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"What?!" You hear Poland protest.
"That's not fair." Malaysia gets up. Vietnam looks up at her, and gets up himself.
In protest, she gets up and stands next to Indonesia, who smiled at her. Vietnam follows. Brazil nods and gets up to. So does Romania.

Wow. I'd never think so many Countries would be on our side.

But the rest looked unsure, or even had unbelievable hatred in their eyes.
You feel Germany and Russia next to tense.

You look at China's furious face, then you turn to The US. He wasn't looking that furious anymore, just putts his arm around Canada.

That was the first time you could get a good look at her. She was treated well, but you could still see that her arms and stomach had been badly wounded. The side of her head had a deep gash. She looked terribly beaten up.

Your heart hurts at that sight.

She is completely innocent! She had nothing to do with me getting here, she only came with us because of how hurt she was.

You swallow.

She wouldn't have been hurt if I hadn't came here in the first place. Maybe it really would be better if I'd  just leave.

That's when North Korea got up. He stands next to China, glaring at you.

Wow.. this is just escalating faster and faster.

"Russia?" You hear China ask hopefully. "Don't tell me your on The US's side. You can still change your mind."

"You think I'd be that desperate?" She growls with clenched teeth.
"Wow. How much money did he bribe you with?" China says, his face expression turning into contemptuous glare.

Russia snapped. She wanted to walk up to him, but You and Poland were able to hold her back.
"Nie słuchaj jego!" Poland says.
"Don't let him get on your nerves, that's what he's trying to do." You murmur.

"You want war?! I'll give you WAR!" She yells back.

If he declares war on her, The US will definitely join. Even though China may be a superpower, two superpowers against one?

"I guess we could solve this peacefully." He murmurs.

Coward! I bet if Russia had joined him he would have declared war on The US.

"I don't like where this is going." You hear Ireland murmur.

"Why don't we just let (Your Name) decide what they want to do?" Brazil suggests.

What I want? What do I want? I wanted you to go back home. But do I still want to? Know that I have real friends and they're in great danger?

All eyes were on you. Your heart beats practically out of your chest.
"I don't want to go. Not until the danger I'm sure my friends won't die."
"But you're the reason why they're in danger. Don't you get it?" China says, narrowing his eyes.
"I'm not a reason for anyone's danger! It's not the fault I'm here in the first place!"
After that sentence everyone started fighting and yelling at each other.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize..." You hear Germany whisper next to you.
"Yeah I'm sorry.. I should have known you were mad at us." Russia sighs.

People I Appreciate

@seolyuri Thanks for voting for 'Presents and Apologies' 'The meeting' and 'Beijing'!

@HarrisBee Thanks for voting for 'Germany's Room'

Thanks for your support!)


Nie słuchaj jego\Don't listen to him.

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