Icy Wings

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Translation Below

"But you'll still be there. You'll continue to live in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. And who says that will happen anyway?" You try to calm her down.

"It's happening right now. Oh (Your Name), if only you knew how much I misused my power. I did so much wrong in the past. I do try to fix it, but how? Something so horrible can't be fixed. They won't forgive me. They'll never forgive me. It's to late. I failed. I failed everything." She hid her face with the palm of her hand and you could hear her breath go faster again.

"UK, you've changed. It's going to be okay. I promise." You hug her. She puts her head onto yours for a second. Then she takes a deep and shaky breath.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be like this. That's pathetic. I have to be strong. I should.."

"UK it's completely okay to talk about your problems. You shouldn't put a mask on. That's not good for you.

"Thank you." She mumbles. "What would I do without you?"

"We should go back." You whisper, smiling.

No one ever told me that.

"Why did you two just disappear?" Ireland asks.

"We were worried." Norway says.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

Skepsis filled some of the country's glances. He obviously mistrusted UK. You turn to UK.

"So where are we going next?"

Trinidad And Tobagos groans ended. Indias heart twisted.

It's my fault. I wanted them to do this. I didn't know it could have ended like this.

Finland looked at his slashed arm.

"Great Job. Not only did we kill Trinidad And Tobago, but we are badly wounded and will definitely die."

India but her lip.

"We didn't kill them. We have wanted to be free."

"Now we're prisoners of death." Finland sighed.

Fresh air ruffled your hair. You stood in a parking lot. Mountains towered into the sky. The peaks were full with snow.

Norway had asked you yesterday night if you wanted to visit Norway.

And now you looked up to the huge boulders that were stored in the glaciers since the last ice age.

You looked up to the mountain furthest away. A glacier crept down the mountain.

"That's where we're headed to." Norway says, pointing up to the high peak. "The biggest glacier in Europe."

"Really?" You ask. "I mean, there's definitely tons of snow there, but I've seen pictures of bigger glaciers."

"Just wait till you get there." Norway smiles.

The side of the mountains around you had many waterfalls, which filled the atmosphere with the sound of soft splashing of the water hitting the rocks below.

You start walking up the narrow path. Birds chirped in the distance. The sun beamed from the clear sky, but your breath evaporated into the clear, cold air.

"It's beautiful here." You whisper.

Norway smiles. "Thank you. Do you like mountains?"

"My parents aren't big fans. You know: it will mess up our fine clothes, why would we waste our time, we could drive, but what's there to see?"

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