Chapter 34/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

I'm not sure what I'm feeling. Rage? Hate? Both? Was there even a word to describe this emotion?

No... I don't think so, I've felt something close, but not quite this.

This was something new all in itself.

I never had something thrown in my face like this, never had someone mock me, everyone had been smart enough not to. That was up until now.

But now sitting here shaking with rage I had reached a level even I was unaware I was capable of.

Tommy was dead. His days were numbered, no hours, fucking maybe. That was if he was lucky enough to escape my grasps. I needed to find him, NOW.

Y/N's black lace, now damp panties lay across my desk, I assumed they were quite wet when he sent them. Her ring beside the mess.

They were drenched in what I could only assume her squirt, she had always been a squitter. And only later was it confirmed.

Opening Tommy's letter this morning, he decided to leave me a gift.

Her ring, wrapped so nicely in her panties, fell from the envelope. Bouncing across the wood on my desk. I thought it was odd, responding back with such a big piece of mail.

I thought it was odd he responded at all.


Awww, let's play nice shall we, this is just a small taste of what I have in store for you if you continue to chase my wife. After all, you were invited to the celebration.

I think you will be pleased to find many bruises on Y/N's body, she's quite the adrenaline junkie. Especially in the bedroom.

I think you are confused my dear friend. Y/N Dove belongs to nobody but me, she always has. I think I have made that abundantly clear.

Please, do away with your empty threats. You'll get no reaction here.

-The Doves

PS: I thought Y/N's lovely squirt added a nice shine to that shit excuse for a diamond. You'll be happy to know, it's been replaced with something much more...... suitable for Mrs. Doves taste.

I was almost to mad to process how heart broken I was. How fucking shitty I was feeling.

Her ring, if it was here then it wasn't on her anymore.

That fucking broke me. He knew where to hit me low, how to get under my skin. He had the only thing in this world that could send me into a blind rage and it was right in his bed.

She took it off? How did he get it? She put up such a fuss not wanting to give it up before, and now...


I had no words, and for once I was okay with that. My emotions were enough at this point, I refused to stand for it.

Grabbing ahold of her panties I shove both the ring and them into my pocket, hell bent on finding Erwin.

He may be my Commander, but that's where his jurisdiction ends. I'd be acting on my own from now on, I didn't care about the repercussions. If they wanted to hand me over for not finishing out my time the so be it, but they'd have to do it AFTER I brought Y/N back here.


My eyes roll in annoyance, storming past Hange.

"What is it four eyes, I'm busy." Spatting back over my shoulder.

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