Rays Of Hope

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You open your eyes, the taste of blood and the stinging in your eyes was still there. Tears pricked your eyes.

"Hey, hey! It's okay." Romania says and puts his arm around your shoulder. "It was just a dream."
"A very realistic one." You rasp, while the pain started to ease.
Romania pats your arm and leans his head down onto yours.

You look down to the river. Now it was sparkling silver. The moon shined bright through the clouds, giving them a silver brim. A bat flew across the sky, flashing a momentarily shadow into the moonlight.

You chuckle and close your sore eyes again. A cold breeze brushed through the grass.

"We should go home soon."

Vietnam's eyes were redder than normal. I could imagine I looked the same. Indonesia shakes out one last breath, until her wound in her throat spills out black blood and the black cloud, that had taken The United Arab Emirates, covered her.

Her happy, unbreakable spirit was lost now.
"No!" I mourn, not being able to shout anymore.
"What was it, that was chasing you?" Canada whispers, eyes clouded with mental pain.
"The thing that watched us from outside in ireland." I murmur, tears pricking my eyes.
"It's going to be the okay, Philippines."Thailand says and wraps her arm around my shoulder.
"Have you found Slovakia and Kazakhstan yet?" Brazil asks Canada.
"No." Canada whispers.

The thing slit Indonesias throat, just like that. As if it were butter.

"In times like this we have to stick together. We can't give up just yet." Brazil says, after she got up.

Her calm and collected words gave us hope.

"We have to keep moving. We have to stay in daylight. That seems to be the only time the creature can't leave his dark walls." She continues.

Canada nods, thankful that Brazil was the one talking to the group, since she obviously wasn't mentally capable at that time. Brazil returns the gaze with a 'no problem' look and lends her her hand.

I also got up and helped Thailand too.

Not all is lost yet.

I enter the house.

Home sweet home.

You let yourself fall on the couch, Poland immediately. Joins you, energetic and excited.

"Do you want to visit poland sometime?" He asks.
"Yeah. Sure that be nice." You nod.
"Then it's set." He said, clapping his hands on his legs and jumping up, knocking Germany over.

He fell onto the UK almost knocking her over to.
"Are you okay?" She asks laughing, while Poland lends him a hand.
"Komm mal runter." Germany laughs.
"Wszystko chodzi?" Poland also laughs.
"Ja." Germany tries to calm down.

You turn to Ireland, who was sitting next to you.
"So I guess it's an unspoken rule, that whoever takes you to their country has to make food." You say.
You want to get up to help your friends, but he takes your arm and pulls you back down.

"Stay." He begs, making pretty impressive puppy eyes.
"Okay." You laugh, leaning back.
UK sits down next to Norway. Stretching her back.

The calm and friendly atmosphere was nice. No one seemed to be fighting. Lost in their own thoughts and happily chatting, your Country-Friends were calming down. So were you.

Closing your eyes, your thoughts wonder to the past history you had in this house.

You climbing down the gutter the first time. You had regretted trying it immediately, but it started to become routine. You freezing, while walking through the icy wind in the winter, or avoiding the thickets and ponds in the summer, so you wouldn't get any mosquito bites.

You running up the stairs, while your strict parents would yell after you that 'A fine lady doesn't behave that way.' Or every time you'd crack your joints they would go 'Ew, that's disgusting. Stop it.'

And then you'd leave this place after vacation, to go back to your house, back to school to the annoying snob kids, that would just say their last name and everyone would be like 'Ahh! O my god he comes from that wealthy snob family. He must become a lawyer when he grows up.'

Every time someone would have asked for your name you'd avoid saying your last name. To avoid prejudice and being associated with a rich and noble life.

Because it disgusts me.

You started to drift away to sleep, while your friends happily chatted.

Looks like they've made up. It's nice to be around them when they aren't fighting.

Your eyes opened. Once more you found yourself in hilly terrain. Brazil, Canada, Malaysia, Philippines, Sweden, Vietnam, Thailand and Australia were huddling together, watching the sunrise hungrily. They looked like they haven't slept in days. They were quiet. None of them talked or looked at each other. All they did was watch the golden sun, crawling across the hilltop. You started getting use to the fact that they couldn't see you, even though they felt super realistic. You sit down next to them.

"You know, back at my place we miss you guys." You say.

You didn't receive an answer. Just a soft sigh from Malaysia.

"I don't know what's up with my dreams, but you seem so real." You continue. "If only we knew how to get back..." You sigh.

Silence followed your comment. You close your eyes, while a post-night breeze ruffled your hair.

"The sun looks beautiful." Brazil's voice made you snap out of your daydreams. "I really hope Switzerland, China and Japan have already made it over the alps."

Your stomach pulls itself together.

China and Japan are dead. I don't know what happened with Switzerland, but I hope he didn't share their fate.

You sigh and continue to look out to the sun, with your friends, that parted you by one dimension.

I miss you guys. I really do.

Thank you to the best supporters anyone could wish for...







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