Welcome Home [The End]

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Authors Note at the end of the chapter.

Your heart skipped a beat.

Am I dead? What is the USA doing here?

"No, no, no. This can't be happening." His voice quivered as he broke down in tears.
"You did it, (Your Name)! You saved us. Why? Why does the world have to be so cruel?"

You could barely feel his hand on your cheek.

Wait. So I'm not dead yet? Then why are you here? I saved you? You mean I brought you back?

"Wake up, please." He begged you.

But your bent and broken body remained motionless in the flickering light of the lab.

"I won't let it happen. I'll get the others. Yes, they'll know what to do. Sit tight. Don't stop breathing." He softly kissed your forehead before you heard his footsteps accelerating as he left you by yourself.

Did he say the others? So they're alive again? All of them? And he's bringing them to me?

You sat there on your own, waiting as hours past by, still feeling how your life slowly left your body, as if your soul was starting to collect itself on it's journey to eternal peace.

Finally you heard echoing footsteps in the hallway. Closely followed by over dramatic gasping.

"Blimey! You really weren't exaggerating this time!" You heard UK's shocked voice.

"Of course not! You think I'd make something like this up?" USA sobbed.

"We have to think of something. Quickly." Norway said.

The room fell silent, the only sound remaining was USA's quiet sobbing.

"We don't have much time! They're starting to breathe weaker and weaker already. They could stop at any moment now." Ireland sounded like he was at the verge of panicking.

"But how do you give medical care to a human? A broken leg alone needs three weeks until it's healed!"

"Three weeks?" Germany sounded as if he were about to faint.

"And they can't be resurrected after they die." Romania said, sounding thoughtful.

"This would be so much more easier if they'd be a country." Poland whined.

"Be a Country... guys that's it!" Germany exclaimed. "We have to convert them!"

"I don't think this is a good time to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ.." Poland said.

"What? No! That's not what I meant. USA, remember when we studied human anatomy? Their genes are very fragile and it's easy to manipulate them."

"Yes... go on." USA mumbled nervously.

"So, simply exchanging a dose of body fluid would make them... one of us."

"Great! How do we do that?" Belarus asked.

"Well... what body fluids can you think of?"

"Blood." Romania mumbled.

"Yeah, I can just pierce my finger with my fingernail.." Belarus said.

"A drop won't be enough. It would have to be the dose of at least a half a finger."

"Alright... I'll brake my finger off, no problem." Poland said.

"Wait! There has to be some kind of other option." Ireland quickly interrupted Poland. "Isn't there any other body fluid we could use?"

"Phlegm, sweat.." USA listed.

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