Shopping Cart

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Translation Below

Maybe it's better if we stay here for a bit?Loosing France was a big shock.

You open your eyes. You were back in your garden. "So how do we get in?" Ireland asks turning to you.

Good question.

"I hope my parents are gone, we were planning on leaving in two days. Otherwise we'll have a lot of explaining to do. Or we could leave to my actual house." You murmur.
"Okay." Romania nods. "Sounds like a Plan. Except how are we getting in through the back door?"
"It's got a passcode box hidden somewhere." You say.

It's supposed to be hidden behind the water collector.

You take it and start pulling it away from the wall.
"Now I just hope I remember the code." You sigh to yourself.

Was it 294471? Yes!

The door opens. You get in. Your friends following you. It was the other side of the entry hall. There was a carpet laid out in front of you.

"Wow." Norway mumbles. "So you guys are fancy huh?"
"Yup. Make yourself at home." You sigh.
You walk up one of the set of stairs.

My room! Something familiar in days!

You let yourself fall on your bed.

"Are you okay?" You hear The US's concerned voice.
"Yes. I guess I did miss my room a bit." You mumble. "I'm sorry I'm a bad guest keeper. You guys want something to drink?" You ask, getting up.
"Nah I'm good." The US says. "The rest is downstairs."
"Yeah I'll go and ask them too." You murmur.
You walk down the stairs, three at a time.

Just come and stop me (Your foster parents names).

"This Place is huge!" Germany says in awe.
"Yeah." The UK agrees.
"It reminds me of the castle in Bavaria."
"Reminds me of Edinburgh castle." The UK says.

"Come on, it's not that big. And its hollow. Super boring. I'd rather live in a small house without meaningless stuff, that just lays around cause it's expensive." You say, a little more angry than intended. "Sorry about that tone." You apologize after everyone glances at you surprised. "This house just brings up bad memories." You sigh.
"It's okay." The UK smiles.

"You guys want anything to drink?" You ask, hoping to make up to them.
"You guys got any beer?" Germany asks.
The UK snickers. "How come that's the first thing you ask for?"
"I think we only have water." You murmur.
"What? We have to got shopping." Poland exclaims.
"Yeah. I don't think we have anything to eat either." You sigh.

"I'll go shopping. You guys watch out. My parents have ears like Granny."
"Granny?" Belarus asks.
"Never mind. Just don't break anything please."

"Wait, you're leaving us here?" Russia asks.

"Yeah of course. I don't know how humanity would take it after they find out that Countryhumans have entered our Universe." You explain.
"No, you can't do that!" Russia insists. "I'm definitely coming with you."
"Yeah me too." Ireland says.
"You can't get rid of me that quickly." The US says, crossing his arms.
"I'm also.."
"Fine!" You interrupt Germany. "You all come with. Happy now?"
"Yes." Romania says.
Norway nods, while helping Poland take care of his wounds.
Germany had already been taken care of.

"Great let me get my credit card and I suggest you wear something to hide your faces!" You say running up the stairs, two at a time.

And no one's going to stop me! No one's telling me "Hey (Your Name), that's not how people of meaning go up the stairs! Your not two years old! Behave!"
Hah! I wish my parents could see me now.

You leave the house again, keys and credit card safely stored in your pocket.
"It's a twenty minute walk from here, if we go straight through the woods." You say.
"Great Let's go straight through the woods then." Russia says.
"But the probability of us getting lost is higher." You finish.
"Psh, we won't get lost."
"Why don't we just use the chip?" The UK asks Germany.
"We should use it as little as possible. It's dangerous to travel that way, remember?" Germany sighs.
"Yeah but.."

"Guys I think it's better if we walk." Poland says. "Fresh air and it's safe. I'm sure we won't get lost."
"It's going to get dark out soon." Norway frowns looking at the sky.
"What are you scared?" Poland grins.
"No. But as (Your Name) said.."
"Guys come on, the longer we talk about this the sooner it's going to get dark." You snap.

"I... I'm sorry." You mutter, trying to avoid the confused, concerned and slightly angered gazes.
"Yeah... let's go." Russia murmurs, not taking her questioning gaze off you.

What's wrong with me?! No wonder I had no friends. I always thought that I didn't fit in with all the snobs, but it turns out I'm just as spoiled as they are!

"Something wrong?" You hear Romania ask you.
"Yes." You say. "There's obviously something wrong with me! I always thought that I didn't belong to all the snobs here, but apparently I do! All you've ever done is been kind to me and now I treat you like this!.."
"Calm down, calm down. It's okay." The US says putting his hand on your shoulder.
"No it's not okay! What's wrong with me?! You were the only one who accepted me. You're the first friends I ever had! Why do I treat you like this?!"

"Hey it's okay." The Norway says. "We haven't always been nice to you either. Come on, we used to call you the human. Besides, the fact that you get upset about us means that you fit in perfectly!"
"Yeah. Russia and me for example. We fight a lot. All of us do. Look at Ireland and UK. Germany and UK. Russia and Poland. Belarus and Poland. Russia and Belarus. Norway and uh... Ireland and The UK used to fight a lot. Romania and his entire family.."
"Hey!" Romania protests.
"See? We all get on each other's nerves. And we only get bothered by it cause we care about each other."

"Yeah right." The Russia laughs.
"Come on you and me.. all of us. We're all a group of friends that can't stand each other sometimes. And that's what makes our friendship unpredictable."
"Yeah." Everyone says, starting to talk to you all at once on how much you meant to them.

Tears of gratefulness prick your eyes.
"Thank you." You murmur and hug him.
"No problem kid." The US hugs back.

What would I do without these guys?

"You two done yet?" Poland interrupts, steeping on one foot to the other.
"That's a way to ruin a moment." You laugh.
Then you all to walk deeper into the woods.

"Let's get a shopping cart and get out of here." You say, hoping you were loud enough so that they could hear you.
"Shopping cart?" Belarus asks.
You quickly get one and enter the store, hoping to escape the busy parking lot.
The shop was a little less busy, but there still was quite the amount of people.

"So this is a superstore. It should have everything we need." You say.
"Is that a shopping cart?" Germany asks.
"Yeah. You don't have shopping carts?"
"No we usually have baskets." The US says.
"What's this for?" Poland asks, opening the flap that was for children to sit in.
"That's for little kids." You say. "To sit in."
"Ireland, that would be something for you!" Poland says grinning.
"Very funny." Ireland glares back.

"Can I sit in the cart?" Russia asks.
"No that's where.." You start, but Russia ignores you and gets in.
"Make room for me too!" Poland says.
"Darf ich?" Germany asks and points to the handle of the cart. Before you answer he takes it and starts driving them with high speed through the mall.
"Guys hey!" You shout after them.
"Wait for me!" You hear The US giggle. He and The UK start running after them.
"Guys seriously stop! If you run over something or someone we'll be in big trouble!" You say running after them.

People I appreciate

@HarrisBee and @seolyuri thanks for voting for 'My Universe'!


Darf ich?/May I?

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