The Human

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What happened? Where am I?

"Hello? Can you hear me?" You hear someone ask. "Oh my God! What if we killed it?!" They said, starting to panick.

What? Am I dead? I can't be! "Hello?! I'm okay! I can hear you!"
You tried to say. But you couldn't move.

"Calm down. It's still breathing. It can't be dead." Someone tried to calm down the worried person.
But they sounded worried too.

Unbelievable pain hit you. Suddenly you could move. You open your eyes to see people who had flags painted on their faces. They were sitting around you, looking worried. They all looked hurt. Some of them had black eyes. The one with the Polish flag painted on had a laceration on their forehead. The person with the Irish flag had one at the side of his head. He looked like he had taken quite a beating.

"It's awake!" The one with the flag of the US said.

"Are you okay?" They asked you.

You opened your mouth to say something, but you couldn't talk.

"What are we going to do? It needs someone to take care of them." Suddenly everyone fell silent.

"I'm sorry." The Norwegian said. "I have a meeting with Denmark about Afghanistan." He said avoiding eye contact. The American nodded.

"I'm also busy with Afghanistan." He said worried. He turned to Germany.

"I'm not sure I want the UK to find out like this." He said nervously.

Russia sighed. "Are you leaving me in charge of Poland, Ireland and the human?"

The human? What does that mean? Also why did she call the people by their flags and not by their real names?

"I don't need to be taken care of." The Pole growled. The Russian rolled her eyes.

"I think I'm okay. I don't have anyone at home. I could take the human." The Irish said.

"There is no way I'm letting you go home like that and in charge if someone who's even more wounded than you." The Russian turned to the German. "I'm sorry, but I think you should take it. Half of your family is busy with Afghanistan anyway."

The German hesitated but then he nodded. "But only if we meet tomorrow again, so we can discuss this further." Everyone nodded.

What's happening? What are these people going to do to me?

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