A heatwave

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Author's Note:
If you reach out to me, I'll answer as soon as possible.

You can do so in the comments or just send me an e-mail.

The countries genders are based off of their anthems and only help me write the story, they're not really important to the story line so if you disagree with one of them you can just imagine they're different.

I Appreciate everyone reading this, cause what would my story be without people like you reading them?

Thank you to everyone who votes, so that my story can get recommended to more and more people!

Have fun. )

"I think it's ready!" Someone with a strong German accent says.

Faint light fell onto his black-red-gold striped face.

"If this works can I stop hanging out in this creepy basement of yours?" He turned around grinning.

He turned to someone with a white and red striped face, with a patch of stars on the right upper part of his head.

He rolled his eyes. "Do you want China or the UK involved in this? It's bad enough that Russia found out. Thanks to you Poland." He turned around to glare at the two Slavs.

"Don't look at me like that." Poland barked. "I didn't want Russia involved in this either."

"I can hear you, I'm sitting right next to you guys." The Russian pretended to feel hurt. "I kept my promise, you know? I never told anyone about this stupid crazy idea." She said.

"I'd actually rather have all the countries involved." Germany reasoned. "If this works, it will affect everyone."

"I agree." A Norwegian flagged person engaged in the conversation.

"Why don't we test the idea first? Aren't six countries enough?" A green-white-orange striped person said.

"You just don't want the UK involved in this, Ireland." Russia teased.

Germany sighed. "It's to late now. How about we test this first? If it works we'll just tell them about it. If it doesn't, maybe we should just drop it. I don't know if this is a good idea anyway."

"Since when do you have good ideas?" Poland mumbled.

Germany glanced back angrily. "I'm not going to miss this. I need to concentrate on other stuff." He murmured to himself.

"I'm glad this is finished." USA started one of his speeches. "After a long year of working, which actually started with originally only two people..." He took a break to glare at Poland and Russia. "I'm happy that it ended to form a new small group of friends. I'm proud to announce that..."

"Get on with it already." Russia said rolling her eyes.

The US sighed. He turned to Germany. "Hit it." He said.

Germany reached for the lever.

(Your Name) sighed. They had to do their school work, but they had no motivation to do anything. Everything started to bore them.

School? To easy. Friends? All of the students were boring. All they talked about was their make-up or were flexing on how rich they were.

Their family? Abandoned them. Apparently their parents were to young to take care of them. They lived with a foster family.
Their children were all grown up and out of the house. They never had a special relationship.

Their parents were always working. They didn't even know why they wanted them in the first place. Even though they were wealthy, it didn't feel like it. They had a lot of stuff. But none of it meant anything to them. There were no memories attached to it. 

Nothing was challenging. Being rich was boring. It was to easy and not fair that there were people who starved. Good and hardworking people.

And there was nothing (Your Name) could do about it. Sill doing something was better than nothing. So they pulled their homework out and started reading. Suddenly the earth started to shake.

An earthquake? Maybe finally something exciting was going to happen. Well (Your Name) was right. It was completely out of order. It was the craziest and unimaginable that was about to happen.

So what was I supposed to do in case of a earthquake? Hide under a big solid object. Pshh, that's boring. I want to go outside. It doesn't look to dangerous. Might as well live a little.

Looking outside the window, I saw a weird twirl moving back and forth in front if the house. It looked like it was bending matter. Kind if like a heat wave. Suddenly it stopped going back and forth and started to go further away from the house. I wanted to investigate it before it would disappear. I raced out of the house. The earthquake got worse. But I didn't care. Anything was better than doing homework. It was hot outside. So maybe this thing was a heat wave? But then when I caught up with it it started shrinking.

They say curiosity kills the cat. But I didn't care. I wanted to know what a twirling heat wave felt like. It was pain. Immense pain. It was so severe that it paralyzed me completely. Then I blacked out.

"It didn't work." Germany said. "We didn't get nearly enough power to even connect to the Human world." He turned around and glanced at the US. "At least we gave them a bit of an earthquake."

The US rolled his eyes.

Germany shrugged. Then he gave Norway a nod. "Let's go home."
Norway gave a slight nod back and grabbed his coat.

"Wait where are you going?" Poland asked." You're not just going to give up, are you?"

Germany shrugged. "I just don't see the point on working on this any longer."
"You can't just leave!" The US said, disappointment in his gaze. You were the first country I asked to help me."
Germany stared at the floor. It was easy to convince him to do something if you begged. Even if he could be cold at times it was hard for him to turn people down. He opened his mouth to agree but before he could say something an alarm went off. In a matter of seconds Chaos had spread.

"I don't understand." Poland said while studying the sign flashing in bright red on top of the entrance to the machine. "It can't be overheating, we literally shut it off."

"We didn't let the portal close properly." Ireland said. "That wouldn't have been a problem unless..." He trailed off. He quickly pulled one of the levers in the control center, which was located behind the huge machine that connected it from the back.
Everyone turned to Germany.

"You said it didn't work." Russia said eyeing Germany reproachfully.

"Maybe I was wrong." He said going inside the machine, followed by everyone else in the room. It was full of switches and monitors.
Norway hit the replay button and they watched the black screen carefully.

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