The Dark Eagle's Wings Enlighted

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"It's a miracle I didn't loose my flashlight." USA murmured after a while.

"I was also lucky that I had my pocket knife in the right moment." You said searching for it.

"This one?" USA asked handing you it.

"How did you...?" Stunned you took the knife in your sore hand and put it back in your pocket.

The two of you continued to walk together in silence. You enjoyed it. A moment without death and drama was rare. But didn't last long.

USA sniffled, his eyes sparkled with tears.

"Are you alright?" You asked him.

He realized you noticed he was crying and quickly wiped them away.

"Yes, yes I'm fine." He quickly said.

"Are you sure?" You asked him, putting your hand on his shoulder.

He shrugged. "I... I do my best, you know? I really try to be a good country. But it's hard. Especially when you have the more responsibility than everyone. If I mess up... then everyone is going to have a big problem. When I had just been introduced to European beliefs and finally got my independence... well... all I wanted was influence and power, so I could help weaker countries.

Until everyone in eastern Europe decided to join the USSR... I really, REALLY disliked her. USSR's beliefs, this communism, it spoke against everything capitalism stands for. I couldn't let her do that. A country is supposed to be free, not slave for minimum wage. And then I lost in Vietnam. That's when I should have realized you can't force a country to do something.

A little later the twin towers were attacked. It was horrible. I... I just got so paranoid. I shouldn't have messed in Iraq. I just..." USA's eyes sparkled again.
"I regret all of it. Sometimes I feel like the whole world rests on my shoulders. A world that doesn't even like me. So I hide that feeling, but deep down... it doesn't work."

You carefully put your hand on his shoulder.

"I failed them, (Your Name). And it's too late now."

"No one is perfect, USA. Everyone makes mistakes."

"Isn't there anyone who likes me for who I am?"

"I do." You reassured him.

He turned to you, stunned.
"You do?"

"Of course."

"No one has ever said that to me." He mumbled, sobbing.
Suddenly he took your arm and pulled you into a hug.

"Let's get out of here." He whispered.

You walked together, side by side.

At least I've still got him.

Suddenly USA stopped.
"Do you see that?"


"The silhouette?" He said and pointed to the edge of the wood.

A figure stood there.


USA got his flashlight out and let it shine on the humanoid person.

"It's gone now." He mumbled.

"That's weird."

Suddenly great force blew from behind you. Surprised you landed on the floor.

A loud, screech filled the air. One that reminded you of a bold eagle.

"Are you okay?" USA asked, helping you up.

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