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The kidnapper looked down to Indias corpse. Finlands mouth went dry.

What a horrible way to die. Maybe I shouldn't have listened to her and also taken partial blame?

He let his memories drift back to what had happened.

The night had been cold and India was talking to Trinidad and Tobago about their plan.

It was Simple: Trinidad and Tobago would distract the beast and redirect him to the kidnapper, while the others would get away and flee.

But the "boss", as the kidnapper liked to be called, overheard their conversation and was able to trick Trinidad and Tobago, who got killed.

However India covered for Finland and told him about the group of remaining survivors that India had belonged to, before she got caught by the boss.

I can't believe a country could be so sick and twisted at times at these.

The group of captured slaves, used as food to the beast, was growing every day and shrinking by one member, who would get eaten as sacrifice.

Mexico, Spain, Algeria, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Qatar, Pakistan and of course me and Italy.

Finland shot a glance at the pale country.

I have to ask him about the remaining group of survivors. Maybe he has new information about them.

Canadas gaze flew over the remaining group.

Brazil, Sweden, Philippines, Australia and Vietnam.

A big rock seemed to lay in the pit of her stomach.

The group has lost so many members. I can't stop it. I can't stop the beast.

If only Happy Ends were true.

"Ähhh... wo ist Norwegen?"

You open your eyes and squint against the bright light.

"What?" You ask, your voice still scratchy.

You were facing the window, next to you the empty spot where Norway had laid.

I must've fallen asleep.

"Where's Norway?" The person who disturbed your sleep repeated.

You turn around to see Germany, looking at you surprised.

"Oh good morning Germany, I don't know where Norway is." You say getting up.

You walk up to the door to leave, but Germany doesn't move and just keeps staring at you.

"Germany, would you mind?" You ask, trying to get past him.

"Uhh... no go right ahead." He said snapping out of his trance and stepping aside.

"Wait!" He said and grabbed your wrist.

"What were you doing in his room during the night?" He asked, looking you pensively in the eyes.

"He needed someone to comfort him." You answer.

"Comfort him, huh?" He mumbled. "What kind of comforting?"

"The uh... normal kind? Will you let go of my hand?" You ask, confused.

Germany didn't answer, he seemed to have spaced out.

Dark Entity [Countryhumans x Reader]{Countryhumans Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now