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Shout Out Below

Translation Below

"What?!" The Philippines shouts in disbelief.
"Where?" Poland asks in concern.
Completely white from shock he just points at the window behind him.
You walk past him and look out of the window. Indeed. There it stood. Behind you everyone else joins. The person was completely clothed in black. They put up their arm. Their wrist dangling lifelessly to the side.
"Canada said, she was able to break their wrist." You whisper.
"At least we know that Canada, The US and Germany are safe." The UK murmurs.
"I should have gone with Thailand." You hear Indonesia whisper.
You swallow in realization, that Thailand might have been attacked.

What if she's hurt? In the middle of the woods, with no one to help her?

"She's a strong country. She's got a Bayonet and gun with her. What can a Country with a broken wrist do?" Ireland says trying to calm everyone down.

You continue to stare at the thing. It was terrifying.

They want us dead. And they're staring at me. Dead in the eye. I know that they have no chance against us. We're eight people against one. But still something tells me that this isn't just one Country. They are something bigger, way more dangerous.

Suddenly you hear a whirring noise. Then a bright light was thrown on the field where this Creature stood. Just like that, it disappeared.

Where did It go? At least the helicopter has arrived.

"What?!" Norway yells.
"No way." The UK says astounded.
"Let's get out of here." The Philippines murmurs.

"Hello." Belarus greats you, as she extends her hand to help.
"The UN meeting is in china, until the UN hall is repaired." The Check Republic says.
"Wait. I'll call Germany and ask where they're at." Norway says. "You guys have a phone with you, right?"
"Да." Belarus answered and handed him the phone.

"Hi Germany! Where are you guys?" He asks after putting the call on loud speaker.
"Uhh, wir also.. we are in New York. We heard that the meeting is in china, but The US won't leave Canada's side. This meeting is to important for us to miss, but we don't know what to do with Canada either. She hasn't woken up yet and the hospitals are empty, due to everyone attending the meeting... wait never mind she seems to have woken up. I'll call you back, okay? We'll be fine."
"You sure?" Norway asks worried.
"Ja alles wird gut. Ich leg jetzt auf, ja? Pass auf dich auf."
Then the call ends.

Finally you see the bright lights of Beijing below you. Landing wasn't a big problem luckily, even though the parking lot was busy. You see Canada lean on The US shoulder. The rest of the Germanics were standing by her. Denmark is the first to spot you. He pokes Germany on the shoulder and points over to you guys. He nods back and calls Thailand. Then both of them start walking towards you.

"Thank goodness your safe." The Philippines says, wrapping his arms around Thailand.
"I'm happy to see you guys safe too." She answers.
"You won't believe what we saw." Norway murmurs. "We saw It! The thing that attacked Canada. And it just disappeared after it got shown on by light."
"Huh? Are you sure you're okay?" Germany asks concerned.
"He's telling the truth." You indorse.
"We all saw It." Indonesia reassures.
"What did they look like?" Thailand asks doubtingly. Are you sure it wasn't just shade or a tree stump or something like that.
You shake your head.
"It'll be back anyway. You'll see It then." Poland murmurs.
"Yeah sure... you guys need some water?" Germany asks.

"I'm going to go ask Canada how she's doing." Poland says after a long awkward silence.
You look at his face expression. That's when it hits you.

He thinks it's his fault she was attacked! His face expression looks like it is dark shame itself.

Keeping his gaze fixed to the ground, he made his way through the big groups of Countries.
Everyone else follows him. You stay back a bit. You feel something in your pocket. You take it out.


You look at it.

Our relationship has been so distant after the incident with the rocks. How much I miss the friendship we had. I'm going to talk to him again. I hope I can restore it somehow.

You feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn around to see Germany's concerned face expression. "You okay?"
You nod.
He sighs.
"I don't know what's going on, but if you have anything you'd like to tell me.."
"Uh.. guys?" You hear Russia behind you.
You turn around to see her glare at Germany. Then she grabs your arm and drags you with her.
"Weird." You hear Indonesia behind you.

"You can keep standing." China says to your group.
"Canada has to sit down." The US says glaring at China.
"Don't give me that tone." China glares at him. "You can answer why someone tries to slit my wrist with a bayonet, holding a gun, MADE BY YOU."
"Well we have the same question for YOU!" The US shouts back. Thailand gets out a plastic bag with the bayonet and gun and slams it on the table.
"Just because you fear for your influence doesn't mean that you can run around attacking people! It's not funny!" China yells, also slamming a bayonet and gun on the table.
"Does THIS look like a JOKE to YOU?!" He yells pointing at Canada. "What kind of sick and twisted game are you playing?!"

"How about we don't fight about this? You just give me the human and we'll be fine!"

Huh? Does he want to trade me like an object?

"How is that going to be a solution to the FACT that you're a MURDERER?" The US was completely furious.
"I know that you're a good actor, but this is serious."
"You have a bandage on your hand." Canada murmurs. "The one who attacked me has a broken wrist."
"Huh? That's ridiculous!"

"You can't just just tell a hurt person their ridiculous!" You hear Brazil get up.

"True." You recognize Romania by their flag.

"Don't listen to him!" The US continues to protest. "He attacked my sister! For no reason at all!"

"How do you know it was him?" You see North Korea get up.

"Shut up! You two always work together!"

This is crazy!

"Before the human, there was no problem at all! Either we eliminate them, or there will be WAR!"

People I Appreciate

@yatogamikurumi Thanks for voting on 'The Woods At Night'! I'm glad you liked it. )


Uhh, wir also..\ Uhh, so we..

Ja alles wird gut. Ich leg jetzt auf, ja? Pass auf dich auf.\Yes, everything will be fine. I'm going to hang up now, okay? Take care.

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