Open Portal

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Ireland walked up to the control panel to turn up the volume. Even if there was no picture, there was a lot to hear. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine what this world looked like.

It was pretty similar. But everything seemed to be shaking.

Oh yeah, the earthquake.

Not only the shaking was disturbing his thoughts, but also the whirling sound of the portal, which they tried to open.

Then suddenly he heard a door slam. Surprised he opened his eyes. Everyone was staring at the screen. Still everything was pitch black, but there was a faint sound of footsteps getting closer and closer.

Then suddenly, for a split second at the end there was a flash picture. It was too fast for somebody to be able to recognize what it was.

"Stop the tape!" The US yelled as soon as it came up.

Unfortunately not even Norway's reflexes were that fast. When he smacked down on the button the moment had already passed.

Annoyed the US shoved Norway away from the control panel of the TV and started to fiddle around with it.

"No you missed it again!" Poland said, and tried to shove the US away from the panel.

"Aww no we missed it again." The US said annoyed.

"Let me take care of that." Russia said.

"No wait three seconds back." Poland told Russia when she skipped a few seconds forward.

"Would you go away?!" Russia snapped. But ended up missing the point anyway.

"Just let me do it." Germany said. Soon they started arguing about who was supposed to pause a stupid video tape, while all of them kept missing the spot.

Ireland watched them, amused. He turned to Norway. He didn't seem to be having a good time. Actually he looked annoyed.

"Okay! That's it!" Norway said shoving himself through to the control panel. "Back off everybody." He said glancing back at the other countries. Then he started the video again. When the screen flashed the picture again, Norway hit the pause button. Everybody fell silent. There was a human. It curiously stretched their hand out. Nobody dared to say something. They just continued to stare at the screen.

Suddenly the US turned to Germany. You didn't have to look at his face to notice that he was furious.

"HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!" He yelled at Germany.

Germany's turned from worried to cold. "How I could have let this happen? We're all involved in this. Only because I pulled some stupid lever doesn't make it MY fault."

"Seriously?! THERE IS A HUMAN STUCK IN THE PORTAL AND YOU'RE DISCUSSING ABOUT WHOSE FAULT IT IS?!" Ireland lashed out at the two countries.

Poland walked up to the panel. "Maybe when you finished fighting we could find out how we're going to open the portal in our dimension without opening it in the human one."

"Easy." Norway said. Everybody turned around. Before anyone could open their mouth to say something, an ax slammed into the right side of the control panel, which was responsible for the connection to the human world.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? IT TOOK US A YEAR TO BUILD THAT. HOW ARE WE EVER GOING TO BRING THE HUMAN BACK?" Russia shouted. Suddenly all the countries started shouting at each other.

Except Poland. Rolling his eyes he typed and switched around at the control panel for a bit. Suddenly the lights went of in the room. Everybody fell silent once again.

"Wait, it actually worked?" Russia asked.

"Of course." Norway said, rolling his eyes. "Why wouldn't it? There's nothing wrong with my accuracy." He said glaring at Russia.

Russia huffed.

The countries walked back out of the machine and out into the big room.
Then in the middle of the room, a spinning heatwave started to form.

"It's working." Germany whispered. "Oh my god it's really working!"

The heatwave started to take a golden color. It grew stronger and the twirl got bigger. Suddenly it opened and started to pull the countries towards it.

"Quick! Pull the lever!" The US shouted. Poland tried to reach the lever, but the portal got stronger. He falls to his knees before he reaches it but quickly got up again.

Finally he could retract the lever. The portal stopped. Everything seemed to. Then suddenly it started to shrink really fast. But instead of pulling towards it, it blew an incredible force.

Poland hit his head on the lever, and fell to the floor again. All the other countries were flung into the wall off the machine. Ireland was really unlucky. He flew missed the wall and flung against the edge of the frame that marked the entrance. He didn't get back up.

Dark Entity [Countryhumans x Reader]{Countryhumans Fanfiction}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon