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Translation Below

Norway reached for his brother's hand.
"It's all my fault. I'm so, so sorry." He whispered.

"How is this your fault?" Germany asked, confused.

"I shouldn't have given orders for the attack. We should have just left while we still could."

"Well, I don't think it's your fault. If I wouldn't have helped USA, we wouldn't even be here in the first place." Germany said, closing his eyes. "So it's debatable on who's fault it is and anyway, it's not important."

"I didn't know you missed your brother so much." You mumbled.

"My brother?" Germany asked, confused.

"Yeah, you said.."

"That's not the actual reason he did it." UK interrupted you.

"So why did you?" You asked surprised.

"To save you, of course." Germany said, is if it were obvious.

"But, why? You're stronger than me, if anyone will survive, it wouldn't be me." You whispered.

Germany sighed.

"We'll leave you alone now." USA whispered.

Ireland gave you a sad glance before leaving you as well, following USA into the woods.

UK looked at Germany and gave him a nod.
Norway let go of his hand and got up.

"Wait, you're leaving too?" You asked surprised.

"Yes, keep Germany company, he'll want to talk to you." Norway whispered.

You looked down at Germany, feeling a deep, twisted pang in your heart.

"You didn't have to do that." You said, sniffling.

"Yes I did. I would have killed myself anyway if you had died." Germany sighed.

You looked down at him, shocked.

"What, why?" You chocked, reaching for his hand, wanting to comfort him and be comforted at the same time.

He opened his eyes again, which weren't moving anymore, he had probably given up on trying to focus them on anything. He just stared up to the night sky.

"Because we're friends. My loyalty is yours." He said.

"Well if I would have died I wouldn't have to suffer seeing you die."

Germany didn't answer. Instead he took a deep breath.

"I've done a lot of bad things in my life, which I've tried to make up for. I've payed a lot for what I've done and I'm not saying that wasn't rightful, but it was hard. I lost my mind and had to pay with half of it. Now it's lost and it's left a big gap where it used to be. But I forget about it when I'm around you."

He turned his head towards you.

"How do you know it's lost?" You asked Germany with a quivering voice.

"I annexed his country. You know, DDR."

"But doesn't that mean that you annexed him as well? By annexing the country, don't you annex his mind as well?"

Germany went silent.

"See, maybe that's why you act so bipolar sometimes." You theorize.

"Who says I'm bipolar? I'm not bipolar!" Germany snapped.

"Nooo not at all." You said, smiling through your tears.

"I don't know." Germany mumbled. "All I know is that I'll never be forgiven for what I've done. I don't like being proud anymore, too he honest I can't. I'm always made fun of the way I talk and it I tell myself it doesn't bother me, but it's hard, you know? It's hard to never be trusted and always be made fun of. But around you I just really don't care."

You smiled. "I'm glad you feel that way around me, even though it didn't start out well."

"Well, that's why I had to save you. Remember our talk? You wanted to find your real parents. Get out of here, (Your Name). Leave this place. Better me than you, I don't have anything to go back for."

Tears started to form in your eyes, making them burn.

"I don't want to go back anymore. I want to stay with you guys! But you're dying, one by one. First Romania, then Poland, Russia, Belarus and now you! How is this going to end?"

Germany looked up to you in surprise, then he reached out for your face, kind of helpless, since his vision kept failing him. You reached out for it and placed his hand on the side of your face.

"We don't die. We live on. That's how Poland came back to life. And that's also how I'm going to stay with you."

A tear escaped the corner of your eye.

Sobbing and buried your face in his chest. You felt how his heart immediately skipped a beat. He put his hand on your back.

"But I want to be able see you! I want to hear your voice..." You said, while trying to stop crying.

"I'd like that too, but unfortunately I've never gotten what I want." He sighed.

You felt how his body tensed in pain.

He's going to die. He's going to leave me too.

You got up from his chest and looked down into his eyes.

"Ich liebe dich." He whispered and held your hand tightly one last time.

Your heart ripped itself apart.

Then the dark cloud covered your friend and took him away, just like it had before.

You got up and left, to join the others, wishing that you could just wake up, like Germany had woken you up the day before you left your home.

We shouldn't have left. We should have stayed back at home. It was a mistake to come here.

Thanks so much to...






Ich liebe dich/I love you

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