be able to control her technique correctly.”

“Will the Devil’s eyes hurt her?” Shota asked. 

“It could,” Neoma replied. “If she isn’t trained to wield it, and it suddenly activates, it could potentially hurt Y/n a lot. And it could also be hard for her to activate if she doesn’t know how. She needs Otousan’s training. Not Juno’s.”

Shota frowned, looking down at his feet. Neoma called out to him, making him look over. She put a hand on the top of his head. 

“Don’t worry, Scrappy. One way or another, Otousan will figure something out with Y/n. Just focus on yourself right now, ‘kay?”

He nodded. “Kay.”

“Good boy,” She smiled, bringing him to her side. He wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. 



“Do you think we could fight together one day? Like against an actual curse?”

“Sure we could. When you get old enough to become a sorcerer, that is,” She teased. “You gotta get through the rest of middle school first!”

“Ah! Onee-san, don’t do that!” Shota said, struggling in her arms as she kissed the side of his head. 

She laughed, lips pulling in a smile. Her green eyes lightened as she pat his back. 

“You’ll be a great sorcerer when you get older. I just know it.”


《G O O D B Y E 》GOJO S. x READER [BOOK 3]Where stories live. Discover now