Presents and Apologies

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You entered Poland's room. The first thing you noticed where the windows. There were mushrooms hung up on a string and placed in front of the windows, probably to dry. There was a collection of old ceramic bowls in a shelf, which were filled with what seemed beautiful Easter eggs.

"Welcome." Poland said. "Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Well if you have food, I'd eat some." You said hopefully.

"Did Germany not feed you?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well only breakfast. We kind of forgot to eat." You said, hoping that that wouldn't sound stupid.

"You forgot or did he not want to give you food?" He asked not really believing you.

"Huh?" You ask confused, wondering why Poland was passively trying to accuse Germany of starving you.

"Anyway Germany was being really weird. Most of the time he tries to stay out of conflicts, but he stood up for you today. If he wasn't being nice and trying to act that he's fine with you being here, he must really like you."

What was this Country talking about?

"Why would Germany not want me here? And why would he really like me for standing up to me?"

Poland looked at you as if he couldn't understand why whatever he was saying wasn't confusing.
"Do you humans know anything about our history?"

"Your history? No."

"Well there was this global conflict going on. We called it World War 2..."

"Hold up." You interrupt him. "WW2 is a part of our history too. So I do know what that is and what happened."

"So you know what Germany is like?"

"Was like." You correct him. Did he really think that Germany was still the horrible country from back then?

"Well I guess you don't know Germany too well then." He shrugged.

"Every country was horrible at some point." You murmured. But remembering history class and even just seeing the pictures in Germany's old room made you shudder. Nothing worse has ever happened before.

Some time later Poland entered the room again. In his hand a bowl with sweet smelling, what seemed like pastries. "Leniwe Pierogi." He explained.

Technically cooked dough with brown sugar and marmalade.

"It tastes great." You say fascinated how a simple dish could taste so good.

After you finished there was an awkward silence.

"Do you want to go outside?" Poland finally broke the silence.

"Yeah!" You said happy that you could breathe fresh air again finally. You got up and realized that your scrapes and bruises from the portal trip were still hurting.

"Wszystko okay?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah." you say realizing that you were shaking.

"Did he do this to you?" He asked his face turning into a dark expression.

Did he mean Germany? Wow was he really so scarred from that event? Did he really think Germany would still do something so horrible?

"Germany? No of course not! Listen Germany has changed. He's not the some person he was."

Has he though? With a pang you remember his blank expression, or how angry he could get.

Sometimes you could get really scared around this guy. Poland didn't answer just turned around and practically ran out of the house. You followed, biting your lip so you wouldn't scream when you jumped down two steps at once so you could catch up.

Dark Entity [Countryhumans x Reader]{Countryhumans Fanfiction}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora